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Everything posted by yubba

  1. this could be do able till you get the correct tanks It's called qaulity control we should have tanks right out of the box ,, don't like what I did don't use it. Meanwhile I got Tanks. as always enjoy
  2. img00035

    From the album Untitled Album

    that's a little more believable
  3. oooohh look tanks 5 minutes ago this didn't have tanks in SFP-1 I think It's alittle much but for Birds you can't get tanks for use this
  4. img00011

    From the album Untitled Album

  5. img00033

    From the album Untitled Album

  6. img00034

    From the album Untitled Album

  7. try this ,this will give you tanks till some one hashes this out,,, this is what I'm using on the F-15E ,,F-105G F-18s it's better than nothing, this is from the load out file,,, [Attack] Loadout[01].WeaponType=LAU-3A Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=LAU-3A Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=TANK300_A4 <--------- swap what tank is written,,, to this Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=TANK300_A4 <-------" " Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=CBU-52 Loadout[05].Quantity=6 Loadout[05].RackType=MER This is in your aircraft Data .ini [LeftWingStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=3 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-3.350,-1.9983,-0.8446 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-3.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1400 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RP,FT,ARM,MER AttachmentType=USAF/NATO ModelNodeName=pylon_right_middle PylonMass=218.1 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=Tank300_A4 < -------- put this entry in as written
  8. Here's something for you to wrap your head around when you get bored of dive bombing http://combatace.com...-radar-bombing/ Here is your free fall tables for. 555knts and mach 0.84 nautical miles are modeled in to the radar of your plane statued miles are displayed in your target information box ,and the higher you go the thinner the air so your air speed indicater will not show true speed, you confused yet.. 1000ft =8sec=1.42 statued miles = 1.23nm 5000ft=17sec=3.02 statued miles = 2.62nm 10,000ft=24sec=4.26 statued miles= 3.7nm 20,000ft=35sec=6.2 statued miles = 5.4 nautical miles I edit my radar for 3 miles,, 6 miles,, 10 miles,, 20 miles ect ect ,, I try to get aiming point half way down the scope,, alt and speed are critical,,, or you can fly level and blind to the target box and release to target info box reads the statue miles that I have set up in tables
  9. aaaaw you are going to make me blush,, it's more of a edit and I got lucky it worked,,,As it's a F-105G and you can only get it to fly in a more of a modern addon campaign starting in the 80's why shouldn't it have a hud and some modern avionics,, I'm glad I found that mod that hides the ccip sight ,, that wasn't realistic at all having that floating all over the pit,,, again thanks to all the guys that worked on the mods and the planes
  10. The ground radar wasn't modeled to acquire targets like the air to air radar,, but though that would be a neat mod ,,, but I did figure out that you can edit the radar range in the avionic file found in the aircraft folder that you want to fly,,, there's a thread that explains radar bombing and we worked out some tables if you want to do it the hard way http://combatace.com/topic/27984-radar-bombing/ Here is your free fall tables for. 555knts and mach 0.84 nautical miles are modeled in to the radar of your plane statued miles are displayed in your target information box ,and the higher you go the thinner the air so your air speed indicater will not show true speed, you confused yet.. 1000ft =8sec=1.42 statued miles = 1.23nm 5000ft=17sec=3.02 statued miles = 2.62nm 10,000ft=24sec=4.26 statued miles= 3.7nm 20,000ft=35sec=6.2 statued miles = 5.4 nautical miles I edit my radar for 3 miles,, 6 miles,, 10 miles,, 20 miles ect ect ,, I try to get aiming point half way down the scope,, alt and speed are critical,,, or you can fly level and blind to the target box and release to target info box reads the statue miles that I have set up in tables
  11. this was taken in the F-105G I put a hud and ccip in ,, this for a reference to show you where you might want to set your bombsight was cominng in at -12 degrees,, 1100 ft,, 580knts,, bombs fell where sight was..
  12. img00032

    From the album Untitled Album

  13. I got a question ,, that has nagged me over this payware,,, are they paying royalties to the owners and developers of the strike fighters series ????
  14. I think you are grabbing at something to big,,, I'd go with a specific building or tent as Headquarters US Infantry camp
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_P-47_Thunderbolt#Bubbletop_P-47s
  16. I could use some help on bomb release sound,, please. thought I had it but don't.
  17. Here are a few suggestions to make it a enjoyable experience for all ,and is open for others to make suggestions,, It looks like there is one spawning point,, so that area should be neutral so no buddy gets ate up soon as they spawn in,,,or if a flier is in the area he doesn't get shot down like I did to Streak last night popped in and put a few rounds into him in a matter of seconds after spawning in,,,,I think the spawning area should be the battle front line running east to west,,, north of the line should be red so soviet aircraft spawning in should fly directly north x number of miles, and blue American aircraft spawning in should fly south x number of miles,,, the spawning in point is a waypoint so you can tell how far away you are from it..I went online and flew solo alittle bit,, I think spawning in we should fly depending on the aircraft being piloted fly at least 40 miles in the direction respectively to what side you are on before engaging foes and the engagement area should be 30 miles either side of the battle front line if any that has played half court basketball it would be like that,,that's about all I got.
  18. wov-1 hyperlobby I'm on a vista machine,, go here,,http://combatace.com/topic/89699-anyone-interested-in-an-sfp1wox-series-dogfight-server/
  19. sorry I should have reported earlier,, after changing my terrian back to stock I got in,,. flew the f-4j that I got customize with hud and F-15e avionic it ran great I had 45,,on the ping and 60fps flew in and landed seemed to be pretty smooth didn't notice any lag,, I'm head there now 2027 easter too 2100 then bath time,, then after that I'll come back
  20. Hurricane Matthew

    sorry I should have reported earlier,, after changing my terrian back to stock I got in,,. flew the f-4j that I got customize with hud and F-15e avionic it ran great I had 45,,on the ping and 60fps flew in and landed seemed to be pretty smooth didn't notice any lag,,
  21. Hurricane Matthew

    10 mlies from Port Canaveral here on Merrit Island 12 miles south of the Space Center a few shingles missing power out for 2 hrs Cat 4 the Space Center was built here for a reason
  22. How about computer to computer at home with WOV-1,what would be the set up for that, I usely have 2 of every thing with game boxes I been trying for years to set up a flight sim parlor,, I'm just a stones throw away from the space center ,, I did have a few interested,, but it was me doing all the leg work..and now the IL-2 community is dwindling and most of the stuff flies like crap online.
  23. I miss spoke on wov 84 sorry about the confusion,,but,I did get green hell 3.2 of strike fighters 2 to work in 1,

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