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Everything posted by yubba

  1. Getting it off my chest.

    I forgot that I was involved with those hacks 4 years ago until I tried to reregister back this last spring ,IL-2 had me hooked for years,and when I didn't want to mess with CUP, so I came back here, they reminded me I was banned for reveiling state secrets 4 years ago,,, back when the B-52 mod was just starting out,,boy was that thing a mess I showed them how to do something with it boy did they get mad,,,,,,and when I came back this last spring,, I saw things hadn't changed with some aircraft so I went nuts with some help of friends,, hope you enjoy my edits, what I learned there I brought here, hey a-team can you feel me now.
  2. now there's a thought,, since I don't use auto pilot I wouldn't ,know of that problem,with all the work I've done on the bombers I have yet too incountered that problem,,,so how are you guys targeting the target or bombing it I should say I've gotten to where I can fly in maually at 30,000,, get lined up on the target and hit wing leveler,,,and release at 7.6 statued miles out,,and hit the target objective box,,with the 6th or 7th bomb in the train the rest are noise,, I have threads in here,explaining how to, here's one http://combatace.com/topic/88384-can-your-b-52-do-this/
  3. go here, to get your HUD, Bombsight, LGBs and Radar squared away,,,http://combatace.com/topic/86738-buffy-goes-to-school-lgbs-for-the-b-52/ ,,,,, http://combatace.com/topic/87174-a-hud-for-a-thud/
  4. B-21 Black Jack. or for you old farts Bingo.
  5. this is the way you line up on a target for any bomb run I'm using the avionic package out of the A-7k that Corsair 2 seater found at column 5 ,, I started with the earliest B52 the 03 H,,I figured on doing a evolution series of this package with the avionics,, I didn't put ccip sight in so this would be high alittude qued bomber but there wasn't a reverence to line up on the target.
  6. img00016

    From the album Untitled Album

  7. like I said it works on all air craft,,
  8. Seeing is believing ,,this was done with radar bombing, speed was 8.4 mach,,at 10,000ft,, to do this you edit the radar range mine are 3, 5, 10, 20, 40. so at 10,000ft you want your radar set at 10 miles half way down the scope is 5miles so figure where 3.7 is at in the scope and you get this
  9. img00017

    From the album Untitled Album

  10. Here is your free fall tables for. 555knts and mach 0.84 nautical miles are modeled in to the radar of your plane statued miles are displayed in your target information box ,and the higher you go the thinner the air so your air speed indicater will not show true speed, you confused yet.. 1000ft =8sec=1.42 statued miles = 1.23nm 5000ft=17sec=3.02 statued miles = 2.62nm 10,000ft=24sec=4.26 statued miles= 3.7nm 20,000ft=35sec=6.2 statued miles = 5.4 nautical miles
  11. ok bear with me I call this triple nickle bombing worked it out in Qued bombing,, that's where I found a problem. 555knts=.84mach=938ftpersecond nm= 6,076ft statue mile =5,280ft solid mass free fall from 20,000 ft = 35 seconds = 5.4nautical miles = 6.2 statued miles thinking all the target information to be true I released at 5.4 and over shot about a mile redid the same run and released at 6.2 was dead on the money,, with my math a goofed up I double checked with the online caculators still came out what it is the target box is showing statued miles instead of nautical miles the best aircraft to check this is the f-111 it has a radar altimeter that goes over 20,000 ft and the mach meter is true I was doing 10,000 ft qued bomb runs hit the target box with the first set of bombs useing the statued miles reading. this works on every aircraft,, when not messing with the B52 and the B-1 ,, by the way I'm the guy that got the B-1 up and running in sfp-1 this summer with some help of freinds., well any how when I'm not tooting my own horn,, I like flying the F-4 series and they work well in qued bombing ,, now if we can get the ai to form up and drop their bombs when I do would be a project for some one more versed in this subject..
  12. And I have that worked out,where it is close to what you speak of, matter of fact I have a thread on that very subject,,Called Blind mans Bluff Que Bombing ,,it is where you fly in on the target,,,at a set altitude and speed using the target box as a marker and using the target information in the lower right corner as it counts down the miles to target and release ,, I got tables all made up when to release it works quite well. http://combatace.com/topic/87329-blindmans-bluff-qued-bombing/ ,,,and that thread needs to be updated the data is alittle flawed and worst of it all it's in another thread.
  13. img00014

    From the album Untitled Album

  14. This is the cockpit of the B-52H 03,, I editted the radar as you can see in the pic,so you can radar bomb,, you also have a hud ,,the tables are a little rough I tried it with this,, because I didn't edit the ccip sight right so I had no bombsight, in this guy. I fell alittle short,,on the radar bombing,, table says If I am doing 555knts or 8.4 mach at 10,000ft I should release at 4.26 miles bombing my own base I'm such a bad boy..
  15. img00012

    From the album Untitled Album

  16. img00013

    From the album Untitled Album

  17. that was done by switching out the avionics from a 2 seat a-7 found over at natofighters column 5,,
  18. oookie dokie,, I'm good don't mind me ,, you don't mind if I show some of the folk what I came up with,,,this is my bombsight..I was alittle late hitting the screen shot after I pickled..but of course the pic are out of order but the bombs hit where I pickled. well there is this one thing I'm looking for is to be able to fire cruise missles off the B-52
  19. img00011

    From the album Untitled Album

  20. img00010

    From the album Untitled Album

  21. and then I guess you wouldn't mind telling us how you did it or provide a link on doing so ...there might be something I missed..
  22. well it didn't do it out of the box,,,so that tells me some folks that aren't modders are flying stuff ,,that they can't hit the target with..
  23. img00009

    Can your SFP-2 B-52 do this ???
  24. img00009

    From the album Untitled Album


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