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Everything posted by yubba

  1. me too I found that Green Hell terrain for wov,it looks great,you guys did a nice job,,
  2. on another note I've found a nice terrain set for wov called green hell,, looks great. so when you get that 105 up you got some nice stuff to crash into.
  3. Hey, kid what's up..?? I have found things in here are not what they seem,,, miles per hour are different than knots,,,which way I couldn't tell you at the moment, if I would to guess a knot is faster so you need to find out scale the flight model is useing..
  4. Don't forget this guy , http://www.bobsyouruncle.net/StrikeFighterHome.htm
  5. well there's a couple places,, worst of it I forgot where I hidden them, you got all the those hidden links that I was looking for on that banner in your thread responce nice touch, not to toot my own horn just look for the threads that say hot down there at sfp-1 mod/skinning,,discussion that's me ,well some of them ,,beep beep. ooopps didn't know I was talking to the owner,,we met over at subsim facebook..months ago..
  6. my hat goes off to you guys that did green hell terrain, for wov makes for a nice flying experience,,just got a some what new dell box with a older dual core processor and 3gigs of mem and a medioaker 512 video card steel fury runs nice on it and wov flies great with new terrain.
  7. right here at combatace at sfp-1 mod and skinning discussion I have some mods that all you have to do is edit some files,, plus,, you could go to nato fighters column 5
  8. you come see me at sfp-1 modding discussion there's plenty for you to do,,and there is other places to download hidden in my threads,for sfp-1 and sfp-2
  9. the plane can be found at nato fighters column5 in the download section it says sfp-2 not too worry add cockpit and fly no crazy file changes if this don't work I got a linkable download pit ,, in my thread Yubba got a Bone B-1B fixed in the mods and skins discussion section
  10. Was trying my hand with mavericks couldn't get the cursor to move,,, the funny thing it works in Free Falcon 6 with me swapping the config file to get the flaps to work,, I like the terrain in falcon 4 but with the inventory of plane with six it really is a toss up,, I didn't try all the radar stuff before I patched up on 4 and my freind is getting alittle anoid with me useing his disk I thought I be smart and copy the game on to a flash drive but it was the patched up version with no alteration to key mapping and still no joy getting the cursor to move with arrow direction keys ,,, can you slew radar cursor in the cockpit ???
  11. No Radar Cursor Slew Falcon 4 AF

    thank you, for responce I'll dig around in that a report back
  12. I was up on Hyperlobby the other day and flew on it with falcon 4af
  13. was online with IL-1946 alittle while ago hsfx 109s vs Spits little bit of a crowd there http://stats.acesovereurope.org/playerdetails.php?id=1659 sometimes I fly here
  14. that's a little out of my league my freind,, I think I heard that you could go in data ini and edit the flight model ,,, I sorta jump ship and I'm monkeying with Falcon 4 for the time being
  15. I see there was a thread up,, with the woes of not being able to fly online with SFP-2 bummer,, so what's the problem with getting sfp-1 to fly online,, I was over at hyperlobby I've been flying IL-2 1946 there for years and did a sfp-1 flight granted it sucks ,, I don't like air starts out in the middle of no where, with all settings set to hard, and there wwas no way to have communications to other players ,,but it is a start ,get ground start and team speak,you might have something. , I think I had better frame there and what I get off line,,matter of fact it ran smoother than the IL-2..online server I was on..Hate to see this series go to the wayside that will happen when IL-2 gets their jet mod series up and running online.
  16. Bombing with FF-6s B-52

    I always learn something new it won't be long before I can't tie my shoes,, I better pass this along before I forget how to type ,, well after I got flaps fixed I tried dropping a few bombs from 5000ft with ccip well nothing happened,, pretty disgusted I decided I spent enough time on the buff so I went played with the f-4 in ITO ,,, not one to give up on a fight I rolled out the B-52 tonight,,, well the mission called for a low level strike ,,so flying at 1500ft I decide,, what the heck lets see if a bomb will drop,,,I go through the whole set up using the ccip and a bomb released to my suprise,, in short ccip only works up to about 3000ft after that it turns into a mix of ccip and ccrp,, over 3000ft pickle the target and hold till bomb releases,, happy hunting..
  17. Fighter Pilot Recruiting!

    are you going to set up through hyperlobby,,, I was just in there to look around and took up a flight in f4af I've been flying Il-2 there for years
  18. here ya go kid,, try not too shoot your eye out,,,,http://www.column5.us/classic/aircraft4.shtml
  19. Free Falcon 6 Flap Fix

    It took awhile but I got it,,at first I was really dissappointed that I couldn't properly fly the f-4 with flaps that wouldn't go up in ff6 ITO then it got worse once I found the B-52,,, lucky for us I had gotten both f4af and ff6 each has their pros and cons,,, now with the fix,, have your f4af patched up as far as it will go,,go to ff6 and move the config file to a new folder then go to f4af copy the config file and paste into ff6 and you're done taaaa daaaa
  20. Free Falcon 6 Flap Fix

    Thank you, and now for my next magical trick nothin up my sleeve
  21. How do you raise flaps ??? got some beautiful planes but you got raise flaps after take off
  22. Free Falcon 6 B-52 flaps

    ok went and tested an f-16 bombs dropped thank god so yubba strikes again a major fix,, there is a nice f-4 that I couldn't get the flaps up inthe Isreal TO ,, now that's swapping the config folder from a patched up f4af to free falcon 6,,, now to see why bombs won't fall from the B-52.
  23. Free Falcon 6 B-52 flaps

    that's after you swap out the whole config file from f4af to ff6,, now I can't drop bombs from the B-52 not sure I could in the first place,, now I need to check rest of the fleet now flaps will rise ,,,, Tac01 keep us updated on progress
  24. Free Falcon 6

    Well Happy Halloween,, I got bored,, to old to trick or treat,,saw some videos of falcon 4 I'm hooked,, a freind is dropping off a old Falcon 4 disk for me tomorrow I couldn't wait found this site to down load free falcon 6,, downloading at the moment here to burn some time http://www.g4g.it/2013/11/24/free-falcon-v6-0/ but I couldn't find system requirements, I'll get back with you in a bit and let you how I made out..

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