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Everything posted by yubba

  1. ok here's an update for you guys that can't do 55 ,,, at 10,000ft 550knts release at 4miles qued,,, 3.6 radar
  2. me either,,,just passing information along as I figure it out, isn't that what's modding all about,,, is that qued bombing modeled in game ,, well it's sorta my next thread will explain how it can be done since no has written about it that I know of resently, I got a few pms asking me how radar bombing is done,, so people are interested,, just trying to be a good neighbor.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1FHNvDxops#t=47
  4. sorry to burst your bubble in this game,, the f-4 can be a level bomber,, along with the F-105g I dolled up,, I guess the a-6 wasn't a level bomber in this game would care to tell how you hit anything with that plane with stock radar and settings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1FHNvDxops#t=47 that looks high level to me,,,and what was that guy doing in the back seat ???? Well you do have a choice,, you don't like what I've done you done have to change a thing, for those that want a change and some fun go nuts,, these settings work in the B-1b and the b-52 and any other level bomber.
  5. I've read all the knowledge base front to back and most of all of the mod discussions here,,and used them if I'm stuck on something, but so far I've done about all I can do here there isn't much left to monkey with,, compared to IL-2 the fileing system here is a snap ,, the main thing I wanted was to get bombs on target,,and so far it is way better than it was,, hope you enjoy and happy hunting.
  6. you ask why,, 3mi and 6mi,,,settings, I explained the 3 mile setting,,, the 6 is so you have a 3 mile aim point at 10,000ft 450knts,, a near miss,, but right in there at 10,000
  7. well didn't know that existed till right now, and now I know it isn't friday,, gained a day Whaa Whooo, I did know that stock aircraft folders are basically empty and you were stuck with what you got,,10 miles is the lowest ground search setting,,, you can't do nothing with that,unless you are at 20,000ft at 450knts aim point 5miles ,I got toying around with the no mirrors mod and all that was,, was a cockpit config ini. going into a basically empty stock aircraft folder,, I did up a stock f-4j but I didn't get the radar screen that had a good aiming point till I tried the f-4c and whaaa laaa we got what's up above
  8. img00002

    From the album Untitled Album

  9. img00005

    From the album Untitled Album

  10. you get that after you warp ???? I get floating stringers in front of the cockpit,,after I warp with other than stock aircraft,,. I'd defrag the game first and take a stock plane up an see if the problem persists
  11. the phenomenon is what I call air compression,, some call it something else,, it shows the level of realism they modeled into the game,, well what it is in the real world is a big coushin of compressed air underneath the airplane makeing it hard to land so you got to bleed that air off to get wheels down,, I think the B-47 has the same problem I was testing the one I modded couldn't get it to touch down less than half way down the runway,, it was also modeled in IL-2 and you couldn't land a B-24 or a b-29 with full flap
  12. is that puppy available for SFP-1 if so would you be so kind to provide link,, please and thank you are in order.
  13. what's your flap setting,, either come in full flap,,and just about before touch down raise flap to take off postion,,, or come in with take off flaps and at touch down deploy flaps to brake
  14. Any good flight sim with Coop multiplayer?

    I see hyperlobby still has a slot for SFP-1 ,, I actually did fly in hyperlobby sfp-1 acouple of weeks ago I flew that modified B-58 I made,,it was air start and I have no idea if you can takeoff from a base it's just quick mission style by the looks..we ought to get a flight nite going if anybody is interested.
  15. This one is alittle tuffer ,,so I might miss a edit or two so bare with me ,,, bet you guys thought I was done there's nothin left he can possibly do. may be best for last..If you ain't got it get the f-15E,, I pulled down the the F-4S from nato fighters column5,,I was looking for modern avionics in the f-4 that wasn't the case with a little trial and error I present to you the F-4S Special.. 1. copy HUD, Radar, and RWR folders in f-15 cockpit and paste them in the f-4 cockpit 2.copy any file that has hud attached to it in the f-15 cockpit folder ,, you got it,, paste in the f-4 cockpit folder. 3. copy f-15 avionics ini ,,, discard f-4 avionics ,,and paste f-15 avionic and rename to what ever f-4 you are working on. 4. go in to f-4 config ini change 60dll to 70dll. 5. go into cockpit config and edit in hud at the bottom of page put this you can copy it from here [HUD] Type=HUD NodeName=HUDglass
  16. no wonder he's nasty to me now that is funny,,thought he said he didn't give a hoot about this series,, all the above was done with these settings,,that I changed to level radar bomb with ,, I'm a very good IL-2 heavy bomber pilot,,, and I can plant a bomb into your seat if you are unlucky enough be caught on the runway when I come through [AvionicsData] AvailableModes=SEARCH,ACQUISITION,TRACK,BORESIGHT,GROUND_MAP RangeUnit=NM RangeSetting[1]=3 RangeSetting[2]=5 RangeSetting[3]=10 RangeSetting[4]=20 RangeSetting[5]=40 RangeSetting[6]=80 RangeSetting[7]=160 RadarPosition= MaxElevationAngle=60 MinElevationAngle=-60 MaxAzimuthAngle=60
  17. well actually it was only yesterday I evolved a thumb,, I sorta like the SFP-1 series it has alot of potential and it works well on these old computers that I've put together,, I've been Involved with IL-2 1946 online flying for the last couple of years ,, and before that I was involved with SFP-1 and Wov,, the planes were screw up back then, where you couldn't hit a bear in the butt with a snow shovel,, and they weren't much better when I came back to the SFP-1 series acouple of months ago ,, except for some real nice cockpits for the B-52 and the B-1B,, and the rest is history,, my history of modding goes all the way back to Janes WW2 ,,Microsofts Combat Sim 2 in which Sfp-1s fileing is simular, and is actual easier to edit,,,then there was the Silent Hunter series and some fixes in IL-2,,so now you can do this with a F-4,, so whats your claim to fame and this with a A-6 this couldn't be found trust me I looked You make it, and I'll fix it where it's better
  18. Then would you please give me a link to a flyable B-1B for SFP-1 set up for level radar bombing and with a laser designator to fling LGBs like this one,, and if it has all been done,, why did this thread go HOT in the first 2 hours,, well all I can say in closing is,,,Enjoy and happy hunting
  19. the F-15E avionic package is what I'm using,, the F-14 doesn't have ground mapping radar,, well the ones I got don't any how,,this is the first pit I have modded that had both aa and ag radar,, bombers are easy to set up this one gave me alittle trouble, well anyhow tested it in a carrier campaign scored a couple of soviet bombers with sparrows every thing worked fine except landing came in too hot.
  20. I'll tell you a secret this stuff also works in SFP-2
  21. Any good flight sim with Coop multiplayer?

    kooookie world we live in IL-2 evolving to jets and strike fighters devolving to props,,, I fly hyperlobby IL-2 1946 hsfx
  22. track and scan,, I guess that's what they call it just as easy to show you're welcome,, thanks about the gunsight I'd wouldn't have checked that ,teamwork. It's all about the realism or something close to it anyways ,,hope you all enjoy

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