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Everything posted by yubba

  1. For us guys down here in the basement with Sfp-1 is there any chance of one to be made for sfp-1??? I also have another question about you cobras going from pilot station to gunner station,, can that be done with standard two seat aircraft ???? Looking for some one to build bombadaire station or rear electronics officer station in B-1B,,B-52,, f-105g,, a-5a,,f-4s
  2. img00001

    From the album Untitled Album

  3. http://combatace.com/files/file/4915-ccip-gunsight-for-accurate-level-bombing/
  4. you'll need this,, sorry I got stuff all over the place http://combatace.com/files/file/4915-ccip-gunsight-for-accurate-level-bombing/
  5. I wish I could do more on these bombsight stations,, it would be in the relm of a second cockpit veiw,, if anyone is familar with Janes F-15 know what I'm talking about
  6. img00004

    From the album Untitled Album

  7. img00001

    From the album Untitled Album

  8. There is a community called 2/5s tanks no I haven't built one considered it.
  9. I don't know if I should show you this.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tjpva-ueEEE or this
  10. Well it does now,, that's why it's in the what if section the F-105G had a backseater this can be used as a bombardier station,, in which I already put in the B-1B that also has HUD and this,,,,http://combatace.com/files/file/4915-ccip-gunsight-for-accurate-level-bombing/ almost forgot toggle cockpit veiw,, mines the Del button on num pad
  11. That's a good piece of intel,,, I found the ccip sight download,,, http://combatace.com/files/file/4915-ccip-gunsight-for-accurate-level-bombing/ I tacked your name to the creatiation of thud with a hud if I hadn't been talking to you I would have not figured it out. This also is a good bombardier station ,,, already put this in the B-1B and tested it,, it is awsome http://combatace.com/files/file/4915-ccip-gunsight-for-accurate-level-bombing/
  12. If you are flying SFP-2 I believe you can mod those aircraft the way I do the file structure looks to be the same or get a xp box they are cheap I got about 6 of them people just through them away,, fixed them up for next to nothin,,
  13. Pilot yubba with his REO yubba2 in a Improved F-105G on runway unkown at a unknown airbase,, on a driveing Miss Daisey bombing run on some oil tanks,, "Miss Daisey requesting takeoff clearence" "Miss Daisey cleared for take off after an uneventful low level flight pilot yubba is ready to pass control over to yubba 2 "twenty miles out,, you got the plane" "Rodger got the plane" "don't make me look bad" "not hard too do you're the one talking too yourself. to be continued same bat channel same bat time
  14. "Pickle bombs gone" "Good job couldn't have done better myself" "You did duffus" The End
  15. img00012

    From the album Untitled Album

  16. img00011

    From the album Untitled Album

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    From the album Untitled Album

  18. img00009

    From the album Untitled Album

  19. img00008

    From the album Untitled Album

  20. Would you be so kind to post a link to that,, I can't seem to find that pertictular thread..

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