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Everything posted by yubba

  1. ain't she purdie,, an ai in the first part of three, add a cockpit and my bag of tricks and you are good to go.
  2. img00002

    From the album Untitled Album

  3. img00001

    From the album Untitled Album

  4. Thought I'd bring some new life to this old gal,,nothing like a make over to make a girl feel good,,first get rid of that pit,, install that B-1B pit found in my Yubba got a bone thread ,, then open up the B-66B DATA. ini start up at top with service span change 1962 to 1990 no wonder I never saw this plane before,,then go to my thread Buffy goes to School and put in the goodies there,,I make you do this thread hopeing to boost my veiws,,when you are done you have a nice little bomber,,that flings modern munitions speaking of don't forget to at them in DATA.ini AllowedWeaponClass=LGB,BOMB,NUC,CGR,EOGR,TLR,CGR,EOGB,LGR AttachmentType=USAF,NATO
  5. you are welcome,, this is a definite game changer on high alt bombing
  6. you need to watch Top Gun a couple of times and get a 2000 dollar computer to run it,,,that would be a great multi player game if you could get a live RIO ,, I had some fun with IL-2 co-op missions riding along in the dauntless ,,, are we there yet ,, I got to pee
  7. that must be sfp-2,, now that's purdie,,, I have the Nimitz in sfp-1 it has aircraft on it already,, fun to fly on to,, takes quite a hit on the frame rate though,,,they should have carriers loaded with planes,,to download in sfp-2 download section
  8. some thing else i found for trimming the rudder [RangedControl002] AxisControl=YAW_CONTROL MaxValue=400.000000 MinValue=-400.000000 DeadZone=10.000000 Saturation=100.000000 ReverseJoystick=FALSE MouseScale=10.000000 UseMouseRate=FALSE ReverseMouse=FALSE LimitValue=TRUE SelfCenterRate=0.000000 KeyControlRate=0.250000 AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=YAW_RIGHT DecreaseControl=YAW_LEFT CenterControl=
  9. there was a yaw control tweak in here,,darn if I can't seem to find it again,, did a clean reinstall to clear out some bugs,, what's up with the floating sidewinders that poop up after warp and map. this is what I tried to do,, it works so,,so [RangedControl002] AxisControl=YAW_CONTROL MaxValue=400.00000 MinValue=-400.00000 DeadZone=10.000000 Saturation=100.000000 ReverseJoystick=FALSE MouseScale=10.000000 UseMouseRate=FALSE ReverseMouse=FALSE LimitValue=TRUE SelfCenterRate=2.000000 KeyControlRate=1.000000 AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=YAW_RIGHT DecreaseControl=YAW_LEFT CenterControl=
  10. well I went -0.78 and this was the result have look below the tail that was the little dot rideing down the vertical line on the radar first pass with that setting did it once,, just like out sightening in a rifle with my brother he had his 44 mag lever rifle and set up a target at 65 yards I pulled out my 1911 45 ,,, he goes you ain't going to hit that ,,, blamm just inside the black at 2 oclock 4in bull,, did it once that's enough,,of course I was braced against the side of the house.
  11. img00001

    From the album Untitled Album

  12. ok, boys an girls hit the little red box that had a comm building in it at 20,000 ft 18 500 pounders at 500 millseconds ,,, this is what you need to do go into your B-52 folder go to cockpit config file [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=B-52G_Early_Pit.LOD OpenCockpit=TRUE Offset=0.0,-0.10,-0.10 Position=-0.73,16.30,1.70 <---------- this what you want to typed in -0.73 was -0.33 was hiting left over 500 yrd ViewAngles=4.0,0.0,0.0 left, might go -0.83,, the first pass I was a little left second pass dead on target MaxYaw=125 MinYaw=-132 MaxPitch=90
  13. well, that went right over my head,, the B52 scope isn't to far off as is,,, at 20,000ft ,, 425 to 450 knts have scope set 10 miles pickle at the 5 mile line in the scope it is about spot on but I'm 500 yards left of target I'm thinkin the scope in the pit needs to be centered in veiw ,,, the B-1 scope is centered in veiw in the pit,, and it is dead on..
  14. that's sweet,, how do you edit that in ??? I took the b-1b up with 2000 lbs iron bombs on a warehouse run pickled all 32 at 500milleseconds at 20,000 ft 425 knots I was a little long ,,got mixed up with the radar clutter at target so that screwed up the release but it was dead on laterally so it wasn't a total failure bombs trained more than 1/2 a mile at best guess,, what's really need is a virtical line on the b-1b radar very hard to line up target,, I have failed to figure out right and left adjustment on the b-52 I seem to be hitting 500yards left of target but otherwise spot on.
  15. plus the throttle control is tied into the collective control aka {thrust vector} so it flies like crap,,, the Mi-35 flies much better with seperate controls,, compare the Data files of the two,,, down at the engines data region of that file..tried to fix it no joy
  16. Is anyone here?

    man that's an oldie but a goodie,,,but once you've gone IL-2 to HSFX and done naval carrier ops in the pacific and topped the night off with a B-17 mission,, even that makes Janes WW2 a distant memory,,, I came back here when sas put that major mod from WW1 to the jet era ,, I got the speed bug,,, figured it easier to blow the dust off of SFP-1 and WOV than download 6 gigs of trouble ,,, plus after working on mods in IL-2,,,Sfp-1 and wov were a snap,, got the B-1b up and running for sfp-1 with laser smart bomb capabilities and dolled up the B-52 I got threads up over at sfp-1 mods discussion on how to ,,, so much for tootin my own horn hope you find what you are looking for..back to carrier landing practice
  17. I only been back in strike fighters for a couple of weeks,, been a IL-2 junkie for years been involved with modding there,,my best guess it would be in sfp-2 downloads/utilities ,no telling if it works,, got to sign off lightning
  18. you looking to add support ships to a carrier or a new carrier to flyoff of ??? you might want to give this a read,,,,http://combatace.com/topic/60932-formats-for-carriers-and-warship-with-the-mission-editor/
  19. so,,what ship were you wanting to put in.???
  20. well at last more progress,,,there wasn't much mention of replaceing DDS files I guess that's why there is DDS version file folder tucked away in the ah-64a folder,,, well guys do not overwrite DDS files delete them and replace them with ones in the DDS version file but overwrite the config file,,, now I got functional chopper but it's white.
  21. well I got a pit sitting on run way no sound no aircraft that's progress from last post.
  22. img00003

    From the album Untitled Album

  23. Here's a blast from the past it was one of my favorites as a kid,,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v62fMkEVC6Y
  24. Of all aircraft,, this one steals my heart and I want to a nice job,, on this one,, with you guy's help,, on the pit the closest I could get to a real good repersentation was the F-102 pit,, I know there are some good modders here,,I have an idea for a pit using the ceiling and wind screen of the B-1B pit sizeing it up with a pit of that era which is way beyond me,,of course the other stuff is cake if you had read my threads here,,
  25. so you think you want a copilot in the b-58,, go to Data .ini // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT SeatID=1 PilotModelName=B58Pilot Position=-0.3785, 9.88, 1.20 <----- change this line SeatModelName=seat_a-4 SeatPosition=-0.3785, 9.98, 0.80 <------ and this one MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 10.46, 0.07 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 10.15, 1.02 CanopyNodeName=CanopyFrame [CoPilot] <---------------- add this SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=Pilot00 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.3785,9.88,1.20 SeatModelName=seat_a-4 canopynodename=CanopyframeRight SeatPosition=0.3785,9.78,0.85 [Nose] { find this } ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=Nose DamageRating=DESTROYED DetachWhenDestroyed=FALSE MassFraction=0.200 HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MinExtentPosition= -0.70, 13.80,-0.30 MaxExtentPosition= 0.70, 1.60, 1.50 CollisionPoint[001]=-0.45, 13.80, 0.00 CollisionPoint[002]= 0.45, 13.80, 0.00 CollisionPoint[003]= 0.00, 10.30, 1.65 CollisionPoint[004]= 0.00, 10.30,-0.35 SystemName[001]=Pilot SystemName[002]=CoPilot <------ add this fellow SystemName[003]=Navigator SystemName[004]=DSOperator SystemName[005]=NoseGear SystemName[006]=NoseFuelCell SystemName[007]=LandingLights whaa laa you got a copilot in the B-58,, add B-1 pit and you are off to the races

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