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Everything posted by yubba

  1. img00007

    From the album Untitled Album

    took for ever to get that shot
  2. FE's 2 Seat Bomber Tweaks

    Tired of your rear gunner sleeping on the job in the back seat of the DH4-Liberty this was a bugger,, and the above bomb mounts are to be put in Strutter Data file sorry .. open DH4-Liberty data file scroll down to Fuselage,, make sure it looks like this,, SystemName[005]=Gunner SystemName[006]=LewisGun1 SystemName[007]=LewisGun2 DetachNode[001]=Lewis Gun 01 DetachNode[002]=Lewis Gun 02 SystemName[008]=InternalGun1 SystemName[009]=InternalGun2 SystemName[010]=BombRack1 SystemName[011]=BombRack2 DetachNode[001]=Gunner DetachNode[001]=Lewis Gun DetachNode[002]=ElevatorControl L DetachNode[003]=ElevatorControl R Then go to Crew,, make it look like this [Gunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION SeatID=2 GunnerID=1 PilotModelName= GunnerBodyNodeName=gunner SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=0.0,-1.60,0.93 MinExtentPosition=-0.30,-2.03,-0.54 MaxExtentPosition=0.30,-1.29,1.13 PitchModelNodeName=ScarffRing YawModelNodeName=gunner GunRange=600 PitchAngleRate=38 MaxPitch=44 MinPitch=-5 DefaultPitchAngle=20 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=60 MaxYaw=250 MinYaw=110 DefaultYawAngle=180 then go to Internal Guns and it must look like this [LewisGun1] SystemType=FLEXIBLE_GUN GunTypeName=303CAL_LEWIS_MK2 MuzzlePosition= -0.114,-0.373,0.658 MaxAmmo=97 TracerLoading=5 BurstAmount=8 NumReloads=10 ReloadTime=10.0 GunnerID=1 EjectShells=FALSE MinExtentPosition=-0.20,-1.53,0.70 MaxExtentPosition= 0.00,-0.43,0.89 [LewisGun2] SystemType=FLEXIBLE_GUN GunTypeName=303CAL_LEWIS_MK2 MuzzlePosition= 0.114,-0.373,0.658 MaxAmmo=97 TracerLoading=5 BurstAmount=8 NumReloads=10 ReloadTime=10.0 GunnerID=1 EjectShells=FALSE MinExtentPosition=0.00,-1.53,0.70 MaxExtentPosition=0.20,-0.43,0.89 no more sleeping gunner.
  3. FE's 2 Seat Bomber Tweaks

    I saw yours and I couldn't get it to work,, I just figured out why,, I didn't extract the loadout file,, but this is what I did useing DH4-Liberty,, here are the numbers to make it fit attach these to Bottomwingleft SystemName[001]=BombRack4 SystemName[002]=BombRack6 SystemName[003]=BombRack8 SystemName[004]=BombRack10 SystemName[005]=BombRack12 SystemName[006]=BombRack14 Bottomwingright SystemName[001]=BombRack3 SystemName[002]=BombRack5 SystemName[003]=BombRack7 SystemName[004]=BombRack9 SystemName[005]=BombRack11 SystemName[006]=BombRack13 you'll want to copy the bomb load from DH4-Liberty Data file and paste into the Strutter the numbers to change from inner to out look like this, Inner most mounts [bombRack1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=External AttachmentPosition=-0.22,-0.1,-0.67 <----------change this to this AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=250 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB AttachmentType=UK,NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=BombRackExt DiameterLimit=0.3 LengthLimit=1.7 PylonMass=1.00 PylonDragArea=0.05 MinExtentPosition=-0.30,-0.61,-0.68 MaxExtentPosition=0.30,0.49,-0.68 [bombRack2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=2 StationGroupID=1 StationType=External AttachmentPosition=0.22,-0.1,-0.67 <-------- change this so it looks like this AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=250 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB AttachmentType=UK,NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=BombRackExt DiameterLimit=0.3 LengthLimit=1.7 PylonMass=1.00 PylonDragArea=0.05 MinExtentPosition=-0.30,-0.61,-0.68 outer most mounts,, there's alot in between [bombRack13] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=13 StationGroupID=1 StationType=External AttachmentPosition=1.888,0.00,-1.10 <-------change to this AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=150 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB AttachmentType=UK,NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=BombRackR DiameterLimit=0.3 LengthLimit=1.0 PylonMass=1.00 PylonDragArea=0.05 MinExtentPosition=1.26,-0.04,-0.90 MaxExtentPosition=2.07,0.73,-0.61 [bombRack14] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=14 StationGroupID=1 StationType=External AttachmentPosition=-1.888,0.00,-1.10 <--------change to this AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=150 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB AttachmentType=UK,NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=BombRackL DiameterLimit=0.3 LengthLimit=1.0 PylonMass=1.00 PylonDragArea=0.05 MinExtentPosition=-1.26,-0.04,-0.90 MaxExtentPosition=-2.07,0.73,-0.61 and you have to use the DH4- Liberty loadout file make sure you make the change in config file,,if you get it right it will look like this I didn't do center mounts you can add to that if you want.
  4. img00006

    From the album Untitled Album

  5. img00003

    From the album Untitled Album

    not my first choice,, it fits it ships
  6. img00004

    From the album Untitled Album

    oooooo, First Eagle,,
  7. How about we get ramp start,, in that big empty lot, forward of the hangars which most airbases have and call it a day.
  8. To edit open game file open Flight folder ,,, make a new text document name it HUDData,,, you can copy this and paste into your new HUDData file.. [Debug] DisplayDebug=FALSE TextFontName=Arial TextSize=12 [infoDisplay] BackgroundImage=TextBackground.tga BottomRightPosition=0.99,0.985 DisplayWidth=0.20 VerticalBorder=0.0015 HorizontalBorder=0.008 EnemyTargetColor=1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 FriendlyTargetColor=0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0 UnknownTargetColor=1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0 WaypointColor=1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 TextFile=HUDText.str NormalColor=1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 WarningColor1=1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0 WarningColor2=1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 AGLAltStart=609.6 AGLAltWarning=152.4 [Display001] DisplayType=DIRECTOR ObjectType=TARGET_ENEMY ConeSize=15 BoxSize=1 BoxType=TRIANGLE BoxColor=0.0,0.0,1.0,0.75 ConeModelName=whitecone [Display002] DisplayType=DIRECTOR ObjectType=TARGET_FRIENDLY ConeSize=25 BoxSize=10 BoxType=SQUARE BoxColor=0.0,0.0,1.0,0.75 ConeModelName=bluecone [Display003] DisplayType=DIRECTOR ObjectType=NEXT_WAYPOINT ConeSize=25 BoxSize=5 BoxType=TRIANGLE BoxColor=1.0,1.0,1.0,0.75 ConeModelName= [Display004] DisplayType=DIRECTOR ObjectType=TARGET_ENEMY ConeSize=15 BoxSize=1 BoxType=TRIANGLE BoxColor=0.0,0.0,1.0,0.75 ConeModelName=whitecone and you'll get this except the chicken scratchin you'll have no players plane info,, no waypoint cone, a smaller waypoint marker, no red target box,, what you get is a,, small as I could get blue Triangle for a target marker,, white target info and a white target cone as always enjoy
  9. First Eagle Hud Edit

    I thought I saw a thread of this buried in here,,, someone asked to rid some of the clutter in hud, I couldn't find it and I like this set up so much I couldn't contain my self,, it does work in all the Strike Fighter Series ,, didn't mean to double up on the threads
  10. You are welcome I'm glad to be of service,, nice vid,, one thing I tried and failed to do on the F-117,,was I tried to put a waypoint indicator in, to no avail after I totally messed up the avionics I shelved it and fell through a cosmic bunny hole to the First World War in First Eagles,, not doing to bad with it after all the years of flying IL-2.
  11. I just bought it last week for what it is,, a WW 1 lite sim,, I like it and it runs well on an older machine,,, question stands why aren't we flying this online ,,if there is folk flying this online I would be interested in joining up with you.
  12. My machine is a little under par for War Thunder,,, and that would be the same for Aces High 2 which is 3 now which I flew years ago
  13. thanks for the responce,,, I couldn't find any thing that said hey or nay on this subject ,,months back Silver Streak and I flew a bit in hyperlobby wov ,Some where along the line one of us lost interest ,, I'm an avid IL-2 online flier and the ranks are dwindling there also,, I'm not ready to pony up a pile of cash for a new computer to fly in other sims that I might not be happy with I've done alot of work with Strike Fighters 1 for my own amusement and to share with others,, onlining gives you something more than ai,, like how'd he do that,, where'd he come from and the amusement of watching a 500lbs bomb landing in some ones cockpit
  14. go here and get the f-117a plane and pit and all there's a batch of planes http://combatace.com/files/file/8158-operation-desert-storm-part-3-of-3/ plus I got both disks
  15. we can fly SFP-1 online,,, hyperlobby has arenas if one would choose to do a little work on it ,, like ground start and rampstart for offline ,,plus I'm not ponying up for a new computer too run 2
  16. SFP-1 Burning Sands isn't too bad with AA ,, but the later years of WOV it's unbearable,, got a cure though, a B-52 with Harpoons and ARMs a big fat weasle
  17. hug the deck all the way in, and out..,, you think that's bad try WOV all I hear is sam launch,, sam launch,, sam launch.
  18. 7:03am kinda early for lunch what you on eastern standard vampire time or in London,, that's about the time I got up,, I guess you needed a bigger hammer to get it to work
  19. RAVEN

  20. I think I tried that and it didn't work, for me, tell me how you make out with that.. I do like the modern avionics but if the RWR doesn't work you'r dead meat,, I finally started playing with that file extractor ,,, I'm working on a B-52 anthology,, started by pulling the campaign Data for WOV and placed a B-52D in Line Backer 1 to see if I could get it too work,, it does ,, I also got the B-52G and H to fling the Harpoon and Popeye missles,, the Harpoon can hit targets out at 20 miles and the Popeye has a 200 mile range,, these birds will be put in the more modern campaigns of WOV
  21. I thought we had that all hashed out,, roll through the Data ini ,, and see if you have this,, there is also edits farther up in systems they look like this,, I'm certain I'm flinging those every thing else seems to work then again I don't know IR from LG SystemName[032]=LANTIRN < ------------------------- look for these SystemName[033]=TV // Electronic Pods ---------------------------------- [LANTIRN] SystemType=LASER_DESIGNATOR ModelNodeName=AN/AAQ-14 CameraFOV=2.500000 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga CameraPosition=-0.800000,0.125000,-1.00000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 EODisplayFlags=268697600 SeekerRange=30.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=120.000000 <---------- change to 360.00000 SearchFOV=5.000000 SearchTexture=avq23sight2.tga [TV] SystemType=EO_CAMERA ModelNodeName=AN/AAQ-13 CameraFOV=2.500000 CameraPosition=8.000000,0.125000,-1.000000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 EODisplayFlags=268697600 SeekerRange=30.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=60.000000 <----------360.000 something I couldn't fix was the RWR in the F- 15E modern avionics,, I was getting my butt handed to me by the SAMs without getting a warning so,I switched back to the earlier version
  22. img00046

    From the album Untitled Album

    Popeye you, don't really want to hit something 200 miles away,, what fun would that be ??????
  23. I don't happen to a have a video player,, to play that tape I'm just happy enough to watch it on my little tv screen in the pit,,,I'll have to take a look at the U2 avionics but of course it probably won't work in sfp-1
  24. img00045

    From the album Untitled Album

    I bet you'r wondering what I'm doing

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