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Everything posted by yubba

  1. this is what it looks like the plane is 1 oclock in the hud glass you also have a hud in the f-104,, and the way point triangle is resized and can't be confused as a dot
  2. img00004

    From the album Untitled Album

  3. You said you fly modern aircraft,,, does the stock planes have the same problem ????
  4. How much stores you have on the planes ???
  5. Here is your free fall tables for. 555knts and mach 0.84 nautical miles are modeled in to the radar of your plane statued miles are displayed in your target information box ,and the higher you go the thinner the air so your air speed indicater will not show true speed, you confused yet..Level qued bombing release points are below,use statued miles, watch the range count down to release in the red target information box for best results have a radar altimeter ,, if you got your radar edited you can use the nautical miles tables below,, they are close so you might have to adjust on both but I'm happy with what I got ,,,Enjoy.. 1000ft =8sec=1.42 statued miles = 1.23nm 5000ft=17sec=3.02 statued miles = 2.62nm 10,000ft=24sec=4.26 statued miles= 3.7nm 20,000ft=35sec=6.2 statued miles = 5.4 nautical miles
  6. For the first time in my adult life...

    As,, I see it they all swore an oath,, each time they got the privledge to serve in office to represent We the People,,, a man is only as good as his word,, if he can't abide to a sworn oath ,, I don't have much to do with him,, but too remind him of his fallacies
  7. At least the 512 tileset does,, step one rename the 512 folder to VietnamSEA,, step 2 you should have Green Hell 2 or what ever that was at it's highest in WOV-1 and pull the working guts out,, as copy and paste,,security catalog ,,Data configuration,, and configuration files,, as always back up your stuff,, what works for me might not work for you,,,at first it run it will as plain with no thrills,, but hang on you can go into the main terrain folder of GH 3.5 and pull out as copy and paste the TOD files to your hearts content or till you take a big hit on your frame rates,,I'v been running this for months and some of my pics taken a month or so back shows the terrain I changed back to stock to help Streak out online in his server.. as always enjoy.
  8. go here,,, http://combatace.com/topic/79797-green-hell-35/
  9. boy I need to proof read better,, 1. rename the 512 tileset folder that is in green hell 3.5 to VietnamSea and put it into Terrain folder,,2. You'll need the workings of Green Hell 2 or what ever it was at it's highest in WOV-1 ,, copy and paste,,security catalog ,Data configuration,, and configuration files,,and put them in the renamed 512 tileset folder,,3 Then go into the main terrain folder of GH 3.5 copy and paste the TOD files into your renamed 512 tileset to your hearts content or till you take a hit on your frame rates,,had too much coffee this morning
  10. Tired like I am of downloading a favorite ride ,,, go to load up for a long haul ,, what no tanks ,, here's a simple fix,, till upper management get's you the tanks that you desire,,try this ,this will give you tanks till some one hashes this out,,, this is what I'm using on the F-15E ,,F-105G F-18s and now F-16s it's better than nothing, this is from the load out file,,,I think the problem is in the weapons editor that is causing the problem,, like the missing ordinance [Attack] Loadout[01].WeaponType=LAU-3A Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=LAU-3A Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=TANK300_A4 <--------- swap what tank is written,,, to this Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=TANK300_A4 <-------" " Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=CBU-52 Loadout[05].Quantity=6 Loadout[05].RackType=MER This is in your aircraft Data .ini [LeftWingStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=3 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-3.350,-1.9983,-0.8446 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-3.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1400 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RP,FT,ARM,MER AttachmentType=USAF/NATO ModelNodeName=pylon_right_middle PylonMass=218.1 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=Tank300_A4 < -------- put this entry in as written
  11. even putting weapon packs in that goofed my game,, still no tanks for this guy,, go to Data ini and also make sure you put IRM at weapon station so you get 4 missiles..got tanks ????
  12. img00038

    From the album Untitled Album

    oooh look tanks,,they even painted them,, those elves
  13. it is if you are running a stock game,, and there is no way to put tanks on addon aircraft,, the only way I see to get tanks,, is to install a weapons pack,,I see that after I almost crapped my game by throwing in a weapons pack.. well I got 300 views in 24hrs maybe it help someone,, feel free to have fun with my Pave Tac edits on the F-111,, oooh yeah you ever get Green Hell 3 to work in wov-1 ???
  14. You mind providing a link and I can't post there,,well it is a fix if you are a newbie and haven't put a weapons pack in ,,, which I have not and wasn't inclined to but did any way and it wiped out my whole inventory of weapons ,, I got lucky and tried another pack and got weapons back with some extra,so much for self loaders, so my little fix is for folk that aren't advanced modders like ourselves,, is this a place to discuss tips and mods yes or no.????
  15. well it's pretty hard to incorrectly install a self installing plane,, should I do it on a thursday standing on head ,, maybe you guys should put a thread up ,,, that is up to date addressing issues of missing items such as missing tanks,,, meam while I got tanks and there's no better satisfation than coming up with a alturnative fix I think they look pretty good but everybody that knows me,, I have no taste
  16. It's on it our F-111F and this is how you make it work in SFP-1 and 2,,, http://combatace.com/topic/87409-360-tv-never-leave-the-cockpit-again/
  17. See it's right there on the belly of course this is a G model I'm not that, crazy yet hit bombbay door to watch it rotate..
  18. Go to nato fighters column5 download the F-22 there and the Harrier AV-8 plus,, discard that yucky pit from the F-22 and replace it with the Harrier's go to my thread Buffy goes to school read that,, and put in the laser designantor then in the bottom of the F-22 DATA.ini,,in the weapons bay type LGB you get 6, 012paveways,, and the little green tv works so you can see your handy work. PS,,,, this is for SFP-1
  19. Funny ,, I down loaded a F-16 today and couldn't get tanks to show up did my little thing waa laa I got tanks, as always enjoy
  20. img00036

    From the album Untitled Album

    got gas ???/
  21. this could be do able till you get the correct tanks It's called qaulity control we should have tanks right out of the box ,, don't like what I did don't use it. Meanwhile I got Tanks. as always enjoy
  22. img00035

    From the album Untitled Album

    that's a little more believable
  23. oooohh look tanks 5 minutes ago this didn't have tanks in SFP-1 I think It's alittle much but for Birds you can't get tanks for use this
  24. img00011

    From the album Untitled Album


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