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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. I seem to do better if I take my time and pick my fights with some altitude against the Bristols. Which will definitely lose height in a turn fight, but I don't do so well with the EIII when doing boom and zooms.
  2. I just started a campaign with a 1915 Einie squad. The problem is when you take off from the airfield, the planes you want to chase down are all at '9000+ and you've got to climb up to engage them, and since you can't warp while they're in the neighborhood, you're stuck with having to manually climb, and Einies are slugs when it comes to gaining altitude. It's a bit of a bother that they climb better when under AI control than they do while being piloted.. But they do have half a chance against Bristols as long as you skid turn them, yup, keep the banks shallow and somewhat skiddy and you can maintain altitude. That's the trick.
  3. Jah, Und where were da Eindekkers when Herr Lou was flying uber da front?
  4. I think a lead up to and including the evacuation of Dunkirque would make a hell of a film, all sorts of air, sea, and land encounters and stories. Bloody April would also make a riveting movie if done well.
  5. Which Way ... Points?

    Since I'm still using the TAC I fly two or three of the first short points of the home airfield route, and leave one not finished and start the patrol. Sometimes the altitude gained while circling the field seems too slow, so I start climbing in the direction of my destination. Hopefully I'm high enough to avoid having my flight be jumped by higher enemies. It's a rare flight that doesn't have close contacts with German flights over the Allied side, seems like I rarely get to cross the front lines.
  6. Ah, OK, I thought that there was another tweak in the FAQ's I overlooked. My new Gigabyte motherboard and AMD chip came with a few programs and drivers that (...I'm guessing..) provide for the needed dual CPU support for older games, at least the Gigabyte 'tuner' has both cores shown as optimized.
  7. I'm finding a lot of FAQs concerning ATI and NVidia setups, but nothing about CPU dualcore optimization. I did find this website and download though. My link
  8. And where are these FAQs?
  9. Indisputable Evidence!

    Short video of the Wasserplane Albatross from FS-WWI..
  10. Indisputable Evidence!

    I'm not sure what dear Gert is going on about in this vid, I suspect it's Football, but it is catchy.
  11. There's a Pacific Theater patch for CFS3, if it's as good as the BoB patch it might be worth trying out. I made a F1 Gloster Meteor vs. a V1 Buzz bomb London Blitz single mission for ETO, It was a lot of fun. Here's a youtube of the PTO patch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qlj39PI_rkQ&feature=related
  12. Two Seaters

    I'm trying to understand your situation, you were put in command of a flight of FB2's that were defending an allied balloon installation? And your forward MG stopped working? And you were confronted with an eager group of Pfalz's, intent on that balloon. I would have hit esc and reloaded the mission You best chance in this situation, with the Biff, is to fly it in big arcs looking for targets of opportunity while swinging your tail so your tail gunner can get some hits on potential sixes. Pfalz's are pretty tough, and they go all yo-yo-ey when they get down to close to 1000 feet or less. Your best tactic is to pick them off while they're slowing down in a nose high climb before they whip stall and dive again. Don't try to chase them while they are roller coasting, and get your wing men to help fight them.
  13. Other planes view command ?

    ...and press 'Tab' to cycle through the various other aircraft and or vehicles, ground objects, etc. I've never tried to get the friendlies view, how do you select that?
  14. 'Xactly!, and there's the required high level of Barmyness that needs to be maintained.
  15. Ah jeese. I think I may have helped trigger this.. I resurrected an old thread in one of the other OFF subforums and chided uncleal about his rather gruff 'welcome' of a woman who was a first time user of OFF who was having some technical problems. He returned a post in response to mine in that thread, about how he was going to leave this forum. Sorry guys, I may have had a hand in this, if I had known...
  16. Can we post images of our own work? 1911 Morane Borel monoplane
  17. In France they have a soft, sweet cream type cheese that's remarkably like a really thick spreadable yoghurt. Not sure what they call it, but it was available at the rest stops/ restaurants we stopped at. It was really good, they had a lemon flavored version that was very good.
  18. AI Behavior

    No I'm flying Campaigns, I have 12 pilots so far.. What I'm noticing is that in the original and patched versions of CFS3, you have the additional option of creating single episode, Historical or What-If missions using the old CFS3 Mission Builder/Editor. Now the executable for the MB is in the list of programs under OBD's software in XP's Start> Programs list. But, when you make a mission using Mission Builder in OFF, you cant access it through OFF's Quick Combat or Quick Scenario? I also have CFS3's BoB patch and you can create and edit and fly your custom missions until you are blue in the face.
  19. Sopwith Aircraft

    The early Sopwith Tabloid was a wing warper and would have been outclassed by the aileron equipped bipes of 1915-16
  20. AI Behavior

    OK I'm a little confused, is this ability to make your own customized Campaign missions something that HiTR adds to OFF? Why is there still a Mission Builder App from CFS3 still in the executables in OFF BHaH? I can't seem to find how to fly a single mission in OFF.. HiTR will have to wait, my Laptop let out it's magic smoke and I think toasted the HDD that had quite a number of unique finished 3D models I had on it. I'm slowly getting over the shock as there's months of work gone.
  21. AI Behavior

    I have to ask Hellshade how he got the mix of Halberstadts and Albies in the second video's QC scenario, is this something from HiTR?
  22. I've used rockets on alternative targets before, they're a bit of a crap shoot, but getting two DFW's with one salvo while climbing from underneath is pretty satisfying.
  23. Silly me, I've got both these planes in 3D.
  24. May I add to the list of Barmy Sports the ever popular Cracked Corn and Chicken Chess, The Hidden Weasel of Suprise, The Rumpty Farman Plop, The thrilling St Omer Chimney Inner tube toss, and Floating down the Somme in old Fuselages Regatta, (There's an actual historic precedence for this one..)
  25. OT Strange happenings at the Lake!

    Nothing weird or interesting ever happens to me... :sniff: I feel so, left out.

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