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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. I love this site. From what Ive read so far its just what us castrated 21st century wienies need...lol. http://www.artofmanliness.com/ Youve gotta check out this series of articles... http://www.artofmanliness.com/2014/06/09/semper-virilis-a-roadmap-to-manhood-in-the-21st-century/ Manliness is a choice...choose the hard way.
  2. Robin Williams Found Dead!

    Good morning Vietnam was a favorite movie..."it's hot, DAMN hot!" I'll never forget watching popeye with my mom back in '82 I beleive it was. I remember thinking if anyone could bring Popeye to life it was Robin Williams. And then setting his boobs on fire in Mrs. Doubtfire...man, I still laugh over that one....geeeze...lol. We sure are going to miss him. Think I'll look up Good Will Hunting this weekend.
  3. Film actress Lauren Bacall dies at 89

    Lauren Bacall and "the look"....man, she was quite a dame.
  4. Robin Williams Found Dead!

    Was just coming to post this myself. Total bummer. To say he was a comedic genius falls short.
  5. C-130 Grass Landing

    Always like the herc. One tough, versatile bird.
  6. Steel Fury - latest mod now available

    For me, the confusion happens when there are 15 different links on a webpage, half of them saying download. What you show was one of the ways I tried but required me to also be signed on with twitter or facebook. I didnt think a download website would require me to be signed up all over creation so I then tried one of the other download links and picked up the malware. I guess I'll pass. Im not signing up with twitter or any of that other crap. Thanks anyway. Edit: Decided to try again despite the obvious risk and when I got to the part you show above, I realized there was a link to make an account with 4shared, barely perceptible under all the links of all the social media websites. Despite the annoyance, I started an account with 4shared. Im now downloading the STA mod. Ive also installed JSGME in the steel fury folder I have on the C drive. We'll see what happens. I also ran a scan to be sure there was no issues; so far so good.
  7. 6 Years Ago and still Enjoying it!

    Happy 6th Flogger...
  8. A Windows 7 Easter Egg

    WOW! Howd you find this out?
  9. Steel Fury - latest mod now available

    Well, lets see...at last count 8 different programs none of which I had any control over installing. I was highjacked bigtime. That 4shared website is messed up. edit...just finished with a scan by spybot search and destroy and found 23 (!) different forms of malware.
  10. Steel Fury - latest mod now available

    Thanks 33LIMA, but that has got to be the SCREWIEST website Ive ever visited. I signed up for the forums. When I click on the links to download the file, next thing I know Ive got uncontrolled popups and all kinds of weird activity going on. I guess I wont be downloading what I wanted; Ive already downloaded some kind of other crap. Man, this pisses me off.
  11. I didn't know Thunderstruck was played in the 1800's

    Most impressive. Talent for the ages.
  12. Google Barrel Roll

    I think Im getting quesy... *hic*
  13. Steel Fury - latest mod now available

    Those links dont work for me. All I get is a webpage ... com4shared.comor I get some anti-virus thing.
  14. WOW! Now THAT was a landing... Excellent job bringing it down safely. Hope to see that beautiful bird airborne again someday soon.
  15. They may have been heroes...

    A very touching website. I remember reading an article in the San Diego tribune years ago about the thousands of homeless vets in San Diego county, many of them living alone or in small groups out in the brush. Later on, my brother and I were out shooting near the desert. At one point I turned around and there about 50 yards away standing up in the manzanita and mesquite was a black man wearing a maroon beret and old army field jacket watching us. I turned to mention him to my brother and when we looked back, he had disappeared. Made me think a lot about these guys. Sure, some of them have made the choice to be there. But a LOT of them struggled with acceptance or PTSD or whatever. Most people want to help but it isnt always easy for one reason or another. Websites like this might offer a suggestion as to what we can do to help out. http://www.theymayhavebeenheroes.com/ Here's an interesting article on the website about the risk of homelessness for returning vets... http://www.theymayhavebeenheroes.com/2014/01/its-not-just-us-old-guys/ It’s not just us old guys A recent USA Today article reveals what we have been saying all along. The following excerpts indicate just how much we need to carry on. Up to 48,000 Afghan, Iraq vets at risk for homelessness Gregg Zoroya, USA TODAY 12:55 p.m. EST January 17, 2014 As more young veterans of recent wars leave the military, the number of them falling on hard times and homelessness continues to rise sharply. Nearly 50,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans were either homeless or in a federal program aimed at keeping them off the streets during 2013, almost triple the number in 2011, according to numbers released Thursday by the Department of Veterans Affairs. The number among this generation falling on hard times is rising sharply even as homelessness among veterans of all ages and conflicts has been on the decline, according to the VA. Advocates for the homeless say many of the estimated 2.5 million Americans who served in the two wars went into combat zones on multiple deployments, something many veterans of previous conflicts never had to endure. “They’re coming home to a bad economy. The country is different. Their families are different. They are different. Plus they are dealing with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and other issues around mental health,” says Gregory Scott, president of New Directions For Veterans, a non-profit assistance group in Los Angeles. “We don’t know what the long-term impacts will be on the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans,” says John Driscoll, president and chief executive officer of the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans. VA spokeswoman Victoria Dillon said the number of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans struggling with homeless issues has grown because the department has expanded efforts to identify and assist them. The department has programs throughout all 50 states, working with community groups to target homeless veterans, and as a consequence, a more accurate picture of the number of these veterans is emerging. …A lack of affordable housing has contributed to veteran homelessness, the VA says. VA Secretary Eric Shinseki said …”Those who have served our nation should never find themselves on the streets, living without hope,” . As we work with agencies around the country and especially the U S VETS organization here in Saint Louis, we have seen this coming for some time. The VA is peddling as fast as they can but public sector support is so badly needed to fix this. Excellent interview with Jerry Tovo here. This will really explain what he is doing. https://fstoppers.com/editorial/ex-drill-sergeant-travels-country-finding-and-photographing-homeless-veterans-8211
  16. 28/07/1914... Austro-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

    An EXCELLENT read on the subject... A world Undone by G.J. Meyer. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/world-undone-g-j-meyer/1100622903?ean=9780553382402 http://www.amazon.com/dp/0553382403/?tag=mh0b-20&hvadid=3522859928&ref=pd_sl_23m5wlrown_e
  17. Im sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Get better soon. A prayer going up for you. God bless.
  18. Some other kind of aircraft models

    Kinda reminds you of the T-29 Tunnan, except maybe rounder. These are actually pretty cool, lol.
  19. The Doctor is in...

    "Q : How can I calculate my body/fat ratio? A : Well, if you have body and you have fat, your ratio one to one. If you have two body, your ratio two to one." Geeeeeeze, I about spit my sandwich thru the monitor...
  20. WW2 PTO New Guinea Terrain for SF2

    Haven't noticed any problems so not sure why anyone would give this terrain less than a 5. Looks great, lots of objects, what's not to like?
  21. 5th Japanese Midget sub found off Peral Harbor

    Ive found a LOT of Nova episodes interesting. This was a fascinating find.
  22. Costa Concordia sets sail for home

    You are correct Dysko. I hadn't heard of the loss. I found it in an article in the UK Daily Mail... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2550171/Diver-dies-underwater-working-Costa-Concordia-salvage-operation-coast-Italy.html Its a shame another had to die for the incompetence of others. My apologies for the incorrect statement.
  23. Costa Concordia sets sail for home

    An absolutely amazing piece of salvage work. And to my knowledge, no salvager was lost which is impressive considering the danger of the work. An interesting contrast...the excellent hard work to salvage this ship, and the hideously incompetent, absolutely shameful seamanship that started it all.
  24. PTO B-25D Mitchell "Starfer

    All around nice model. Flies well and looks great ingame. Thank you!
  25. SF2 WW2 PTO, B-25D (Strafer) 499th BS Skin Pak

    Nice skin. Thanks for the updated ini also, very cool.

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