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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. My Newest Acquisitions

    WHOA! SahWEEET! Is the 1911 a .45acp version? Im not familiar with Rugers' version and available calibers. Been thinking about a bushmaster myself. Approx. $650 here in Missoula. You may want to get a nice progressive reloader system to keep yourself in ammo...;)
  2. Happy Birthday Dave!

    Happy birthday Dave. Hey, I got some linament for those old joints Ill be glad to mail to ya...
  3. White Tiger - English subtitles

    Only if it answers you back... 33Lima, no matter which game, I'd still go for the T-34, very cool tank. Loved watching them in this movie.
  4. Priceless.. LMAO

    Someone named cubby broccoli??? Between that and the tiny weiner, I just couldn't keep a straight face. They'd be using an alternate juror. Geeeeeeze...
  5. Rest in Peace.


    I would think they do a great service and I think its dog lovers way to do something special for the animals. Kinda pricey but what isnt these days.
  7. Get a load of this freak!

    News article here... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/14/caius-veiovisv-mugshot-photo_n_962198.html Loved the remarks by one commenter... "Imagine if that guy knocked on your door and asked for your daughter. Nope, no women here dude.... just my 3 pitbulls, my shotgun, and me. Take your pick." Personally, it'd basically boil down to the shotgun as far as Im concerned if he came to my door, and it would be already pointing at him. I saw some freaks when I worked the jail but this cretin takes the cake.
  8. White Tiger - English subtitles

    Well, the uniforms, small arms, and vehicles are all very impressive. I wont say anything about the german tank so as to not ruin it for anyone else. The translation to english subtitles isn't perfect but not bad either; I seem to be following the movie just fine. The movie also doesn't play up the soviet style commissars too much but the threat is definitely there, lol. Its not hard to imagine this is the eastern front. The spiritual aspect of the movie with the ghost tank, etc. is a bit different to western ears but still a very engaging movie; I am enjoying it. When Im done, Im defiantely going to have to break out my T-34/85 on world of tanks and go do some battles...
  9. White Tiger - English subtitles

    Its left sir. No...its behind us.
  10. White Tiger - English subtitles

    Never heard of it till now. I cant say I have seen much of anything concerning the Soviet side of WW2 other than a few movies like Cross of Iron which only give you a glimpse. So far, I am fascinated. Ive already seen T-34s, a BT tank, not sure if its a 5 or 7, a MkIV panzer, and a matilda (!) of all things. First one of those Ive seen in a movie anywhere even if it was destroyed. Im waiting now to see the white tiger...
  11. Get a load of this freak!

    Hmmmmm, not sure but may be seeing a resemblance.

    Jonathan, if you are ever in Montana, come visit. This place screams freedom. We ALL love to shoot here.
  13. Do NOT rest In Peace

    My response remains the same for his kind...bye. We'll see now if he was the glue that held his creepy little family and church together. I suspect he was and hopefully they will all go away now.
  14. Now for something completely different.....

    Sorry Dave, had to stop the video shortly after starting it. I didn't want that song in my head for the next two weeks...
  15. BAD ASS crop dustn'

    That kid made it look easy, WOW!
  16. ...while I occupied myself with bleeding profusely. Great read migbuster, loved it.
  17. Back to Bosnia, 20 years after my tour.

    Life is full of ups and downs isn't it. The trick is to get thru the potholes as you say. It sounds like a great trip Iwan. Relax and enjoy yourself. Its even better when you have some friends going with you. Rent a fishing pole, enjoy a beer on a sunny veranda at some pub, and reeeeelaaaaaaaax.
  18. Dissed by own mother

    LOL! The white plague...yep, that's about right. Starts with hair turning white and or grey, continues with forgetfulness and sore knees, all the key bits shrivel up and quit working, then the hair falls out. You should see the tub after a shower. My wife comes in and has to rinse everything, LOL!
  19. Lynx landing in rough seas

    LSE USS David R. Ray DD-971. I LOVED watching the pilots in weather like this. Those guys were GOOD! excellent video Migbuster. I showed it to my wife to give her an idea what the military does day after day.
  20. Fishbeds and stilettos...I thought he was posting pictures of girls next to Migs... Is my mind in the gutter yet?
  21. Time for Reflection

    The hardest part of getting older is losing those we love. The best way to honor and remember them is to recall what they taught us. Don't let the world take away the humanity the older generation gave you. God bless you and your family piecemeal and may your good mother always rest in peace.
  22. Dissed by own mother

    I used to have grey hairs. Now its all just receeding. "bout spit my cereal all over myself...good one man!
  23. You have GOT to check this out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1PY_7GNfIw
  24. Here is a pilot with some SERIOUS skills!

    Yeah, woulda loved to see a takeoff too, lol. Incredibly short and steep approach. Tripped me out watching him skim over those bushes and trees, then he had a bit of a crosswind too. Who says there isn't seat of the pants flying anymore, lol. I know my butt cheeks woulda been clenching the seat cushions!
  25. It makes you feel old when...

    I choose not to believe that she is 60 thank you.

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