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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. What the hell was it?

    Lol! Triple blades...niiiiice! Im still a double edge guy. Guess I need to get into the 21st century.
  2. This site is especially bad if you are addicted to gaming. I just don't know what Im going to do...
  3. La-15 Fantail cockpit

    Wow! VERY nice, well done!
  4. What the hell was it?

    Geeeeeze, I have absolutely no idea, lol. Whatever you do, don't let them get ahold of a shotgun shell. There might be more than pieces of plastic on your floor.
  5. You know in the southern states...

    SWEEEEET C2A, freakin hilarious!
  6. Glory Hounds

    VERY cool videos Nesher, thanks. This is a part of the conflict not many are aware of. The use of military working dogs in 'stan and Iraq is just a continuation of their use since probably the civil war. yet folks know so little about them. This series will be very interesting Im sure.
  7. Cool Story

    Whoa... that was cool.
  8. Baseball:America's passtime or a boring bunch of barf?

    Yeah Arthur, I watch the Missoula Osprey games; love 'em!
  9. Awwwww....I am jealous. Every airshow I miss another hair falls out of my head. Great pics though. Thank you for sharing.
  10. Baseball:America's passtime or a boring bunch of barf?

    HERESY! Granted, I am NOT going to defend idiots like "A-Rod", (I hate the name), and the other 12 players suspended for PED. I loved it when he was booed when he walked onto the field here recently. Every sport has its losers, egos, and poseurs. Should I even begin to mention all the numbnuts in football? Nah, I'd get typing cramp. The trick here I think is to look beyond the problem people and focus on enjoying your favorite pastime. Nothing like watching a minor league battle on a warm afternoon with a hotdog and a beer. I love watching the signals flying back and forth and the duels between the pitcher and the firstbase runner. Watching a split second grab by a good shortstop and his rocket arm throw to first, or the incredible acceleration of the runner stealing second and its obvious there are some outstanding athletes out there on the field. And listening to the fans comment on a play is half the fun; I swear Ive had more laughs per minute at the ballpark listening to fans then anywhere else in the world. And if there is nearly 200 games in a season, hey, more to love! And coupled with baseballs long storied history and deeply loved traditions, baseball is a part of America's fabric. The Japanese didn't copy football after the war... Summer, beer, gals, and baseball...where can you enjoy all at the same place than a ballpark. And what's more American that that? P.S. Yes, I love football too. GO CHARGERS!
  11. Freaking Hilarious

    LOVED IT! Great video! Had to laugh, these guys are a hoot.
  12. Inside Combat Rescue

    RIP SFC Barett McNab. Just about broke my heart, damn. Here was a prayer by one of the commenters after watching the video... Almighty Father, whose command is over all and whose love never fails, make me aware of Thy presence and obedient to Thy will. Keep me true to my best self, guarding me against dishonesty in purpose and deed and helping me to live so that I can face my fellow Marines, my loved ones, and Thee without shame or fear. Protect my family. Give me the will to do the work of a Marine and to accept my share of responsibilities with vigor and enthusiasm. Grant me the courage to be proficient in my daily performance. Keep me loyal and faithful to my superiors and to the duties my Country and the Marine Corps have entrusted to me. Help me to wear my uniform with dignity, and let it remind me daily of the traditions which I must uphold. If I am inclined to doubt, steady my faith; if I am tempted, make me strong to resist; if I should miss the mark, give me courage to try again. Guide me with the light of truth and grant me wisdom by which I may understand the answer to my prayer. AMEN. Well said.
  13. A walking UAV. Why?

    Yeah, paint it black and put fangs on it and it'll fit right into some horror movie... The robot that crawled up to and ate aunt jemima. AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
  14. Man this looks good. Since I can deal with 777's business model, I may look into this. 777 has sales every now and then which make the planes' cost a LOT more bareable. Not fond of the always online thing for the campaign to be sure but it hasn't hindered me yet. Rise of Flight is an outstanding sim so I expect this will be as well. I haven't seen oil on the Perspex since Secret Weapons of The Luftwaffe till RoF. That kind of detail brings a sim to life for me.
  15. A walking UAV. Why?

    lol...I could use the money... This is an old shot of me about 1995. I shot that can with extreme prejudice. Old Betsy, a little worn but still quite accurate.
  16. A walking UAV. Why?

    I see that thing walking towards me and it'll get a .45 enema.
  17. Yeah, I think I've put nearly everything on CD these last few years. My downloads now are generally new content.
  18. Personally that's kinda cool. But how does it hang upside down?
  19. GFEST XX Pics

    Looks cool man. Where was this held?
  20. Download page

    You sure it was eels? I thought breadfish had something to do with it. http://combatace.com/topic/79019-down-for-maintenance/
  21. Coming out of the civilian closet

    Good luck Macalena, youll enjoy the adventure and meet some great people. Keep your integrity and wits about you, work hard, have a good attitude and you WILL go far. God bless!
  22. Took 3 months of spare time to make.....

    Well, Im not into rap or whatever that was. But that was one impressive amount of effort. You've got to understand however Im trying REAL hard not to suggest a day job, lol.
  23. Serious case of dumb

    Yup, worked at the jail. Had more than a few of these. People like this keep law enforcement and hospitals in business.

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