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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. *** just got up from a loooooooong nite ... Stratos, your a** is mine ... marvelous frikken brrreadfish ... breadfish with mayo ,,, tartar sauce and breadfish ... swimming in the ocean waters ... breadfish and soysauce ... breadfish swimming next to me under the covers ... counting breadfish ... endless sandwich ... song still in my head ... head exploding ... ooooOOOOooo ... your gonna pay ....***
  2. Yeah, this is news to me too. Guess I should visit the forums more often, lol. Thanks for the hard work Eric, Dave, Wrench, et al.
  3. You know in the southern states...

    6 and 8 baby, 6 and 8...ROFLMAO! Oh yeah, and 10...lol!
  4. Hey CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox News!

    My wife is born English and emigrated Canadian and SHE is getting tired of listening to every little thing the princess does. Naturally the media idiots found out something BIG was happening with the princess so they are slobbering all over themselves to report it. Yes its big, for the royal family, and wow! there's a heir on his way but for cryin out loud, she doesn't care how many pounds he weighs or what color his snot is.
  5. Stratos, I better not think breadfish a single time while in my bed tonight... Back to the original poster, Its a question Ive been wondering also. Thanks for the reply Eric. Was there some kind of hack or malfunction? Or is this all just one giant upgrade? Either way, thanks for working on it.

    I got only one word to say to those talibananas... bye.
  7. You Have To Read This

    Staggering and awesome at the same time. And yet this is only one aspect of the war. Throw in Naval and ground forces just of the US and the numbers beggar the imagination. Our ancesters DID this! Wonder what we could do today if we all worked on the same team.
  8. DCS World 19 July 2013 News Update

    Whoa! Man this sim is really looking up! I am especially jazzed with the FW cockpit and the TU-22. That Nevada map is also very anticipated. :)
  9. Another Nail-Biter: Thank you OBD!

    Good AAR Capt. Well done on a difficult mission.
  10. F-4G......

    Looks like that thing is ready to go. Wouldn't that be cool if it were still flyable?
  11. I am trying to make a solomons campaign for my SF2PAW install. Tell me please, how do strategic nodes work? I am using the solomons V3 map updated with Wrench's updates and stary's visual. So far I havent been able to get the campaign to show in campaign list yet. The one thing I havent done yet is adjust the nodes to reflect the solomons map.
  12. His rabbits' foot wasnt so lucky. Did I REALLy just say that???
  13. Historic Photos restored

    Whoa! Very cool!
  14. Monge

    What does this ship track with those radars, anything that flies? Must be used for research eh?
  15. New Badges

    Now the Navy is represented too! Anchors Aweigh, my boys, Anchors Aweigh!
  16. DCS World 14 June 2013 Update

    Well, I got flaming cliffs 3 and the P-51. Guess I'll pick up the Huey and Combined arms next... :) Looking forward to that Hawk. The other improvements are exciting too.
  17. The wheels

    That would be me on the left. The other guy was my pal Larry Waelty from Oregon.
  18. The wheels

    From the album pc's pics

  19. Riding the lightning

    When you said riding the lightning, I thought this was about someone who had been tased. Man, I worked at the jail too long...
  20. BF109E-4.7z

    WOW! Very nice; what bubu said! :)
  21. Flying the Sopwith Pup

    That was really cool Olham, thanks. I know you guys are OFF flyers, but my only experience with the pup has been RoF. My favorite plane in RoF is the pup. Its amazing how much the ingame pup sounds like the real deal. Startup, wind, blip switch, everything. VERY cool!
  22. Explosion at the Finish Line of Boston Marathon

    Prayers going up for the wounded and the families of the dead.
  23. SF2 WW2 ETO Boulton Paul Defiant Remod Pak

    Ive not seen another flight sim/game with the Defiant; this is amazing!

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