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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Is there a way to implement multiple skins for drop tanks. From searching on the forum there appears to be but I cant seem to find anything definitive. What I have are three different skins for a plane. I would like the planes' drop tank to have a different color/scheme to match each skin.
  2. Svetlinnh, you mentioned you edited the LOD. I have HHD Hex editor and have tried to rename the bmp listed in the LOD. Thought I had it but the tanks still dont show. They are in the weapons editor but not the game. Ive made the adjustments you mentioned for the data.ini for the plane... // Weapon Stations --------------------------------------------------------- [CenterlineStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition= 0.0,-0.31,-0.60 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=510.0 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=WP FuelTankName=LA-15 Drop Tank [CenterlineStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=2 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition= 0.0,-0.31,-0.60 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=510.0 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=WP FuelTankName=LA-15 Camo Drop Tank [CenterlineStation3] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=3 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition= 0.0,-0.31,-0.60 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=510.0 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=WP FuelTankName=LA-15 Green Drop Tank I wish I could show you what I did in the editor with the LOD. But it was simply renameing the bmp to match the new camo and green bmps with each tank. Do dots and spaces in the LOD make that much differance? Im kinda at a standstill here. Ive done all I can think of so now Im pestering you.
  3. Thank You MK2

    MK2, Thank you for all that youve done to make CA the best on the web. I think from all the replies to this thread, you have been mucho appreciated pard... Vostrovia...
  4. Svetlinnh, you mentioned you edited the LOD. I have HHD Hex editor and have tried to rename the bmp listed in the LOD. Thought I had it but the tanks still dont show. They are in the weapons editor but not the game. Ive made the adjustments you mentioned for the data.ini for the plane... // Weapon Stations --------------------------------------------------------- [CenterlineStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition= 0.0,-0.31,-0.60 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=510.0 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=WP FuelTankName=LA-15 Drop Tank [CenterlineStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=2 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition= 0.0,-0.31,-0.60 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=510.0 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=WP FuelTankName=LA-15 Camo Drop Tank [CenterlineStation3] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=3 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition= 0.0,-0.31,-0.60 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=510.0 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=WP FuelTankName=LA-15 Green Drop Tank I wish I could show you what I did in the editor with the LOD. But it was simply renameing the bmp to match the new camo and green bmps with each tank. Do dots and spaces in the LOD make that much differance? Im kinda at a standstill here. Ive done all I can think of so now Im pestering you.
  5. Thank you very much fellas. This explains a few things I didnt understand in what I found earlier on the subject. I'll give it a whirl here soon when I get a moment.
  6. It isnt in the original package but shows on the aircraft in the loading screen. Ive never seen it and wonder if Pasko decided not to include it in the original package. From what I gather in my research on the web the Russians didnt use them on the production madel LA-15 anyway but thought it'd be nice to include it for those long flights from Vladivostock to Pusan... Also, any suggtestions for an appropriate cockpit for this plane besides the A-4B included? Im presently using the Yak-3 by Kesslebrut but maybe there is something better?
  7. Wrench I wonder if why the tank doesnt show in the loadouts is because its not listed in the weps editor? If its part of the model and listed it should show up right? Of course Id need the data for the tank to add it.
  8. Neverenough, could you send me that tank file please? I tried the LA-15 download here and at C5's website and niether appear to have the tank. Thank you.
  9. Lindr, that pit kinda reminds me of the F-86. Heck, maybe the A4B pit wasnt that far off! Thanks for the pic because thats the first image Ive seen of the LA-15 pit. Wrench, he musta had one because this is the original loading screen and it shows one. Or maybe I dont understand what you said in your post about lods...lol. La_15_loading.orig.bmp
  10. Wow...good question. To my knowledge the only online setup was thru Hyperlobby. Id be surprised if HL was no longer available. I think you are also able to connect thru IP address of course but I never did. Of course, all this only applies to all the 1st generation SF series. SF2 does not have multi-player capability.
  11. TK did mention something about small addon packs of single planes with maybe a map and/or campaign. Maybe one of those?
  12. Since we have the F-86 and F-9F being worked on or done, anyone doing Pasko's MiG-15 or LA-15? I'll tackle them if not.
  13. Godspeed Henry

    A sense of humer, an un-dying love for his one wife, caring for his fellow man, and the wisdom of a century. I can only hope I can be half the decent man he was. God bless you and rest in peace Henry, you earned it.
  14. File Name: AMX-1 for SF2 File Submitter: pcpilot File Submitted: 28 Jul 2009 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft AMX-1 for SF2 This is Rafaels' AMX 2.0 and Miraclemans' AMX Nations Kit with updated file setup for SF2. It has been updated to SF2 file structure based on their work. The Nations Kit makes two seperate aircraft for the two nations flying the AMX, Italy and Brazil. I moved the three skins to the appropriate nation folders, so the Brazil skin is only used for the Brazilian AMX and the Italian skins for the Italian AMx and so forth. Only one skin uses a non-stock decal and that has had the proper folder added. I have also added the proper gun(s) and missile for each aircraft, 2 x 30mm and the MAA-1 Pirahna IRM for the Brazilian plane and a single 20mm vulcan for the Italian plane. The vector RWR has also been added to both planes. I have re-done the hangar and loading screens to match the aircraft and its national air force; the AMI for the Italians and the FAB for the Brazilians. A userlist.ini has been added also. Finally, both planes have chaff and flares added. There was little info on these components location and number but I found one photo of an AMX launching flares, one comment on a single website that mentioned 4 launchers, and another website comment that the flare loadout was 15 each launcher which I assume also applies to the chaff launchers. So I used that info to add what hopefully is a close approximation of the AMX chaff/flare capability. Hence, 4 launchers with 15 shots each for a total of 30 flares and 30 chaff. Any errors in all this is un-intentional. Please let me know of any problems or needed corrections. Keep in mind this is freeware made by your community for your use. You use it at your own risk. It is un-supported by TK and Thirdwire productions and is released under the CombatAce freeware licensing agreement. Do not use in any kind of payware without express permission from the owners of these files, namely Rafael and Miracleman. Contributers: Base Model By Rafael Rodrigues v2 AMX 3dMax Tweaks by Swede v2 AMX Data updates by USAFMTL and Column 5 AMX Nations v2.2 by Miracleman SF2 updates pcpilot To install, Just simply open the zip file and copy paste into your SF2 mods folder. It will use the stock pilot and A-4 cockpit in the game. Weapons and drop tanks are all working to my knowledge. It flies well in-game so have fun. God bless, pcpilot Click here to download this file
  15. I saw this several times during my tours in the Navy. My first ship being the USS Independance, it had special importance... USS Forrestal <S>
  16. Pictures from my course

    No...he's just lucky...Man, Im jealous. :yu:
  17. Why dont you talk with Russo about collaborating?
  18. Race Card Back Fired

    Well said Ruggbutt...My experiances and opinion to a tee! Being raised in the southwest and serving over 13 years in the military Ive seen all kinds. King said it best when he said..."I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." The rascists on both sides need to open their minds.
  19. Hows this? http://www.vintageavionics.co.uk/gallery.htm or this? http://www.airliners.net/photo/UK---Air/Ha...Hawk/0915041/L/ and here...look down at the bottom...it has the side panels too. http://www.avsim.com/pages/0908/Skysim/Hawk.htm
  20. MAN, I have tried to make it work myself but couldnt. It will have to wait until Check6 updates it. If your French is good, you might swing by there and see if they are working on it. I suspect they already know about the problem and will fix it when they have time. Until then, Kreelins editor has been updated to work with SF2 and I use it with XP SP3 often. You can download it here at CombatAce.
  21. A re-creation of Louis Bleriots' flight across the English Channel... 1909 flight link Very cool. This thing almost leaps into the air. I think if you collided with a sparrow you'd be in jeapardy, lol.
  22. Cat of Mass Destruction

    What a hoot...Ive got one VERY similar.
  23. She has Arrived

    Congratualations spungie, VERY cool! God bless man... ...actually, looks like he did, lol.
  24. Back From Hospital

    Get well soon Firehawkordy. Amazingly enough, despite all the heavy crap Ive lifted in my day Ive never had anything worse than constant lower back pain. So far my nuts have stayed right where they were born...
  25. The BAE Hawk is uploaded and a-waiting approval. That little plane flies real well. A lot of fun in a furball with a MiG-17.

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