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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. BAE Hawk T1A for SF2



    From the readme... BAE Hawk T-1A for SF2 This is Russouk2002's BAE Hawk T-1A. It has been updated to SF2 file structure based completley on his work.I have also added the Hawk gunpod made by Russouk2002 to its store of weapons, updated its list of usable weapons, and have updated the file structure for its skin decals. The plane has very basic avionics with no radar but a ranging gunsight, but I have added an audio RWR. This required the addition of its own avionics.ini file. A loading screen and a userlist.ini have also been included. A missing cockpit file was replaced and un-needed files removed. The shadow format has been updated too. Any errors in all this is un-intentional. Please let me know of any problems or needed corrections. Keep in mind this is freeware made by your community for your use. You use it at your own risk. It is un-supported by TK and Thirdwire productions and is released under the CombatAce freeware licensing agreement. Do not use in any kind of payware without express permission from the owner of these files, namely Russouk2002. Issues: Just two that I know of... 1.) The shadow has the long artifact to the ground at certain view angles. Just disable the shadow by reming out the lines in the Hawk T1A.ini like this... ///[shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=400 2.) There are no drop tanks for the Hawk that I can find. Contributers: 3D Model By Russouk2002 SF2 updates pcpilot To install, Just simply open the zip file and copy paste into your SF2 mods folder. It will use the stock pilot in the game. Weapons and drop tanks are all working to my knowledge. It flies well in-game so have fun. God bless, pcpilot
  2. Does anyone have a LOD viewer program or suggestions for one? Anything freeware? I was looking at the updating planes to SF2 and it was suggested xvi32u lod viewer, but I cant find it.
  3. Thanks KB and Sarge...nice to know there is something out there. Sure would be useful.
  4. one small step for a man

    I was 12 at the time. Yep, I went outside and looked at the moon and thought about the men up there and Ive been looking at it ever since. That crew was, and still are, heroes. A very proud, humbling, poignant event if there ever was one for mankind. Men showed what they can do when they put their minds to peaceful pursuits. While it was mainly an American technological achievement, the event was meant for all mankind; an honor and inspiration to us all.
  5. RIP F-22

    With all the manufacturing that went out of this country I'd hate to think America would have to buy Flankers. We already buy enough foreign gear and have already lost enough manufacturing base. I hate to think the F-22 funding will be cut off. Yes, its got its problems but there isnt any aircraft in the world like it still. Those problems will be ironed out eventually. One thing American servicemen have been good at is taking what their given and turning it into something outstanding. Ive no doubt they'll get the F-22 up and running like its meant to, whatever the problems are big or small. I am glad we still have 187 for now though attrition will thin that down a bit. I think if they were going to use the money saved for anything, 22,000 more troops is a good place to start. This army has been mighty small for way to long; we need the men. The reason for obscenly long and repetative deployments now in Iraq and Afhganistan is too few troops. I remember thinking in 1996 when I joined the Guard how surprised I was at learning we only had 12 divisions. Now we have even less. So yes, we need the troops. I also appreciate that it was mentioned the govt was going to change the way we do business. Im assuming they are talking about the high prices and cost overruns of military gear. With all the cost overruns of everything from F-22's to toilet bowls, it IS time to rein in this huge porkbarrel money grab. The only problem is I doubt it will really happen. Theyve talked about that issue for years. Its linked too much to a weak economy and hyper-inflation and corporate greed. It never ceases to amaze me how the agreed upon cost per unit increases as the vehicle, plane, or ship moves down the assembly line...
  6. AMX is being beta tested right now. I have also gotten permission from Russo2002 to update and upload his BAE Hawk. Im well underway with that.
  7. Man! Nice ship. You even got the bollards! Downloading soon! Thanks Fubar! Can I suggest a Russian DDG next? Lol, finish one ship and we're badgering you for more. One way to look at it is if it wasnt a nice ship, no one would ask for more.
  8. Ive been looking thru the forums and using the search engine and Im not finding anything. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction?
  9. No, I dont think so...let me go back and see what I missed. This is in the data.ini also? I think the dispensers are in the back fuselage...I think... HAH! Bet youve heard THAT sound before eh? That worked, thank you gentlemen. Now all I gotta do is adjust their position.
  10. Well, thats what I thought. I found where dispensers are added in the data.ini, copied some froman F-4G I think it was and pasted into the data.ini I wanted to use them in. But they dont show in-game...
  11. Whoa...been doing some research while at work and now when I got home. Seems theres not tons of info on this plane online from what I can see. Even Wickipedia is pretty puny in the info dept. I did find this on www.vectorsite.net/avamx... The AMI AMX and FAB A-1 have different avionics suites. Avionics for the AMI machine include: UHF & VHF radios, plus identification friend or foe (IFF) gear. A Litton inertial navigation system (INS), along with TACAN beacon-navigation system and a heading reference system. An electronic countermeasures (ECM) system, integrated by Elettronica and featuring a radar warning receiver (RWR), with an antenna in the top of the tailfin, plus an RF jammer and four chaff-flare dispensers. Sources are inconsistent concerning the chaff-flare dispensers and images are ambiguous on the matter, but it is hard (though not impossible) to believe they wouldn't be included in a modern strike aircraft. A flight computer, plus and a navigation / attack system integrated by Alenia, using a simple Israeli Elta EL/M-20001B ranging radar, license-built by FIAR in Italy. The FAB A-1 differs from the AMI AMX in having a simpler navigation system, consisting of a VOR / ILS beacon navigation / landing system, and a FIAR-Techtelcom SCP/01 radar. In either case, avionics are modular to make them easy to swap out. AMI AMX machines are fitted with internal armament of a General Electric M61A2 Vulcan 20 millimeter six-barreled Gatling-type cannon with 350 rounds and firing out the left side of the nose, while the FAB A-1 is fitted with twin DEFA 554 30 millimeter revolver-type cannon firing out both sides of the nose. Apparently the FAB did want the Vulcan, but the US would not approve it for export to Brazil. The AMI machine is the Italian plane and the FAB is the Brazilian. Ive updated the guns on both aircraft by both type and ammo capacity. They both get chaff anf flare dispensers too apparently which I can add later. The Nations pack by Miricalman does include an updated pit with a RWR display and what is likely an appropriate type of radar. But its used for the Brazilian aircraft. The Italian one uses the F-4 radar which seems way to powerful and only an audio RWR. I suppose I could use the same Brazilian pit for both aircraft since the performance is more likely in tune with reality.
  12. Hi Dave, I have version 2.0 of the AMX and all it uses apparently is thew A-4 pit. Ill look tonight and see if I can find an updated version of the AMX and see if it has a better pit. Edit...a quick note before I go to work...I found the AMX Nations kit by Miracleman in the downloads section. I'll see what it adds.
  13. Well...so far Ive found that the present version of the AMX Im fooling with right now is using the A-4 cockpit and it DOES have an audible RWR only. It worked when I ran a couple of ground attack missions. My research on-line has found no mention of an RWR of any kind either. Yes, you would think a ground attack aircraft would have something. I even found a site that mentioned the upgrades Italy and Brazil started in 2005 and no mention of RWRs. Oh well, Ill press on and as soon as possible if no one has an issue, I'll upload it. One of the reasons I like this little plane...just got in a shootout with some Mig-17s that wanted to stop my little mud-moving party. Nailed one with a 'heater but the other got on my tail and wouldnt let go. My wingie finally nailed him with an AIM. Glad it hit him and not me, lol.
  14. Hey Dave, is anyone doing the AMX? If not, I wouldnt mind giving it a whirl. My only question then would be would it have a vector or TEWS RWR? I dont know much about this technical stuff... EDIT>>>Ive already made decal and weapons folder, (for the tanks), and a userlist.ini. Ive also not found any mention in my research of an AMX with TEWS or even an RWR of any type. Seems a ground attack plane would have one...
  15. Thanks Migbuster, this is what I needed to get my older ship collection in game. The ships would show up in the mission editor ground object list but when I flew the mission, they wouldnt be there. Mainly it revolved around adding the groundobjectdata part to the ships' ini file as some of them didnt have that, (it was in a seperate GroundObjectData.ini file)...like this... [GroundObjectData] }------ ObjectFullName=Chapaev }------add this 3 line section here ObjectDataFile=Chapaev_DATA.ini }------ [LOD001] Filename=Chapaev.LOD Distance=20000 [shadow] CastShadow=FALSE ShadowLOD= ShadowType=1 ShadowCastDist=500 MaxVisibleDistance=500 Then making sure as you mentioned to check ALL the lettering's case ie; upper or lower case. This seemed to revolve mainly around the LOD file name and the _DATA callout in the file...like this... [GroundObjectData] ObjectFullName=Chapaev ObjectDataFile=Chapaev_DATA.ini <-----here [LOD001] Filename=Chapaev.LOD <----and here Distance=20000 [shadow] CastShadow=FALSE ShadowLOD= ShadowType=1 ShadowCastDist=500 MaxVisibleDistance=500 Soooo, now Im sailing and flying ASUW missions again thanks to you MB...
  16. Yep, took the plunge when SF2 came out. I had to install a new mobo at the time which made it even easier, so completely redid the hard drive. The older games were always ticking me off with little niggling problems. So as long as SF2 ran well on XP, I figured why not change? It has run excellent, as USAFMTL said, "like a raped ape" :rapage: , lol, even on my 32 bit OS. So despite the collection I have of older SF addons, etc., the older game hasnt went back on the HDD. Ive got one install of SF2 with the jets and now Im waiting for First Eagles 2 now while I fiddle with my second WW2 Pacific install of SF2. Cool frikken game...
  17. Being an ex-squid this "struck" home... First...CV Overflight Then... Yikes!!!
  18. Yeah had to chuckle about the F-15. You know, Im not sure but i seem to recall when the US Navy would not allow over-flights of its CV's during the cold war. Something about them being a strategic asset. Id also point out the Navy, unlike in the video, would likely already have escorts for any aircraft within firing range heading towrds the CV.
  19. Dload, I use WinXP SP3 and Ive had zero problems running SF2 except for one unexplained ctd which was probably mod related and NOT the game. I now have two installs of SF2, one 50's and later jets, and the other WW2 Pacific.
  20. Heres some shots of the Yorktown off Guadalcanal...Lookin pretty good eh? 5 minutes later ran into a section of zekes.
  21. Ive sent out several PMs to members in the last couple months and Ive not gotten replies from the senders. Thought at first I had a problem with BO or something. Then realized that my messages arent showing up in my sent folder. It would seem for some reason my PMs arent going out when I click send. Help?
  22. I know the prop FMs in SF2 arent the best from what Ive gathered. But some planes seem to work just fine like the F4F and AD's A6M2. So I got to making a WW2 Pacific install of SF2. After adding planes and terrain, I realized I wanted to change the look of the game itself so started fooling around with menu screens. So far there are 11 different screens. Im working on the last campaign screens now. I was also going to make a new instantaction ini, some new icons for the planning map, maybe a few single missions, and maybe talk someone into doing a nice campaign for one of the maps. Or maybe ask Batilka if he'd like me to include his Burma campaign with the package. Its turning into quite the little project. I got to thinking maybe people in the community might be interested in this also. If so, tell me what you think. If you have suggestions I like those too. The menu screens for this pacific package are almost all from the archives dealing with the USS Enterprise CV-6. No other single ship I felt so ably represented the US Navy during that conflict. So its the basis of my screens. More to come... They are top to bottom, left to right... main screen, pilot record planning map, roster single mission screen
  23. Thanks Batilka, that was the kind of input I was looking for. Thats exactly the problem Ive had with SOME of the flight models; they want to stall too easily and go into flat spins. However some, like the A6m2 AD made and the F4f and quite a few others like the F6F and F8F work fine it seems to me. Like I said though Im not an FM guru. And yes, your right, the Midway campaign might be better for the overall theme, lol. Wrench, Thanks but I know I could use screens from any version of the game, wanted to make new ones for my own use for this period. Thought maybe someone else might be interested too and Id be happy to share. Yes the TBD is from the Enterprise...www.aviation-history.com/douglas/tbd Thanks for the reminder about saving in ansi. Dont blame you guys for not wanting to switch; it IS a lot of work to make an install. But I remember where we all began a few years ago with this game. Half the fun since then has been changing it and suiting it to what we want. Thats probably the biggest thing that makes SF so popular after all these years; its kind of a hobby. So now its SF2's turn to be modded and molded right?
  24. Ive installed some of Wolfs and AD's Japanese aircraft to an install of SF2 trying to make a PAW setup. For the most part things are going pretty good. Ya know, this is kinda fun. Reminds me of my childhood modeling, lol. But Ive run into another problem that I hope someone can help me figure out. Two aircraft in particular are causing CTDs when I try to select them and create a single mission. They appear in the drop down menu for selection but as soon as I try to go to the hangar, CTD. I have looked thru the various inis for both aircraft till my eyes are bloodshot and cant seem to find a reason for this. I'd really like to get these planes flying as they are badly needed Japanese bombers. They are Wolfs KI-21 Sally and KI-57 transport. I suspect since both are essentially the same aircraft, Wolf may have used a lot of the same things like LOD, etc for both. So what afflicts one also causes a problem with the other. PS. Well added some of the DATs Japanese aircraft. One works fine but the Ki-45a and Ki-48 are CTDing also. I added Wrenchs ini update for the Ki-48 hoping that would help but unfortunately hasnt. So maybe it isnt an ini issue. Any ideas? Im at a loss...
  25. Dang...after all that ini crap I went thru, I found this little tidbit in the KB...http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=12147. They are all with no exceptions, working now...Thanks Dave. You can all stand down, this was only a drill. I repeat, this was only a drill... Geeeeeze...

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