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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Yup, your right, just found it! Lol! Great, glad its finally out. Soooo, belay my last...this was only a drill...
  2. Disappointed in new hardware

    Yeah, keep in mind a dual or quad core core 2.4ghz cpu, for instance, is still just a 2.4ghz cpu even if there are two or more of them. Until the software starts to utilize the added cpus, games may not be a whole lot faster. If you have some background apps running while you play a game, like McAfee for instance, then you might see an improvement as the added cpu(s) take the load off the cpu running the game.
  3. Best things since Track IR

    Thats pretty cool. But I'd NEVER want to spend so much time as to learn all the startup procedures for any aircraft, lol. Except maybe a camel or DR1...
  4. Whoops, your right, its Terrains. My bad. Glad your up and running. ;0)
  5. Yup, added EAW, red range, range, and Korea. All work perfectly. All I did was transfer the terrains' directory into C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Terrains in my WinXP setup. Didnt fool around with using utilities. I first added a "Terrain" folder in C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2, then drop the terrains' directory in that. Didnt ad the desert cat or anything.
  6. Way to Go Navy!

    All I gotta say is about frikken time. They shoulda been on those pirates from day one. I saw what the malaysian and thai pirates did to the vietnamese boat people back in the early '80's; it wasnt nice.
  7. Rugg's Pit for '09

    PPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! Rats! There went my coffee at the monitor again... Cool pit Rugg. Im gonna show it to my wife so she will have NOTHING to complain about anymore...lol.
  8. Dave, you know what has been the toughest thing for me to learn? Greycap has the right idea above...not letting the jerks in this world rule me to the point of being angry about them all the time. Not easy when I am capable of arguing back or being as big a prick as them. I espesially love it when Im insulted for no reason other than someone doesnt agree with what Im saying, or worse, outright calls me stupid. Their lack of tack and consideration and a superiority complex tends to boil the hide right off me. Soooo, whats the answer? Kill 'em all? Nah...just move on. Remember the old saying that goes kinda like this...you always notice the bad things someone does and never see the good. Well, my answer is to learn to look for the good, then you'll notice it more. In your case, there are FAR more people who enjoy your mods who usually dont say anything at all. The occassional attaboy posts, or 4 or 5 star rating on a mod have always been the icing on the reward cake of my mods. But the cake itself has been the pleasure I got from making the mod and packaging it for the community. That being said...all you folks out there in Strike Fighters download land who download and enjoy the mods on this website...dangit! Take the time to make a thank you post once in a freakin while. Click on the little star rating thingy too. One or two clicks out of 1000 downloads doesnt let the mod maker know he's appreciated. Two or three attaboy posts after hours of work doesnt seem like a lot of appreciation to me. If yur having fun playing with the mod...say so.
  9. Ive been here from near the begining and it has always ben a good forum despite the occasional attitudinal blurp...er, blip...er, glitch...er, oh, you get it, dontcha? attitudinal...is that a word???
  10. Quad core question

    I have a AMD X2 5400+ Cpu running stock at 2.9ghz. There is a nice deal on a Phenom quad core AMD Phenom 9500 @ 2.20GHz at Tigerdirect. The cache on this cpu per cpu is only 512kb. Plus it only runs at 2.2 ghz. My present cpu has a bigger cache and faster at 2.9ghz. If 95% of the programs Im running dont even take advantage of the dual core, what would be the advantage of buying the quad? Do games like Unreal Tournament 3 and SF2 or Armed Assualt use dual core or quad core? Anyone know? This bundle at Tigerdirect comes with a XFX nForce 750a Motherboard for $200. I cant afford top end but would like a better Mobo that does SLI and quad core and still use my DDR2 800mhz RAM. Another quick question...what is the Black edition cpus by AMD? What is their advantage? Thanks in advance. Man, theres a lot about this new stuff I dont know. Been perusing Toms hardware but some of my basic questions dont seem to have an answer there.
  11. this oughta get your blood pumping,

    Woulda loved to see that airshow! F4Fs, SBDs, P39s!!! And a Gumman F3F!!! WHEW!!!
  12. Passing of a Hero

    I am fortunate enough to have a signed picture of him. One of my old heroes for sure. Rest in Peace Colonel...
  13. Any board gamers here?

    Ive always been fond of Panzer leader and Panzer Blitz, squad leader, and a few others like Flattop and Richtofens war. Found a renewed interest in PL and discovered this really nice website of a Canadian enthusiast of the game...Imaginative Stratagist. The new Lock and Load series looks pretty outstanding too. Anyone else here indulge?
  14. I was wondering if check6 had any plans to update this mission editor to work with SF2. I cant seem to get it to recognize SF2 installs. Maybe the utility needs an update or something.
  15. bump I dont speak french so going to thier forum isnt much of an option. Since there seems to be a close tie with some of the people here to C6 maybe someone could offer a response. Or perhaps someone has been able to get the mission editor to work with SF2. If so, could you pass the knowledge as to how you did it on to the community here?
  16. Spectre_USA

    Happy B-day pal...
  17. What a couple of boneheads

    Geeze, I love a good prank as well as the next. But burning cheers into the lawn??!!?? Goobers...GOOBERS I tell ya!
  18. Batilka, any idea how this campaign would work with SF2? Just bought the game and would love to get the red side going. ;0)
  19. I wonder if there would be any issues running Red Wings over Dhimar with SF2? Are the desert bases and units in SF Gold same as SF2? Any thoughts?
  20. Any board gamers here?

    Lol, I thought I was slow in getting a computer in 1995! Heck, maybe we could get a CombatAce board gaming community going...HA! Wouldnt that be cool... :0)
  21. Any board gamers here?

    Oh man! Axis and Allies! How could I forget that game, lol. My two pals and I played that religously for over 6 years every tuesday. Holidays didnt even stop us. The only excuse was a death in the family, lol. Got to playing first East Front by Talonsoft on the computer, then Ghost Recon and my board games started collecting dust. Lol, yeah MrCraig, I looked at AirWar a few times and your right, it was a BIG brute. I figured no one I knew would ever get into it, kinda like Flattop so never bought it. I think I played two flattop games over 20 years against another opponent and finally sadly sold my game on Ebay a few months ago. By the way, you guys DO know about Vassle dont you? Check out this link here...Vassel gaming Engine. It actually works pretty nice, at least from what I can see with Panzer Leader.
  22. Ok, maybe you can tell me what happened here as Im still not sure I understand the file structure. I made the MiG-17 flyable very easily using the A-4B cockpit. I simply added the lines... CockpitDataFile=A-4B_cockpit.ini LoadoutImage=A-4B_loadout.tga HangarScreen=A-4B_hangar.bmp LoadingScreen=A-4B_Loading.bmp to the Mig-17 ini in the C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Aircraft\MiG-17 folder. Then I unpacked objectdata003.dat in C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Objects into a folder with the same name. I was then looking for a A-4B cockpit panel I wanted to repaint in soviet colors for the MiG-17. I found it, did the paint job I wanted to it and repacked the files. Making sure everything had the proper names and the new paint job on the file was the same dimensions of 256X256. I then go fly and VOILA! my cockpit has the new paint job...KEWL! Then switched to an outside view to watch the dogfight and realized that all the other planes were now without skins...they were ghostly white! All I did was change one file and repacked everything. What happened that changed all the other aircraft??? I also tried leaving the new file just in the C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Objects folder outside the cat file to see if that worked; it didnt. What if I simply put it in its own cockpit folder in the C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Aircraft\MiG-17 folder? If so, do I need to add anything else to that folder? I could try this but Im off to work shortly for a nice 12 hour shift...ack... UPDATE! Nevermind, I reread what wrench posted and I had 5 minutes before I had to leave for work...lol. So put the new file in its own folder in C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Aircraft\MiG-17 folder. Works great! All the other planes have their skins and I have my new cockpit repaint. Man, Im a freaking jenious...;)
  23. These are a nice improvement over the stock ones. Looking forward to them. Thanks for the time and effort kout.

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