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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Lucy in the sky with diamonds

    Whoa...musta been some good stuff. Bet it aint so good now...
  2. D-Day June 6th, 1944

    <S> They'll always be my heroes...
  3. Strut your stuff

    Hi Laton, how's the strutter coming? Been checking your website for updates. If I can help with skins or screens please let me know. We need more two seaters, lol.
  4. Get well soon Marcelo, God bless...
  5. Indian Authorities shoot & kill Osama Bin Laden

    Wait a minute...Osama was really an ELEPHANT??!!?? How was he able to communicate his dastardly plans? Ok, now Im really confused.
  6. Lions for Lambs

    www.lionsforlambsmovie.com Fascinating movie about giving a damn and being involved, about half-assed, albiet passionate, leaders renaming old failures and killing the best and brightest...again. Very moving...
  7. Lions for Lambs

    Is it that the first decision is, by instinct, likely the correct one? If so, that would likely only apply to someone who isnt inherently evil, or at least has a conscious, correct? Yes, I liked the teacher too. His student Todd was reacting like a kid; ie; from the gut. He had a brain, a good one. He knew the politicians were wrong but he didnt, or wouldnt, do anything about it. Like so many of us today, he wouldnt use his gifts, he just quit. He'd rather enjoy the fruits his parents gave to him, be hedonistic while the world crumbled around him. The teacher wanted him to act, to DO something, get involved, gain experiance so his talk wouldnt be hollow, be a part of society that doesnt just use, but ultimately contributes and makes the world better. Yes, I too wish I had a teacher who cared enough to talk to me. On a side note, I found it interesting that the teacher, as a vet who had fought in a war and lost buddies and recognized, from experiance, that war is inherently evil and had protested against the war when he came back from it, he still respected his other two students' decision to go to war because they wanted to be involved, to do something to make a difference. I also noticed that Todds' conscious was sure bothering him. He was at least thoughtful, but he still hadnt DONE anything. The other two main characters, the politician and the reporter, also were interesting studies. This would be a great movie for political science or social studies.
  8. Harvey Korman Dead at 81

    Yes he did..."Lily, oh Lily...lily legs, oh lily..." or"its HEDLEY, not Hedy!" Article said he was a US Navy vet too. Sigh, makes ya feel old when all the actors you grew up with pass on...RIP Harvey.
  9. Happy Birthday Firehawkordy

    Happy Birthday shipmate... :fans: (hehe, hadtathrowthatlastoneinlol...)
  10. Poll: Most powerful / moving game moments

    COD4 single player campaign is the best Ive seen. Man, they should make that a movie. When Zachaev's son uses his pistol, that caught me by surprise... and the last scene in the game...man.
  11. Hillary's Downfall

    You know, I really dont know what Obama's postion on the military is. I doubt its anywhere near the support Bush gave it. Which I might point out wasnt all that great either. But wait, Im getting political here and thats a nono. Guess I'll watch the video and have a couple laughs...;0)
  12. How exciting my civi job can be

    The idiots that shot up Columbine had a webpresence and said what they would do before they did it. Criminals are not unknown to brag while they are planning their attacks. They certainly brag after the attack, assuming they survive of course. Most youthful, mal-adjusted nutcases dont have much sense anyway so not terribly unusual. Server, looks like your company is being wise and prudent, good for them.
  13. Just got a notifacation this morning of a new update for WinXP. Its service Pack 3! Never heard or saw this coming. Nice to see MS is still supporting this OS. Here are the links.... List of fixes www.update.microsoft.com Now lets hope it doesnt make anything worse...lol.
  14. Plane lands on top of another

    Good under-carriage on that bottom plane... When I was 12 back in 1969, my brother and I were at a neighborhood gas station in Tucson near the local airport getting the tires in our bikes aired up when two planes passed overhead. I watched as they got closer to each other, one above the other, when they disappeared from view. A couple seconds later we heard a rending crash so off we go to the airport a couple blocks away. The lower high wing cessna was slightly ahead of the low wing piper I think it was; they never knew the other was there till the crash. They both survived with one guy having his back broke I think. Man, feathers and parts were everywhere. A few years ago in So.Cal. near San Diego, a Ca. Dept. of Forestry OV-10 spotter was coming in unseen by the big 4 engine DC-8 (I think it was) tanker. They nearly landed in the local neighborhood Kmart. All 3 crewmembers were killed in that one. Sad day... It do happen.
  15. Quick question...overall, how would you guys knowledgable about aviation history rate this tv series. Ive seen and heard a few wonky things more than once on History channel. Ive only seen this show a couple times and enjoyed it. But its often talking about dogfights Ive not even heard of much less know anything about. If the concensus is this is a great show and reasonably accurate historically, Id love to get a season or two on DVD.
  16. Just wondering if any of the fellas working with TK know anything about the up-coming patch for sfp1 to bring it up to WOI level? Havent seen or heard anything at all on any of the forums.
  17. Fox One - - aargh!

    Interesting footage. I wonder how the UAV happened to notice the fighter, its own radar? Or was just lucky to spot it with the camera? Maybe this is on-going aggression so the Georgians were ready for the approaching fighter?
  18. An old friend of mine was a former USAAC L-5 liason pilot during the war. He was owed a debt by a fella that owned a bar. He was given this propeller as payment. It sat in the rafters of his garage for decades until one day I spotted it up there covered in dust. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, so I asked him if I could have it. He said make a small contribution to this Christian aviation organization called thequiethour.org and its yours. So I did, and he gave it to me! Amazing to think its around 90 years old. The blade ends are sheathed in copper... check out the old serial numbers and logo. Paragon American Propeller, Baltimore, Maryland...whats it say right above paragon? Two words... I think it says...B.O.2229 and then in the image it looks like USA 76? The type it came from...(not this plane)...
  19. GWAR, thank you VERY much for the link; VERY cool! Im jazzed...lol. That picture of the paragon trademark was a nice bit of info; now I know what it says and should look like. Im signing up for their forum too to get more info on the care of this gem.
  20. Trade mark! Of course...Bingo! I couldnt for the life of me figure that one out, lol. Thanks. You may be right about the S.O. but its really hard to tell. Anyone have any suggestions about where to research something like this? Perhaps a forum even?
  21. Kursk

    I remember when this happened. Followed the news closely hoping the crew would be rescued, to no avail unfortunately. Sad day indeed...
  22. Mega Poll: Greatest Rock Albums of All Time

    Some of these are greatest hits albums but so what? -Led Zeppelin IV Zoso -Kansas the hits -Boston's Greatest hits -Eagles on the Border -Rush Spirit of Radio Then there is also honorable mentions... -Def Leppard Pyromania -Styx Anthology -Supertramp Breakfast in America -Cars Greatets hits -Credence Clearwater greatest hits -Dire Straights on every street
  23. Remember Cope India.

    Yeah, I figured it wasnt a bright question even as a hypothetical given the age and outmoded avionics, etc. But I was curious what folks replies would be. I did notice the website posted by stick also had a page devoted to F-18 vs SU which I found interesting. I have also heard, I cant remember where, the F-18 was really something of a stopgap for the Navy till something better came along; is that true? If so, what, if anything is the Navy looking at these days to replace the Hornet? Im pretty ignorant of a lot as Im sure my questions reflect so bare with me. Im definately not knowledgable about this sort of thing. I know very little about tactics, the way electronics are employed, etc. But I do find it an interesting topic.
  24. Happy birthday Israel.

    Happy Birthday Israel!
  25. WHOA! Windows XP Service Pack 3!

    A major bug??!!?? NO, not MS!!! LOL! Yeah, Ive always waited to see how things transpire. Just wanted to give a headsup since I hadnt seen any posts here yet about it. Thanks for letting us know...

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