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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Remember Cope India.

    This discussion got me to thinking...Ive always hated that the US Navy ended the Tomcat program. I know, it was an old airframe and avionics and getting costly to maintain. But it was still superior to the Hornet in certain tasks such as speed, long range interception, and air to air weps. The Phoenix missile was an awesome weapon, at least in its day. Theres a lot of course I dont know. But here's my question...with China fielding more Sukhois, the Navy pilots are likely going to struggle to maintain air superiority over the fleet with the Hornet much less project that superiority over enemy territory. AWACS and EW will help but arent a cure all I suspect. How would the Tomcat have faired aganst the Sukhoi? Maybe Im just an old geezer for even asking...
  2. for Buccaneer-makers/lovers

    ...in my defence, the 80's were awhile back and I lost a few cells back then dontchakno...
  3. for Buccaneer-makers/lovers

    Cool video. Liked the music too; The clash was always fun to listen to.
  4. Richthofen's Skies

    Thought for a second you were asking about the old avalon hill board game. Used to play that a lot. Great fun. Couldnt tell you about any pc game though sorry...
  5. 1 Brand new TU-160 enters service

    Man! 11,000 mile range...holy moley! Good for Russia??? What good can possibly come from 200 frikken bombers? The world has enough already.
  6. Its a Glorious Day Comrades.....

    Yeah, We're still waitin for that shoe Krushev threatened us with...lol. Happy May day commies...
  7. Out of Idaho in 6 weeks!

    Take hiway 101 down the coast. You go thru the redwoods, 'Frisco and Sausilito, and some pretty nice scenery. Remember the song Ventura Highway by America? The Oregon coast is awesome too. It starts in Olympia, Wa. and ends near San Diego.
  8. Any fishermen, or ladies, here...?

    Whats yur biggest fish and what do you like most about fishin? For me, its being out there relaxin and my biggest I can remember are a 10 lb Pike, 4 lb smallmouth, and a 3 1/2 lb German brown.
  9. Strut your stuff

    Man, I love seeing these old birds. Great job guys and keep 'em comin'.
  10. Bridges at Toko-Ri

    Yup, was a good movie; had a good story line too, kinda war-weary after already fighting the big one and now this in Korea too. Always loved the "old" Navy portrayed in movies like helo pilots wearin' green hats, lol. Loved that old rescue chopper.
  11. Congratulations are in order!

    Well done Nesher...Ive seldom been more proud than when I was an NCO. I thrived on the challenge and thrilled to the success of leading my men. Always, ALWAYS, put them first. Real leaders lead by example. I also hope you enjoy your visit to the states.
  12. WOI Review By Spectre_USA

    Short and sweet; good review. I may get this sim yet.
  13. Lest we forget

  14. Your first combat flight sim...

    Aces of the Pacific by Dynamix and Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe by Lucasarts back in '93 or '94 I think. Loved those two games. Played them mostly on a friends' 386. Finally came up with enough to build my own and I was on my way...
  15. Been playin with it when I can these last couple days. Found a good server running 1.4 as I havent got the latest patch yet. Been all free for all. Im up to Corporal II now. Already won a couple matches, nailed 3rd in a few more, and have been having a genuine blast. I understand that CA has a server now, anyone tell me the ip? Do I need the 1.5 patch and punkbuster enabled? Never liked invasive software so havent instaled PB yet.
  16. Just got the game for my Bday...

    I finally did install PB and updated to latest patches. Was still crashing. Noticed temp was up on cpu so checked fans. I found my cpu heatsink and fan loose...YIKES!!! Dont know how that puppy came loose. Tightend her up and the game playes pretty darn well. Played over an hour last night with no problems. Started the campaign too. Played a good distance so far. Plays like a good war movie.
  17. "Killing Chuck Norris does with it die, leaving only the most angry" Ok, Im old...but that doesnt make sense to me..."does with it die???" It also said,"The boy was discovered with a list of people who allegedly try to kill him...", try = tried? Was he being paranoid, playing some kind of screwy game like that assassin that was getting popular, or was this a list of people HE intended to whack? If so, somebody's article editing sucked...
  18. Your Favorite Fish to Eat

    Nice cut gumpy. We got a nearby hole here too up high with some of those babies and me waitin for ice out... Jug, Im with you pal. My wife is Canadian and her folks are English. Ive been introduced to a proper fish and chips. Gives me heartburn for a week with all the oil but MAN, is it good!
  19. Your Favorite Fish to Eat

    Im a southern boy so catfish, beer-battered and deepfried is an old favorite with hushpuppies, watermelon, and ice cold bud... Now, of course on a back-packing trip in the sierras, a good pink trout, wrapped in tinfoil with butter and garlic, and cooked till you can pull the backbone right out with no problems is mighty tasty too. Throw in some scalloped 'taters and a hieneken or St.Pauli girl you packed in and kept cold in the snow or stream and life is pretty good...
  20. Interesting article about TK, thanks sparko. Despite some quirks in these sims I have always found myself coming back to them for a quick shot of action. Ive always liked the aircraft and cockpit graphics. Be interesting to see what area TK focuses on for his next sim since the aircraft for that era are probably already out in one of his other sims. I think Falklands would be nice. Since carrier ops and most of the period aircraft are available, itd be cool to see his take on a English carrier and harrier and VTOL. He'd be improving ships and water in his sims at the same time. Its bound to be exciting. Or perhaps switch from the allied perspective in his sims to the opfor view, say, a flight combat sim covering a hotspot in africa flying the old MiGs and Sukhois.
  21. Any fishermen, or ladies, here...?

    Russo, sounds like some good pike fishing! I keep hearing about the 30lber in the river around here but aint seen him...yet. Fubar, if there is a fishing boy scout, you have got to be it. Man, talk about being prepared! In style even...LOL! Persoanlly, I like my 14 foot aluminum boat with 10 horse, a couple rod holders, and Im not talkin about my feet, a couple beers, a dozen worms, a sunny day, my fishin partner; ie, the wife, and my day is well spent.
  22. Hello, is this thing on?

    Trippy B-52 video Mike. Makes me wonder if you have something in the pipeline again...Glad to see you back. Love the scooters. Im lookin for a basket case myself to restore. When I was in th3 service back in the 70's and 80's, cafe racers were very popular with the fellas as a cheap, fast, cool ride.
  23. Just got the game for my Bday...

    Wow, 66 views and no replies... Made it to Gunny II, but been having a problem with BSOD, crashing and re-booting. WinXP error reporting seems to indicate a device driver problem, but have the latest drivers for my Biostar 690G Mobo, Nvidia 8600gt and audigy 2 ZS. So not sure whats up. Ive even disabled sound so maybe its video or mobo somehow. Sure is annoying to be into round 3, getting extra points, one of the leaders in frags, and all of a sudden freeze, BUZZZZZ, bluescreen...reboot...
  24. What are you packing in COD4 MP? Huh?

    Ok, since I am now a proud owner of this anti-stress, waykewl, little gem of code, I guess I'll add my two cents...my favorite right now is the SAW, camo'd with reddot, a .45, and a load of flashbangs. Love spottin someone walk into a building, come in behind, heave in a flashbang, watch them kinda drool and stagger just before I hose them with lead...gotta love it!

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