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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Version


    Want a little COLOR in SFP1/WOV? This is the "Yellow Training" skin for Bunyaps' AT-6D Texan/Harvard. This is my second attempt at making a skin for SFP1. While this skin draws on some historical facets, it is basically a fictitious paint job for the AT-6D. I just wanted a nice skin, that looked authentic. I adjusted the stock AT-6D decal placement to be more centered and added numbering decals and noseart. It looks good with any nations' markings on it. I also added Wrenchs' notes on adding lights to the Texan/Harvard. Hope ya like it... :) Version 1.1 added dirty exhaust and tweaked the colors a bit. NOTE: I figured out what the problem was with the prop disappearing after a moment. In the "Generic" skin folder for the AT-6D, select and copy the two files PropDiskFast and PropDiskSlow. Then paste them in the AT-6D folder itself, not in one of the skin folders. Viola! you now have prop.
  2. Version


    This "Super Pack" contains 1024X768 bitmap Hangar and Loading screens, a bitmap loadout image, a jpeg preview image, and a installation readme for the SU-17.
  3. Version


    This "Super Pack" contains 1024X768 bitmap Hangar and Loading screens, a bitmap loadout image, a jpeg preview image, and a installation readme for the SU-9 Fishpot-A.
  4. Version


    This "Super Pack" contains 1024X768 bitmap Hangar and Loading screens, a bitmap loadout image, a jpeg preview image, and a installation readme for the MiG-19S.
  5. Version


    This "Super Pack" contains 1024X768 bitmap Hangar and Loading screens, a bitmap loadout image, a jpeg preview image, and a installation readme for the MiG-17F.
  6. Where has Snapple been?

    Snapple, Glad to hear your doing so well pard. Gettin off the smokes and binge drinking is one of the smartest moves you'll ever make. Your smart enough to realize it early on. I had to learn the hard way and go thru the ringer. Congratulations on the soon to be new wife and child. Ive found the love of my life too. Hang on to them bro, thru thick and thin, they are a precious thing. Going into the Marines will get you inshape fershure. Its a good branch pal.
  7. My gaming room setup.

    Hiya Chief, Im still floating around too. Got a kick outta that game room setup of yours. Gave me a few ideas, hehe. Hope all is well with you and yours.
  8. Version


    This is the "Blue Guards" skin for the Strike Fighters MiG-19S. While this skin draws on some historical facets, it is basically a fictitious paint job for the MiG. I just wanted a nice skin, that looked authentic for the MiG-19 as there are few for this plane.
  9. Version


    From the readme... This is a totally fictitious campaign involving the Balaton region map and the Player as a German pilot. You'll be flying first the B-239 Buffalo being used as a trainer, then the Bf-109E-4B Jabo fighter bomber. As you will quickly learn, this campaign came solely from my fertile imagination so if you are looking for history, you might try another campaign. Accurate history aside, if you are looking for a 37 mission campaign with varied missions and quick action, you've came to the right place. Ive tried to make each mission different and challenging without making the pilot fly 2 hours to get somewhere, or making the missions so tough you want to quit trying after doing the same mission 12 times. This is a BETA release of this campaign. I would very much appreciate ANY feedback at all, positive, negative, contructive, destructive, or otherwise. Please let me know what you think. Thanks...
  10. Pcpilots' pilot photo pack



    Youve got 5 cold war Russian pilots, 3 woman pilots, 2 Chinese, 3 WW2 US and 2 WW2 US art pics. Also 2 WW2 Russian and 2 US U-2 pilot photos. There are also 2 Isreali, one Vietnamese and one US light aircraft pilots for those who like the Birddog and FAC missions. Plus 4 more regular allied pilot photos. Hope you enjoy a little more of a choice in faces. Have fun.
  11. Version


    This is the hangar pack for the F-84F Thunderstreak. It includes a 1024X768 bitmap hangar screen image, a jpg preview image, a F-84F loadout image, and an installation readme.
  12. Version


    This is the hangar pack for the British Aircraft Corporation Lightning. It includes a 1024X768 bitmap hangar screen image, a jpg preview image, a Lightning loadout image, and an installation readme.
  13. Dangerous Waters Contest

    Whats a squid without his own copy of DW, eh? COUNT ME IN!!! :)
  14. The latest and greatest version of the Naval Warfare Project, version 18, has been released. I dont know a lot of particulars at this time so you will have to check out the Naval Warfare Project Yahoo Groups Forum. Or go to the Naval Warfare Project website. If you like playing Fleet Command, this is a must have. :)
  15. Couple of Screenies

    WHOA! I LOVE that half underwater shot, THAT is cool! Man, pc games have sure come a long way eh? I remember Atari and thinking if they could only do something like what we have now. Well, the time is NOW, hehe. :) Dagger, that isnt a bad idea. I was originally a member, and training officer, of the 6th "Hundius" Flotilla. But that was when SH2 first came out. There were so many problems, and the MP part took forever to get fixed, that most of the guys quit. I think we went from 15 guys down to 2 or 3. With this game, and the finally realized fixes for SH2, rejoining might not be a bad idea at all.
  16. I have been working all morning trying to build a simple strike mission using the F9F-5, the USS Essex, and the Korea map. I cannot seem to make the planes do a normal takeoff from the carrier. Either my plane blows up, or it bounces like some ball until the wingman spawns underneath, whereupon I blow up, or if I check the adjust heading/takeoff boxes in the editor, Im not even ON the carrier, Im flying somewhere over the water a ways away from it. Maybe one of you guys can make sense of this... [MissionHeader] AircraftType=F9F-5 MissionMap=korea MissionType=STRIKE StartDate=06/18/1951 StartTime=09:00 [Weather] WeatherType=RANDOM WeatherAlt=4000.0 WeatherThickness=500.0 HasHighLayer=False HighLayerAlt=8000 FogAmount=0.6 ContrailAlt=8000 StartWindSpeed=17.57222 WindGustingAmount=25.57222 [MissionData] FriendlyAirActivity=1 EnemyAirActivity=1 FriendlyAirDefenseActivity=1 EnemyAirDefenseActivity=1 PlayerMissionID=1 PlayerPositionID=1 MissionNumber=1 AdjustStartPosition=TRUE AdjustBaseWaypoint=TRUE [AircraftMission001] AircraftType=F9F-5 Name=Showtime FormationType=USFighter Texture= Squadron=-1 AircraftNumber=-1 Size=2 RandomChance=100 MissionType=STRIKE CarrierBased=TRUE ObjectiveID=18 RatingForSuccess=50 StartOnGround=TRUE Position=394761,435067,0 StartTime=0 Heading=0 Speed=0.00 Alignment=FRIENDLY AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 Loadout=Strike TracerMixRatio=50 PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT TargetArea=Tanchon Nation=USN Waypoint[01].Position=394761,438841,100 Waypoint[01].Speed=102.89 Waypoint[01].Size=200 Waypoint[01].Command=DEPART Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[02].Position=392337,441050,500 Waypoint[02].Speed=154.33 Waypoint[02].Size=200 Waypoint[02].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[03].Position=380700,440950,500 Waypoint[03].Speed=154.33 Waypoint[03].Size=200 Waypoint[03].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[03].Objective=TRUE Waypoint[04].Position=378914,439485,500 Waypoint[04].Speed=154.33 Waypoint[04].Size=200 Waypoint[04].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[04].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[05].Position=388329,428531,500 Waypoint[05].Speed=128.61 Waypoint[05].Size=200 Waypoint[05].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[05].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[06].Position=392337,428531,250 Waypoint[06].Speed=102.89 Waypoint[06].Size=200 Waypoint[06].Command=APPROACH Waypoint[06].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[07].Position=394668,431753,150 Waypoint[07].Speed=102.89 Waypoint[07].Size=200 Waypoint[07].Command=LAND_LINEUP Waypoint[07].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[08].Position=394761,435067,0 Waypoint[08].Speed=77.17 Waypoint[08].Size=200 Waypoint[08].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[08].Objective=TRUE [Waypoint[01] 395061,437903,500= 75= 200= WAYPOINT= FALSE= Waypoint[01].Position=395061,437903,500 Waypoint[01].Speed=75 Waypoint[01].Size=200 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE [GroundMission001] GroundObjectType=CVA-34 Name=Tank FormationType=Single NavalObject=TRUE Carrier=TRUE ShipNumber= Size=1 RandomChance=100 ObjectiveID=0 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=394761,435067,0 StartTime=0 Heading=0 Speed=0 Alignment=FRIENDLY Nation=USN Loadout= Waypoint[01].Position=394761,451728,0 Waypoint[01].Speed=7 Waypoint[01].Size=1 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE I have had all kinds of wierd things happen...if I try to set the ship as the takeoff, my first waypoint is yanked over to the carrier on the map in the editor and the speed, etc. changed. Initially, the mission worked fine until I added a werehouse as a target. So I delete the tasrget and just focus on trying to get ON the deck for takeoff...no bueno... My ship floats above the water, My wingman takes off and floats down to the water where he lands to the sound of wheels hitting a runway, and my F9F doesnt have any main gear visible! Geeeeeze....this post cannot begin to convey the continual problems I have had. I am not a rookie at this. I know how to fool around with things until something finally works. But apparently SFP1 right now isnt cooperating...
  17. I have finally gotten SFP1 to work on my small 2 computer LAN. Me and my girlfriend have been having fun shooting missiles at each other. Hey, beats argueing! Anyway, a couple things... 1st) When I try to exit the MP and go to mainscreen, all I get is black screen, a little HDD activity, then nothing, just black screen. Try to cntrl/alt/del out, to no avail. I have to reboot. This only happens on my WinXP SP2 comp. The other comp has WinXP SP1. Any ideas? This happen to anyone else? 2nd) Despite adding MK2's nice Soviet green cockpits to the MiG-17 and -19, all I get is the defualt A-4 cockpit in the MP game. Whazzup???
  18. Where is the aircraft.ini file located? I cant find it. As for SP2, I have all the functions of the STUPID security center off, and still these glitches. grrrrrrrrrr..... Thanks for the replies DO...
  19. Excellent art deuces, I wish I could do that sort of thing. The idea of putting them in the member gallery is a good one. Just a thought...but another idea for all those screenies...I took all mine, editied them in PSP7 to my liking, and now use them in the "My Pictures" screensaver function in Windows. Looks cool. I often find myself watching the pics slide in and out, hehe.
  20. Version


    This pack contains the 1024X768 bitmap hangar and loading screen images for the F-16A Viper Block 10 and 15 along with an installation readme. Please note that the Block 15 loading image was done by wpnsgt. the other images i did as part of team Viper.
  21. Version


    This mission is based on the modern sailors' biggest fear other than subs...the Russian Tupelov TU-22, NATO codenamed "Blinder". This platform could carry up to 3 of the devastating anti-ship AS-4 "kitchen" missiles, representing a huge and direct threat against US naval aircraft carriers.
  22. Couple of Screenies

    OOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOOooooooo....*slobber*...OOOOOOooooooOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOooooo....*drool*...*spittle*...*salivate*... Nice screenies, thanks Bob. I ordered my copy from ubi, should be here any day...cant wait...much...longeeeerrrrrrr....
  23. Happy St. Patricks Day

    That quote sounds mighty Irish to me... Happy St. Pats day to you too...
  24. *affects southern accent* I am at your disposal suh...

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