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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Thank you VERY much for the replies fellas, much appreciated. I have to go to work now so cant comment further but I'll get on tonight. A few things I wanted to ask and discuss if I may.
  2. I need your input asap!

    My wife (!) just told me she is going to get me a flight sim yoke for Christmas. Ive been looking at the saitek cessna that comes with a throttle/mixture/prop controller seperate from the yoke. Its $200. But I know the CH products last forever. I just cant wrap my head around that screwy placement of the levers on top of the yoke! They both have 2 year warrenties. Any input from you guys that use them? Ive got a day or two to decide but I'm like a little girl in a candy shop and don't know what I want. I need your help comeraden! Not a bad dilemma to find oneself in eh?
  3. Steam Sale

    Matrix games has a sale on right now too. I was thinking of picking up the box version of Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm with a real manual ( ! ). $20 off that baby.
  4. Have they no shame?

  5. Lol...you DID say a long day of work, hehe.
  6. Viva La France...

    Damn straight! Civilization against medieval barbarism.
  7. Viva La France...

    Emp_Palpatine, no country is perfect. But no one should be so brutally attacked as this. There is no call or reason so great as to merit this evil.
  8. To My Fellow Veterans......

    GO NAVY! "Non sibi sed patriae"
  9. Better start looking for it in the Gobi Desert

    Its over my head...That's why I don't go any deeper than my bathtub.
  10. I heard he suffered from alcoholism, depression, and apparently also paranoia. What I didn't know was he also suffered from early stages of Parkinsons discovere3d during his autopsy and a form of dementia called Lewy Body Dementia. WOW! This poor man was really going thru the wringer. Interview can be found here... https://gma.yahoo.com/exclusive-robin-williams-widow-forgave-him-doesn-t-124422315--abc-news-celebrities.html#
  11. FastCargo's Helicopter Lesson

    What a frikkin hoot! Great story.
  12. Excellent video on a Spitfire Mk1 recovery and rebuild. Lots of history for context and a biography on the planes original pilot to boot! This guy was a mans man. Very cool! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7Zebpu2nS4
  13. Sealion is Out!

    Yes, sounds like it would add a nice twist to the game, especially the defecting troops...""GET BACK HERE YOU WINJERS!""
  14. I heard today that you can port apps from other O/S's or devices to win10, is that true? Could I port Pacific Fleet which is android based to win10?
  15. Question about Windows 10

    Ive tried a few emulators with no success. Im inline to get the free win10 upgrade so guess I'll find out eh?
  16. Sealion is Out!

    Been thinking about this one. Have this game and a good sealion campaign might be pretty cool.
  17. Why would aliens so far advanced visit us ?

  18. Darn wife! I knew I shoulda kept that camera away from her. P.S. Its early morning on a camping trip a couple years ago, we rented a old forest service lookout tower. I found the old photo and got a laugh and thought you all might appreciate the humor. No, its not porn, although I must say I am a striking lad...
  19. Gotta welcome Daddy home!

    Geeeze, got kinda hard to see, darn eyes... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TToCFlieWMA Welcome home fellas.
  20. Victory at Sea

    Thank you for the honest, well thought out review. Lots of details and insight. Great screenshots too. I too miss my Fighting Steel games. Especially the night battles around Guadalcanal; starshells, torpedoes, LOTS of gunfire, all good stuff.
  21. Victory at Sea

    DOOOH! What are ya doin to me man! It aint right to leave a fella hangin like this...I might bust a gut or something!
  22. Am I proud...

    They gave the Nazis their first black eye, stopping them cold against all odds. These "boys" are among my pantheon of heroes.
  23. F-35A for DCS World

    Im sure it will cost waaaay more than originally planned...
  24. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    Geeeeze, to listen to you clowns, we've already went to hell in a handbasket, lol. Ok, so where are my virgins???
  25. Semper Fi

    “He’s gotta be a gentleman, though, I’m not a first date kind of girl. But, I dunno, we’ll see when I meet him.” lol...

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