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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. F-35 shot down !

    "Meanwhile, according to a source close to the recent dogfight, the F-35 “turns like a garbage truck." I about blew my ice cream all over the monitor...now that's funny raht thar!
  2. Combat Air Patrol 2 preview

  3. Was curious about this too. I tried several emulators and was never able to get them to work. Would love to see a pc version.
  4. Learn to fly - massive rock out

    I thought it was pretty cool...at least until that guy started talking at the end. So it was all a pitch to get the foo fighters to come to Italy...lol.
  5. Panzer Corps: Operation Sea Lion

    KEWL! Very fun game.
  6. Political Discussions

    opt me in
  7. Show Us Your.......

  8. Marines at White House (Doormen)

    Awwwwww, MCRD video brought a tear to my eye... My bus pulled in at about 8pm if I recollect correctly. It was the day of my 18th birthday. Not a single DI said happy birthday...I was crushed...
  9. EMALs Testing on USS Gerald R Ford

    Yeah, they don't go far without some kind of afterburner too...lol. Still, it'd be cool to have a little cockpit, wear a helmet, and yeeeeeeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
  10. Christopher Lee is dead

    He sure made a great bad guy or monster. I grew up as a kid having nightmares thanks to him, lol. RIP.
  11. Future of Aircraft Carriers

    Carriers ability to be a floating, moving airbase is what gives them their current edge. In addition, the firepower of their massed aircraft doomed ships without aircraft of their own to protect them. Carriers are a way to project conventional power to any point on the earth so they have become the major surface combatant of choice for the military and politicians. More nations are building carriers now than at any point in world history for that reason. They can hit surface ships, attack sub-surface threats, provide CAP and ground support far in excess of ship based guns, even the railgun, which still has a somewhat limited range at present of around 100 miles. Additionally, with point defense being vastly improved with laser and railgun weapons, I don't see carriers becoming obsolete in the near future. Railguns and lasers are mainly just that, point defense weapons with a limited power projection ability for railguns. A possible game changer for the Navy, and militaries in general, might be hyper speed aircraft powered by fusion that have an unlimited range and travel very fast. They could potentially be a threat to anyone anywhere. There could then conceivably be no further use for carriers if aircraft launched from, say, the U.S. itself, were able to fly anywhere in a reasonably short time to deliver an attack. Yes, we presently have in-flight refueling, but the aircraft are very limited by their speed. A B-52 can fly anywhere in the world with refueling but the logistics are difficult, politics interfere, and crew are stretched to the limit with flight times of 12, 20, or more hours. Imagine an aircraft that could attack a ship at sea, or a Taliban cave, 12,000 miles away in a 3 or 4 hours!
  12. Tank V Car

    Looks to me like that car driver should be glad that tank driver was able to stop quickly; he would have been peanut butter if not.
  13. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    By the way, welcome Bearcat to the CombatAce forums. This guy is a major poster at the IL2 forums. Glad to have you here pal.
  14. HOLY CRAP!

    You aint gonna believe this one, Im having a hard time wrapping my head around this. There is no freaking way a skipper could screw the pooch this bad. It had to have been an engineering malfunction. Yet even there, you've got tugs holding you, this just doesn't make sense. "Reports are coming in that the USS Arizona Memorial was struck by the USNS Mercy while the massive hospital ship was attempting a docking operation in Pearl Harbor. It’s unclear if the hallowed site was hit by the ship, one of its tugs, or both and what kind of damage occurred, but eyewitness say they heard the ship hitting both the memorial and the underwater wreckage." http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/uss-arizona-memorial-reportedly-struck-during-docking-o-1707312516?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+jalopnik%2Ffull+%28Jalopnik%29
  15. HOLY CRAP!

    Some updates suggest the Mercy or a tug may have struck the floating dock at the memorial and crunched it up. The Navy and Park Service are doing an investigation now. Boy, talk about screwing up though. That memorial is probably one of the top 3 in this country that is genuinely considered holy ground. You know, mishaps with ships happen all the time. But this sure isn't the place to have one. Poor ship handling by any skipper is usually cause for re-assignment.
  16. Blue Angels over Boston, MA!

    Awesome, love the Angels. Im with you hawk, the louder, the better. Miramar Air show was waaaaaay cool.
  17. War Movies on TCM

    I got lucky a few months ago and got a double feature DVD with Kellys' heroes AND Dirty Dozen. How lucky is that? It was in the $5 bin at Walmart, lol. Watched them both twice now. Guess that would be a good choice for Memorial day too... :)
  18. That was freaking GREAT! Where's the recruiter; I'd give a testicle to re-enlist right now, aint using them for much anyway at this age, lol.
  19. The right place, at the right time

    You know, I've always wondered if those ships now being used as memorials are still deployable. Be nice to think we could still bring them out if we needed them.
  20. Look at who has their own Twitter account...

    WOW! That's amazing. I never realized those sharks traveled so far. Im not sure I'd want to be the one that puts the transmitter on that thing. Im sure it would wonder what was pricking its dorsal fin and reach around to investigate, lol.
  21. http://www.collegehumor.com/video/51780/this-is-so-funny One of my favorite videos. "Not the NUTS!"
  22. I would just love to hear what happened when you did that....
  23. Steel Armor - Blaze of War

    You sure write some good articles with a lot of relevant details and some darn good action sequences. I find I cant stop reading until I get to the end, lol. I must say its nice to hear about some of the tank games out there, even if they are a bit older.

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