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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. What Other Games Are You Playing?

    That's what happens when your overseas for too long.
  2. The Circle is Now Complete....

    There are so many things I'd like to say...but I am trying to be a gentleman. So I'll simply say that WOW! That's nice! That tasted kinda like a hairball...
  3. 40 Years Ago Today......

  4. What Other Games Are You Playing?

    My top games are FSX w/ Orbx Northern Rocky mountains terrain and REX4 texture direct. Naval Action Alpha World of Tanks Combat Mission Red Thunder Fighting Flattops @ http://www.fightingflattops.com and a cool little game called Valiant Hearts: The Great War.
  5. Jug Has Passed Away

    RIP Jug, A CombatAce stalwart and all around good guy.
  6. Happy Birthday Wrench

    A couple laughs since the alternative sucks... And just in case you aint too old... Happy Birthday Wrenchy...
  7. Crap that is scary!

    Yeah, that barrier wasn't up. Somebody paid big time for that mistake. Heck, maybe a host of somebodies when you think about it.
  8. How well do you know Top Gun?

    14 out of 20...DOH! Guess Im not a topgun fanboi like you all...
  9. ‘Star Trek’ Star Leonard Nimoy Dead at 83

    I remember when I was 9, (1966), Star Trek was out and the whole family watched it. One Sunday we went to visit a friend of my Dad's from work. We watched Star Trek for the first time on a color tv. Two weeks later Dad had bought us our first color tv so we could watch Star Trek in color! My first plastic model was NCC-1701 U.S.S. Enterprise, and it sat on top of the tv until our cat knocked it off. True storys. Of all the characters in Star Trek and its remakes over the years, Leonard Nimoys' Spock was the most nuanced, deep, and well acted. Everyone, whether watching the show/movie wanted to know what Spock thought, how he was involved, what he was doing or going to do, etc. I dare say he embodied the very heart, and most importantly, the SPIRIT of Star Trek. I now feel another day older having lost another childhood icon. He lived long and prospered...RIP Mr. Nimoy.
  10. It's a girl!

    Congratulations man! Wow, a wife and 3 daughters? You and your son will soon be swimming in a sea of estrogen...:P
  11. Fuel Prices, back in the "day"

    I remember when I was 12 walking to school everyday past the Shell station on the corner. Regular gas was $0.29. That was 1969. I don't remember it changing much for several years. That was back when our economy wasnt manipulated by speculators. The summer of '74 I had my first real job working at the local truckstop. Gas was $0.49. I remember on payday I could put a half tank of gas in my '66 Malibu, buy a can of Copenhagen, and take my girl out for dinner and a movie all on $20! After the movie, we'd cruise Speedway Blvd for awhile, then go sit on "A" mountain and neck for awhile...lol. Now you can't even park up there I understand. Yeah, things have gotten so much better.
  12. Commander Alexander Vraciu has Also Passed

    One of the leading members of the greatest generation. RIP sir.
  13. Oh baby what a game!

    Yeah, Im not a fan of either team. But wound up rooting for Seattle because that's what you do in Missoula. Sure was a nailbiter right up till the end. Some amazing plays. That last one though...who woulda guessed, lol. I'd say Brady and the Patriots earned that win though; congratulations and well done to them.
  14. The First Air Force One

    Nice little piece of history there, very cool.
  15. Is there a good scenary upgrade for FSX? Edit: Never mind. I found several websites.
  16. Merry X-Mas

    Merry Christmas compadres and God bless you all.
  17. Some very good news

    Glad to hear it Falcon. Merry Christmas compadre.
  18. Sworn in

    Glad you made it Mac; well done.
  19. Rafale C & M Videos

    Nice videos. The Rafael is certainly a maneuverable fighter; very impressive.
  20. Got a kick out of the movie... Well, I was trying to decide between X-Plane 10 and MSX. At $4.99, guess who won...lol. Thanks for the heads up Jonathan.
  21. We're back.

    Glad CA is back up. Obviously we need to setup a perimeter, prepare some fighting holes, set the claymores, and pass the ammo and water. Wait, can we do that on the internet???
  22. More.......Tolerance....

    My Lord...how can anyone justify murdering children? (They cant except in their own depraved minds) And to attack a school attacks the heart of civilization. My Lord...
  23. In Memory of my friend, Phil Wilkinson

    When I worked at the jail, probably 80% of our arrests were drinking related including a LOT of DUI's. It was scary and a big eye opener to me to realize how many are out there right now drunk driving.

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