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Everything posted by Dreamstar

  1. Is that the good ship Gagarin?
  2. No longer got any WoX installs on my system, only SF2/V/E.... just installed the V enhancement pack BETA.... lovin it big style
  3. Ive got the Windows 7 x64 RC1 and it runs the games perfectly.... its miles faster than Vista Home Premium x64 and more stable too.... im defo gettin the full release when it comes out
  4. the switches used to move in WoX..... i think so anyway ill install WoI and look
  5. Dave gotta say i've never not enjoyed the mods that are released... you seem to have the knack for timing.... the day i got made redundant ODS was released and that cheered me up... the day after me and my ex split up the updated Varks were released and that made me smile when i thought i was gonna be miserable for weeks.... now im having a bad time at work and the B-1 's are released, the B-1R and the updated F-22 are released...
  6. A Perfect Addittion to the soon-to-be-released B-1R
  7. i was expecing one in the pack already..... the odd thing is with the RAF cammo from a side on view the Bone looks oddly Vulcan-ish.... might just be me like.... but looking from 8 o'clock level its got some familiar Vulcan features.... the sweeping fuselage and the cockpit position....
  8. wasnt there an RF-111G released???? im sure that somewhere there is a conversion pack for a F-111F http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6361 Found it!!!
  9. Spinners PLEASE tell me your gonna release that Bone Skin!!!!!!
  10. i suppose the EB-2 will be easy to do... INI edits mainly.... the EB-52 depends on the version and which novel.... the later ones had single pod Airliner engines inplace of the twin packs.... an upgrade that almost happened in real life if i recall....
  11. EB-1C Vampire here we come!!!!
  12. FC what is that plane in the bottom pic??? and the XB-70 is lookin SWEEEET!!!!!
  13. That sounds like a scene from Dr Strangelove
  14. If Memory serves the F-15A had a secondary Strike role.... where the F-15C was an out and out fighter.... pending the entry into service of the F-15E Strike Eagle
  15. I Gotta Question.... are there plans in the works to convert say.... ODS.... Nato Fighters and other total conversions to the SF2 Europe when its released?
  16. ive been thinking... What ifs WW2 RAF Style has anyone made a Boulton Paul Defiant? been thinking of makin a ground attack version.... Different Engine ( Maybe a Griffon or Napier Sabre ) and a Typhoon style wing, actually having forward firing armament, while retaining the turret, allowing for 2 gun runs per pass, or a AC-130 style circle gun run pattern... it would allow for higher speed ( somewhere around the Spitfire IX even with the drag of the turret ) and it would overcome the Defiant's achillies heel of no forward firing armament Just a thought
  17. I just think it woulda been fun.... totally from a "what if" perspective.... and the Sabre was in development at the time cos the Typhoon was almost at the prototype stage when the defiant was withdrawn.... so theoretically it could happen.... granted a re-design would have been in order, thats why i thought Griffon too...... cos personally ( and i accept that it might be just me that thinks it ) i think the Defiant had the makings of a superb ground attack aircraft
  18. Id recommend Low level Radar van strafing..... if all else fails once the radar is gone the missiles are next to useless
  19. is anyone esle using them in SF2???? the HUD is offset to the right of the cockpit on mine

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