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Everything posted by Dreamstar

  1. Now that i would love..... id love to have a go at makin a EB-52 Megafortress..... anyone got a B-52 MAX file lying around?
  2. the -B looks like a Vark that went 10 rounds with a boxer and has a broken nose
  3. i know what you mean.... i cant wait to load it into ODS and carpet bomb some iraqi tank colums
  4. Dont get me wrong its not something i wanted to do... i was mid campaign and it came up attack marines.... i dont want to go around causing blue on blue
  5. if the mission comes around again ill take a screenshot and post it
  6. ive not a foggiest how to post a screenshot, but ill try to get one, they were behind enemy lines though
  7. Not trying to be funny in the slightest, all the USMC ground units are signified in ENEMY RED. i got a frag order saying attack the M113 APC with US MARINES. im bein majorly serious
  8. Question for the Team. Is there supposed to be Friendly Fire Missions??????? im doin the Nighthawk campaign, and ive just recieved a frag order to take out a M113 APC with US Marines is this a part of the missions?
  9. I gotta say a personal thanks to the team, after 8 years for working for them, i got made redundant yesterday, was down in the dumps and really didnt feel like doing anything, once i saw this mod had been relaesed and i D/L'd and played... i cheered up Thank you Guys it couldnt have come at a better time
  10. Are you planning to do a couple of RAF skins for the -K?
  11. I got her down to 7ft over water... if i could work out how to post pics on here id post it
  12. Looks like a baby Klingon Bird of Prey
  13. Looks awesome.... cant wait to light up the sky in that beaut
  14. Id be well up for that one..... if you need a tester let me know
  15. That backflip was sweet.... cant wait to finish work tonight and get home and try it
  16. Id Forgotten about the F-111.... that pit would be excellent
  17. Shoot it Down?????? i cant wait for it to be released.... Will it be able to be used with any cockpit... the F-23 one for example so it can be player used? i know it wont be totally realistic but will be totally AWESOME to rock and roll Mach 1 with your hair on fire down in the weeds
  18. Ok this might seem like a slightly n00bish question.... but how do you get the Weapon packs to work with SF2?
  19. anyone know how to get the pack to work with Strike Fighters 2?
  20. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=34337
  21. What plane you need help with.... im ok at tweaking FM's not very good from scratch....
  22. Ok own up.... who has been trying to play engineer..... a Phantom and a Kfir just aint ment to get Jiggy

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