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About Wombat1940

  1. I think this says it all. I fly elsewhere where I have about 7 different mods installed. I can take them out easily (going back to the original folder) or add them in, without the original folder being fiddled with and maybe corrupted. Besides ........... it has to be easy otherwise I'd never be able to work it.
  2. Canopy Reflections

    Maybe I should ask this elsewhere, but I'll start here. There is an addon for Falcon4AF to produced canopy refection: http://www.janhas.net/JanHas_Reflection.html Does anybody know if its for F4AF and if so how to install it? I think its using LODEditor but not sure.
  3. OH! sorry ........ it is Falcon. However I've found the solution and fixed. Thanks.
  4. When Mod Pack installed I get an error message: AF4 not installed? But its there. Help please.

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