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Everything posted by 33LIMA

  1. Working on the first version of what's likely to be the last mission in the campaign, with our hero transferred to Jagdtiger outfit s.PzJg. Abt 653 in the Rhineland, March 1945:
  2. SF42 NVInsp settings

    From the album Combat Sims

  3. Steel Fury+STA mod - Jagdtigers

    From the album Combat Sims

  4. Steel Fury+STA mod - M4A2

    From the album Combat Sims

  5. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    Thanks for the heads up - looking forward to this update!
  6. Will do! I'm a total newb with the Mission Editor so am still plodding on with missions 9 & 10, the Jadgpanther in Normandy, they're nearly done but still need a few tweaks here and there. Thank goodness most of the stuff is coming from somebody who does know what they are doing (Lockie). Getting there, though I'm going through Shermans and Jadgpanthers at a fierce rate!
  7. Thanks Dsawan! Some more pics, this time from a second Normandy mission, which I'm basing on a hypothetical delaying action by s.PzJg.Abt 654 against the 23rd Hussars on 31 July, the day after the real battle with 3 Scots Guards on Hill 226. Moving into a hull-down position in a fold in the ground near St-Martin-des-Besaces, we await the expected enemy attack from Hill 226: We engage a troop of Sherman Fireflies, as they come over the crest and into our fields of fire: More Shermans are moving up on the other flank, behind some trees which don't stop our 8.8cm AP rounds: Back into St-Martin, we counterattack enemy troops reported to have broken through to the town square: Job done, we disengage and head for the RV point:
  8. A few scenes from a test version of the first Tunisia mission:
  9. Henschel Hs 123, Crimea, 1942 (Il-2 1946)

    Image title edited - Henschel Hs 123, German ground attack aircraft used by the Kondor Legion in Spain and afterwards in WW2, up to and including Barbarossa. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henschel_Hs_123
  10. After fighting on the Eastern Front, our hero goes to Tunisia and after a while as an instructor, finds himself in France with schwere Panzerjagerabteilung 654 and its new Jagdpanthers, up against 'S' Squadron, 3 Scots Guards at Hill 226, during Operation Bluecoat:

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