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Everything posted by 33LIMA

  1. ME S diary 2

    From the album Combat Sims

  2. No harm in starting one of these here, so here's mine, which concentrates on enhancing the historical experience (and to an extent, playability) rather than accommodating my 'pet favourites': 1. 'General purpose' 2-seaters (eg BE2, RE8, DFW, Aviatik) regularly operating on their own (or in pairs), less frequently in flight formations, especially near the Lines, to simulate art obs missions and solo visual or photo recces; 2. main planeset gaps filled, by AI-only planes if need be - 'must have'=DH4, AW FK8, Dorand AR1, Breguet 14 bomber and recce, Farman F.40; 'nice to have' would include Voisin 3, Dolphin, SPAD 2-seater, Caudron G3, Salmson 2A2, Roland D-type, Pfalz D.XII, SSW DIII/IV, DH9, Albatros C.III. 3. squadrons present on the order of batlle but not flying in the sim because their actual mount isn't available, given a suitable substitute, rather than left out altogether, which should reduce quiet flights (without the need to cut AI visual scan cycle times so scouts can go for scouts more often); 4. More aircrew animation - at the very least, pilot head movement (which is tied into aileron and elevator movement, but barely visible) made significantly more pronounced (like CFS2 add-on Combat Aces) - ideally, gunners/observers also making random scanning movements; 5. Archie (AA fire) changed so that (i) there is more of it, visible at long range so it's a good target indicator and (ii) there is less of it at very low altitude and (iii) none of it shooting down friendly balloons; 6. replace unusual or inappropriate terminilogy, like 'craft' with 'aircraft', the US modernism 'Intel' with 'intelligence', and correcting references to the air war being dubbed with the current, later or code name of the current ground battle; 7. aircraft distant LODs changed to that they start to be visible at 3-5 miles, without the need to resort to 'dot mode'; ...and tho possibly not feasible: 8. a reliable 'warp to next encounter' feature; 9. System resources devoted to generating/tracking flights only within in a reasonable radius of the player's vicinity, rather than all along the front (which makes sense in Falcon 4 but not in a sim set in a static theatre were such changes in the front line as there are, are not connected with what results the player or his unit achieve); 10. Bail-outs from planes and balloons - with or without parachutes, as appropriate!
  3. Steel Fury+STA mod: StuG IIIG

    From the album Combat Sims

  4. FE1 Frame Rate gone downhill

    Have you tried setting antialiasing=3 to =0 and letting your card's drivers handle the AA? Also maybe set the screen res to your monitor's native resolution - 1024x768 seems very low so maybe there's some resource-grabbing conversion going on. TBH I always found FPS in FE2 were better, setting for setting, than in FE1, even with the latter fully patched and Useadvancedshaders set to 1.
  5. Here's a series of screenshots from mission 5 in the campaign. Our Sturmgeschutze platoon, whose short 7.5cm guns are fine for our normal infantry support role but less well-suited to dealing with the attacking Soviet armour we're running into, has been temporarily issued with new Marder II self-propelled anti-tank guns, thinly-armoured but mounting a long Pak 40 A/T gun. Our three panzerjaeger edge right, to link up with an attacking infantry platoon: Shifting into column formation, we join our grenadiers and turn left, to face the enemy defensive positions, beyond a wooded crest a few hundred metres away: Perhaps rather unimaginatively, but deciding to attack on the same axis as the infantry, I lead our guns up a track leading directly towards the objective: Looking behind, I can see that my platoon's formation-keeping is good for once, including the close order I have chosen: I have noticed something suspicious where the road crosses the skyline so I pull off to the right and order line formation. Ahead, Stukas have been pounding the enemy and our infantry have begun to fan out and engage targets: The object on the skyline is the shield of a Soviet 45mm A/T gun! I have an AP round loaded but that'll have to do. Unfortunately a grenadier gets directly into my line of sight, firing an MG34 from the kneeling position: The MG gunner is hit and falls, dropping his weapon to my left. I now have a clear view of the target, while the crest just about screens me from the enemy's barrel. Although my first round flies over the target - too high! - my second will be a hit, wrecking the gun: Leaving the advancing infantry to deal with the surviving gun crew, I pull over to the left and continue to advance, keeping just behind our leading troops: As I come up to the crest, I begin to see the enemy trenches. Even as we close in, the last bombs from the supporting Stukas are falling, 'danger close': Emerging from the treeline, in good line abreast formation, our panzerjaeger cautiously move up to the enemy trenches, which seem to have been cleared of the defenders by our brave grenadiers: Beyond the crest, the ground begins to fall away again, opening up long lines of sight across a valley. Creeping ahead, I scan anxiously left to right, looking for targets: Over on the right, one of my guns has turned outwards and is engaging some unseen enemies on our flanks. Steel Fury isn't good at replicating platoon radio traffic, so the gunfire is the only warning I get of this development: It seems the village that I know lies in the dead ground over on our right has been cleared by friendly forces and the enemy is now withdrawing. I nervously edge over the exposed crest a few metres at a time to see over the convex slope, into the dead ground to my right front. Some T-34s are escaping and I begin to engage them at long range: I foolishly dally too long on the forward slope, possibly skylined, and am treated to the scary spectacle of one of the T-34s halting and turning to face me. Before I can back up, a 76.2mm tracer flies towards me, dipping as it arcs straight at us. The hit badly wounds my crew and ends our mission. This is the first time I have spent serious time fighting in some of SF's user-made limited-traverse SP guns and especially in the lighter-armoured vehicles, it's a whole new challenge!
  6. Steel Fury+STA mod: Marder IIs

    From the album Combat Sims

  7. Steel Fury+STA mod: Marder II

    From the album Combat Sims


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