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Everything posted by 33LIMA

  1. Hi Hinchinbrook! From the 'readme' this campaign is for 4.08m or above: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=2471 It may not work with the TD 4.11 and above modified version that features some AI and other improvements, as stated by Jeanba on the other 'Afrika' mission report. I'm running this campaign with Dark Blue World 1.71 which it doesn't need but is I think still the ultimate one-stop mod for Single Player Il-2, in terms of more planes and maps etc. http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21514.0.html This is installed on the latest stock/official game, which IIRC is 4.10.1m. If your version needs it, the patches are available here, both official and later: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&c=564 Having applied DBW right after installing Il-2 '46 and patching the latter to 4.10.1m, I'm note sure whether/to what extent DBW contributes to the visuals you see here, or whether they are obtainable from the stock game. I'm running on 'Perfect' settings with my conf.ini file tweaked as described in various posts. Over on the SAS DBW forum there's been some discussion of a new 'Compressed Full Monty' mod based on the modded 1.12 game, which mod has been delayed pending some enhancements to the scope, and may be the new 'must have' mod for Il-2 single player, when it is eventually released, at least if it is compatible with the best of the older campaigns: http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40015.msg500468.html#new Good hunting!
  2. Armchair Aces updated!

    Nice one Ojcar! Grabbing it now! Muchas gracias!
  3. A little exercise in aircraft recognition... I throttled back and dived in from astern, as firing along the length of the sub seemed likely to present a better target. Steeling myself to ignore the muzzle flashes I was diving straight into, I lined up my sights and pressed both triggers. Hits flared out all over the sub's deck and conning tower before I pulled up and left, taking some rounds or fragments myself in the process, which put some holes in my canopy. Clearly, there were some rather unfriendly people down there. Looking back, I was disappointed, but not entirely surprised, to see the submarine plodding on regardless, not even having the decency to crash dive or show the slightest sign of alarm at my attack. Disappointment turned to anger. This would not do! Those jack tars would need to be taught to show a little more respect for the fighter pilots of the Luftwaffe. I pulled around and came in again, this time from abeam and aiming at the conning tower. After another pass firing cannon and MGs, I was relieved to see a column of smoke rising from the sub. Better still, the boat seemed to lose way and slow to a halt. Threat averted! That would do, I decided. Any effort to do much more damage to a target whose vitals were protected by a thick pressure hull seemed likely to be a waste of further ammo which I might need for another purpose, at any moment. I recalled my wingman and climbed up to take stock. A small motor lauch sped past our ships in the direction of the sub. This I hoped might be a German R Boat or S Boat, or the Italian equivalent, come to join in the fun. But no action developed. Somebody out for a 'jolly', perhaps? I raised my eyes to scan the heavens again...and not a moment too soon. A large aircraft appeared level with some clouds, between us and the coast. Presumably this was the suspicious aircraft I'd been sent up to deal with! He was turning quite tightly and this gave me a good view of his planform. He looked familiar, despite the odd blue colour of his top surfaces. Very like a Ju 52, I decided, consequently resisting the temptation to swing in behind and blast him quickly, before he could bomb our ships. Instead, I got closer, into a position from which I could positively identify him. He was in fact a Ju 52, with floats as it happened, so I left him alone. He had Italian markings, so perhaps he was actually a stand-in for a CANT floatplane. Nice of the mission designer, to put me in the air to tackle a mystery plane, then throw me a little test in aircraft recognition! Thankfully, I had passed! Turning back out to sea, I suddenly saw a second big aeroplane. This one looked different, more rounded; and greyish rather than blue. I turned in after him and two things became apparent fairly quickly. First, he was a big four-engined flying boat - a Short Sunderland, by the look of it. Second, he was headed in the general direction of those two friendly ships. I padlocked him and ordered the other 109 to attack. Normally, I would have waited for this attack to develop before combining efforts, concentrating our fire and dividing the enemy's. But it seemed to me that a bombing attack on our shipping was imminent. An instant attack was therefore imperative, even it meant making a pass from astern, into the fire of the rear gunner. Having used up a fair bit of ammo on the sub, I mightn't get much of a second chance. I needed to get him now, on the first pass - and do it quickly. Either knock him down or at least, put him off his stride - and his aim. The big flying boat grew quickly in my windscreen and I cut loose with all weapons as soon as my sights came on, firing long bursts which I could see going home. My cannon quickly used up what was left of my paltry 60 rounds per gun but I carried on with my nose-mounted MGs. There was a bang as I was hit in return. I cracked off another longish burst. Then came another bang and oil flew up onto my windscreen, the lower part of which was suddenly blocked by what looked like some bent metal from somewhere just up front. Not good. I hesitated momentarily...but the time for breaking off to avoid damage was long gone. I fired again and just as I finally broke down and away, flames burst from the Sunderland. Got him! Actually the 'Sunderland' was a re-painted Kawanishi H8K - quite a decent stand-in for the 'flying porcupine'. And more importantly, she was going down - and with all her bombs still clustered under her inner wings. It looked like Jedermann had saved the day again! I hoped those jolly jack tars down there appreciated my two-fold efforts to see them safe into port, for they been hard won. My poor Messerschmitt was badly battered, with the engine cowling bent and askew and my prop spinning to a stop. The 'Sunderland' was evidently in worse shape, though, for the crew had started bailing out. I gently eased my plane around to the south, towards the coast and nosed gently down, even as the big flying boat dissolved behind me into a shower of burning, falling fragments. No doubt about that one now, it was there for all to see, including our sailors down below! 'Return to base', I ordered my wingman. Mission accomplished! Now it remained only to be seen if I could avoid getting my virtual feet wet! My 109 still answered the controls so although I was high enough to bail out, I decided to try for a glide back to those sandy beaches. I knew immediately that I was too far away to make the airfield, so the nearest beach seemed to be about the best I could hope for. It was not to be. I was still a few meters from dry land when I ran out of height. I could see it coming and levelled out to break the impact and perhaps shave a little more off the distance I'd have to wade (or swim) to terra firma. Splash! In she went, travelling a bit too fast. The nose dipped under quite quickly and the tail flipped into the air. I bailed out and because Il-2 evidently doesn't have a pilot swimming animation, I was briefly treated to the spectacle of my canopy flying off and my pilot seemingly attempting to run on the water before disappearing! My Messerschmitt's tail briefly marked the spot where I'd come to grief, before slipping beneath the surf. I opted to 'Apply' the mission outcome rather than reflying it, in the process getting credited with my second kill - a Blenheim on the previous mission and now the 'Sunderland'. I'm not sure if this campaign leaves it to the player to decide if he's dead or to play on, but having seen myself exit the ditched aircraft, I took the view that I had made it the short distance to the shore and so I'm playing on. This campaign is too much fun, to give up easily! I just need to make sure my logbook doesn't get any more lopsided; I now have two kills but I also have two less landings than takeoffs!
  4. Il-2 '46 - North Africa!

    It's Il-2 '46 4.101m plus Dark blue World 1.71, tho I think this campaign doesn't need DBW. I have a separate install for 4.12, the Team Fusion modded version. The new Compressed Full Monty when it's released will be based on the latter and may be the new standard fro IL-2; per this recent announcement, it's been delayed to incorporate some further work: http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?action=post;quote=499474;topic=40015.2220;last_msg=499641 Yeah I remember playing that campaign or one very like it but lost it when I had to re-install. Must see if I can find it again, when Mission4Today is back up.
  5. Il-2 '46 - North Africa!

    Into action! Having cut loose my three wingman to attack the bombers, I concentrated on making my own pass. I picked the right-hand Blenheim in a flight of four and closed in fast, weaving slightly to put off the gunners. I opened up first with my cowling MGs and seeing some hits, hit the trigger for my wing-mounted cannon. Explosions blossomed on the bomber's port wing which promptly snapped off, just outboard of the engine nacelle. Down he went, trailing burning petrol. I had a quick look behind, fearful of an escort, but saw only some Italian CR.42s. If the British fighters were up there, hopefully the friends behind would keep them off our backs. No way were we going to be able to prevent our nearby airfield from being bombed, I realised, but every bomber we knocked down or forced off its bomb run would be that much less damage done. I chased after the three remaining Blenhiems from the flight I'd attacked, padlocking one and ordering 'Attack my target'. As I closed in, another Messerschmitt did just that, so once again I picked the Blenheim on the outside of the little formation and went for him. As the range wound down, the other two bombers turned left but my target kept straight on. So far, I hadn't seen any bombs fall. Time to get busy. I gave the speeding Blenheim several good bursts from all weapons. He slipped right and down, shedding a cloud of small fragments and trailing some light smoke. I broke hard left to avoid return fire. The bomber levelled off. I hadn't knocked him down, but I think I had stopped him from bombing our base, which was my main object. Although I didn't know it, there were RAF fighters with the raid. But in arriving ahead of us, the Italians seemed to have succeeded in tying down the Desert Air Force Tomahawks. Unaware of the air fight taking place just out to sea, I reversed my turn and came back in for a beam attack on the Blenheim. But before I could get into position, another 109 went for him. The other Messerschmitt completed his pass but still the bomber flew on, though apparently somewhat the worse for wear. He swung back inland. 'Now you are mine again!' I said to myself. But it was not going to be so simple. To my surprise, the Blenheim slipped back into formation, presumably with the two machines from which he had earlier split up. The odds were soon evened, though, for one of my 109s dived down and promptly shot the wing of the left-hand bomber. I fired off my remaining cannon rounds at the machine I'd attacked earlier and this time, down he went. My wingman wasn't convinced, though, for he dived after the Blenheim and kept on shooting. I picked out another flight of bombers - there had been two groups of four, at least - and once again attacked the right-hand machine. I took a couple of rounds in return but bored on in, determined to do as much damage as I could with my remaining MG ammo, before I broke away. That Blenheim just seemed to soak up my rounds. I just held down the triggers as he grew and grew in my windshield. Then I broke hard away...too late! I idled the throttle, jettisoned the canopy and bailed out. For a few seconds I was trapped in the plunging, twisting fighter but finally I was out and falling free. Phew! A close shave...too close! The Blenheim crew didn't seem to be so lucky, unfortunately for them. The fight went on. All three of my wing-men seemed to have come through the battle unscathed, with at least two kills to their credit...possibly three, counting the second bomber I had attacked but seen apparently finished off by another 109. Meanwhile, the Italians continued to keep the escort at bay. Their nimble fighters - some Fiat G.50s as well as the CR.42s I had seen originally - seemed to present the big, meaty P-40s with rather difficult targets. Well, for me at any rate, my first combat mission in Africa was over. Though I had lost my plane, I believed that I had done reasonably well, in terms of the number of bombs I'd prevented from being dropped, both personally and through the flight I had led in action. Having shot down one Blenheim and destroyed another by ramming (albeit unintentionally) I was a little miffed only to be credited with one kill, but such is life. Not a bad day's work, all in all. FlatspinMan's Afrika campaign is proving to be every bit as enjoyable as his Reichs Defence one and I'm really looking forward to future missions. Highly recommended!
  6. Mission4Today hacked

    Yeah, that just happened to me to. Ran Kapersky and Malwarebytes and no damage this end so it looks like these sad feckers have hit the site.
  7. cfs2 Ancient Question

    Hi Baxter you might want to try this utility, the CFS Quick Combat Editor: http://simviation.com/cfs2utilities1.htm Don't recall having this problem myself; at the moment I have Just Flight's Dambusters, Mosquito Squadron, Sabre -v- Mig and Aerosim's Val installed and the planes all show up in QC for any airfield eg I can fly or fight against the Dambuster Lanc from Henderson, no bother. Naturally, AI-only planes only show up in the Quick Combat list of enemies, not the list of player aircraft. With individual third party planes, is maybe where this editor is needed. There is a different edit to make the stock AI planes flyable, IIRC.

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