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Everything posted by 33LIMA

  1. Nice screenies there Gterl. Yes FE/FE2 still looks great. And thanks to new planes like Stephen's Albatros DII's, it keeps getting better. This plane is great for hacking down FE's BE2's, just like the real thing:
  2. http://simhq.com/for...Current_WWI_Sim
  3. Nice birds, especially the spinner-less, round-nosed version - many thanks! Looking forward to checking out what must be a nice clear forward view from the cockpit!
  4. Favorite bird?

    But then I also love to fly these, so I guess I don''t have a favourite mount, I like the variety:
  5. Favorite bird?

    These three:
  6. Italian Front (WIP)

    Looking good - looking pretty amazing, actually!!!
  7. Got them, thanks Stephen for these and the 'nieu Nieuports' released earlier!
  8. Fairly sure DBW is not compatible with 4.11 - per these recent instructions, it's for 4.101... http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21514.0.html ...and while I haven't tried it, I don't believe DBW will work with later modded .exe's, than the version it's specified as requiring.
  9. Glad to hear you've cracked it. Now, in the immortal words of Robert Shaw in the BoB movie, as the bombs rained down on Dispersal, 'Don't just stand there, get one up!'
  10. This Ubi forum may be where I read about a second conf.ini file; looks like I wasn't imagining it! See post 32; dunno if that will help in your case or not but, tho it's about widescreen specifically, the thread also deals with problems in making conf.ini changes stick so there may be something useful somewhere in here: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/504311-How-to-get-IL246-running-in-widescreen/page4
  11. If setting 'Nosubtitles=1' (and counterintuitively, "1" not "0" is "off", according to the SAS conf.ini guide) does not work, maybe Whitesnake's advice at Battle-fields.com here mght help? Specifically, "Once you Edited the Conf.ini file Do Not go into IL2 Setup or Hardware Setup! This will overwrite the changes you made to the Conf.ini file!" and " If you installed the game into Program Files you may not be able to edit/change the Conf.ini file, in that case copie the Conf.ini file to your desktop, make the changes to it, and copie it back". Also, can't find it now, but I vaguely recall when I last installed IL2-46 reading 'somewhere online' (!!!) that there was a 'hidden' conf.ini somewhere, which was the 'real' one, tho I only seem to have one conf.ini in each of my 2 IL2 installs so maybe I'm imagining that or confusing it with another sim!
  12. Dunno Dave re DBW specifically but if it's anything like the HSFX mod, it seems you have to use the mod activator 'wrapper' for that and other mods, so likely DBW too: http://www.sas1946.c....html#msg176242 ...plus for Steam you need this direct drive patch thingie: http://www.sas1946.c...pic,1531.0.html Well worthwhile, IL2 never looked or played as good as this before:
  13. Dark Blue World (you also need UltraPack3) is a must-have enhancement for IL2 single player: http://www.sas1946.c...ebaa93b1d52f335 A lot of downloading (there is I think a single DBW installer for the latest version, tho check out the above multi-part link forst for a glimpse of what you get) but well worth while. Amongst the many improvements are better external engine sounds and better-blended-in 'decal' markings on planes. Plus a good selection of new flyables. comes with mod enabler so you can choose to fly stock or with a different mod. And check out Mission for Today for campaigns and many other goodies: http://www.mission4t...-Downloads_Menu Don't believe the current version of DBW is compatible with the above semi-official patch.
  14. Some shots of Stephen's new Fokker DII and Albatros DII in action:
  15. Fokker D.II

    Yes it's a matter of preferences. Boelcke I think died in the crash because he wasn't wearing his harness, perhaps for a better view! If I look hard over my shoulder in my seat, even without moving my body much, periperal vision gives me at least some view directly behind. Going to 185 degrees certainly doesn't sound realistic, unless you're Linda Blair, but in terms of the field of view it gives, as opposed to taking it as a measure of actual head movement, it was needed to bring the tailfin/rudder into the edge of the field of view, which seems about right to me. Anyway, I think Stephen's excellent recent additions leaves the planes now most needed by FE, in terms of common service types we don't have, as a 1916-17 configuration BE2, and a 1917-18 German general purpose 2-seater.
  16. How about 10RNAS Triplanes

    Superb work, trying these out now!
  17. Fixed national markings look MUCH better on FE planes, especially at low viewing angles. There is no need for decals for the roundels or tail flashes on the Nieu.28 as they only served operationally with the USAS, I believe, and I don't think it's desirable to cater for 'what-if', non-historical service histories. Unit or individual markings are a different matter. Looking forward to these, either way!
  18. Fokker D.II

    One modification I would suggest to this excellent aircraft - also to the equally good and equally welcome Albatros DIIs released just before - is to increase the pilot's arc of lateral head movement, to giver better coverage to to the rear. At the moment, the arc from about 4.30 to 7.30 is locked out; worse on the Albs, where the blocked arc is from about 3.30 to 8.30. I increased both arcs so I could look over my shoulder either right or left, to the extent I could just see my rudder. This means the padlock also works much better; it is quite disorientating if your virtual head hits this lock, while it's still tracking a plane that is out of your field of view. The A Team Pfalz DIII is another plane that benefits from this, tho in that case you get a bit of an odd view of your rear cockpit coaming, when the section behind you comes into view. This I did by editing the relevant cockpit.ini file in Wordpad, replacing the existing lines with: MaxYaw=185 MinYaw=-185

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