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Everything posted by potentesciamano

  1. Yankee Air Pirate Rising Sun Issues

    Hello to everyone. I am a long time Yankee Air Pirate player and now I moved to Rising Sun, from the same developers: http://yankeeairpirate.net/ I think the game is interesting, but I am experiencing some graphics issues such as no skins, misplaced lights, disappearing textures and so on. Somehow I managed to fix some of them, but for other I found no solutions. For example, in the firs missions of Pearl Harbor there is no way to show the Oklahoma capsized hull, even if it is in the Objects folder and I can even see the LOD model. Here are some pictures. I know it is an old game, but maybe someone can help. Thank you!
  2. Korean War Mod Update

    Hello! I installed the Korean Air War then the update but the runways disapperared. The games worls pretty fine, but at the beginning of any mission the planes are just taxing over a grass field.

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