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Posts posted by Shiloh

  1. Some of my friends I do Civil War reenacting with joined a British regiment and they meet twice a year at this site in Pennsylvania. They said it was awesome and I'm considering joining them next year.





    The GWA strives to keep alive the history of the Great War, and honor those who fought it's battles, through battle reenactments and educational events. Our membership recreates many of the sights and sounds of the 20th Century's most significant conflict. In addition to various special events around the country, the GWA owns the Caesar Krauss Great War Memorial Site near Newville, PA. Here, on a 100 acre sight in south-central Pennsylvania, we have authentically recreated a portion of the Western Front as it may have appeared circa 1917-1918.


    Our battle reenactments take place within systems of opposing trenches complete with a crater-pocked No-Man's Land. There are belts of barbed wire, used to protect the sandbagged front line trenches, and the opposing positions are punctuated by bunkers with functioning machine-guns. Behind the main lines are supporting and communication trenches, connected to underground dugouts, where officers plan operations and the common soldiers eat and rest.


    From the moment you arrive at an event you will be submerged in the Great War. From the clothing you wear, to the food you eat, to the trenches you fight in - nothing is out of place! World War One reenacting is truly, "The Reenactor's Reenactment!"

    From history to practice, the Great War Association strives for the elite authenticity standards

  2. I've been QC training on the Nieuport 28's in anticipation of joining the 27th, 94th or 95th squadrons in the Toul area (and just west - forget the name of the aerodrome) and look forward to using this map. A bit of the map to the south gets cut off by that square of white with the miles/kilometers scale. I don't want to create more work for you Lou by any means but is there detail under that area or is it incomplete?

  3. I likely would have never survived that war as a pilot....I'm too aggressive. It is impossible however to project one self into the actual conflict so one can't say for sure how they would fight. For example, French pilots may have been aggressive just by the fact that they were fighting on their own soil and their families may have been in harms way. I guess what I'm trying to say is aggressive or even cocky is not always bad. Some guys fought that way and they survived to live beyond the war. It just becomes less likely the more chances that are taken.

  4. Out of curiosity how come you run high rez skins?

    Trading bullet holes for a skin improvement that is minimal (at least on my system in OFF) didn't seem like a good deal.


    Big difference in WOFF?


    I'm not sure Duke. First I started slowly lowering different settings and the graphics quality was getting pretty bad so I tried raising some stuff up to see what that would do and I came to this. My rationale was that the bullet holes may take more rendering power and tax the processor a bit more rather than a smooth skin although I'm not sure I'm correct in my thinking.


    Well..I am / was ready to go out and totally upgrade my system for WOOF use. Particularly after I read the specs suggestions from the Devs pre-ordering.


    However after tinkering around on my, I guess middle level PC, I am getting very good game play..and may be reconsidering the upgrade.


    I have Win XP

    32 bit

    E8400 CPU(?) 2.7Gbs

    Nvidia 660Ti GPU

    Sliders on 54335

    Normal on the graphics

    Hi Skins

    No sun glare


    I haven't tried the 10v10 dogfights in QC, but the campaigning has been fine after some testing and tweaking


    I also "stumbled" into tweaking the settings on my PC settings tabs to performance and increasing the (i don't know) spare ram on the hard drive from 2046 to 4000. After I did those PC changes, WOOF seemed to perform better in general on my PC setup. 


    How do I Overclock the CPU? I have Nvidia Inspector and control panel. I see where to OC but I am not sure what to change the settings to?


    Hope this helps any others who may have mid to lower end systems and was thinking that WOOF would be unplayable. Seems there is a fair amount of flexibility in the sim.





    Thanks for sharing your settings and your experiences on optimizing a less than optimal system. I have never OC'd before now Royce so I don't know too much about it. I Google-searched, read some articles and watched some videos than rolled up my sleeves and had at it. From what I learned it is best to OC through the BIOS settings. On bootup, when I see the Motherboard load screen I hit the 'delete' key and that gets me into BIOS. Mine is an older BIOS setup so from the main menu I go to Cell Menu>Adjust CPU FSB Frequency>then change that number from the default of 200 up to 230. Next ESC out to main BIOS screen and save settings. This OC'd my processor from 3.0 GHz to 3.5 GHz. I tried numbers larger than 230 first but when my computer was acting up, wouldn't reboot and/or became unstable I kept lowering that number until my system stabilized. The idea is maximum performance while still operating a stable system. One must keep an eye out for the CPU temps to make sure that the OC doesn't overheat your CPU.


    There are some videos I found on youtube that show how to update the BIOS settings on a newer BIOS. Please do some of your own research before attempting this as there are risks to your system and I don't want to be responsible for pointing you in the wrong direction or providing bad information as I really am inexperienced with this. I have however been able to find a happy medium between CPU performance and stable system that has accepted this OC and I believe this is a significant key to allowing me to play WOFF at a smoother level.

  5. Thanks Lou. I've been testing like crazy and I finally have my rig stable. The 10 vs. 10 fights in QC have gone smoothly with only occasional hitches here and there - typically when all 20 craft or so initially join together on the screen. It has taken a week but finally I can start a serious campaign pilot (RFC 74 flying SE5a's) and enjoy the thrilling and often terrifying skies Over Flanders Fields.

  6. WOFF is an incredible WWI sim and I've enjoyed it immensely over the last 6 days. My hats off to the developers for all their hard work. My rig however is not as up-to-date as it should be so here is my story. I have had a series of flying and testing triumphs and frustrations over the last few days. The triumphs have been the moments where I've figured something out that gave increased performance and the frustrations are the times where I was in a fight at 7 FPS.


    But now, I've finally reached a workable medium and would like to share my specs/settings so that others with borderline systems may have some more information to work with in getting their rigs running WOFF somewhat smoothly. Additionally, I was hoping some of you may help me out in squeezing even more performance out of my rig/settings.


    First off, here are my specs.


    - Motherboard: MSI K9A2CF-F AMD 790X
    - AMD Athlon II X4 640 Quad-Core 3.0 GHz (OC'd to 3.46 GHz)
    - 4GB RAM
    - Seagate Barracuda 250GB Sata HD (7200 rpm)
    - Samsung Spinpoint TB HD (7200 RPM)
    - DVDRW/CDRW drive
    - Corsair 650TX 650W ATX12V
    - GB Radeon 6850 HD video card (OC'd from 1050 MHz to 1150 MHz)
    - Windows 7 (32-bit)
    - Acer 23" monitor (max res 1920 x 1080)

    - TrackIR 5 Pro


    I knew I would have to OC at some point and clearly now was the time. I figure that even if I get a bit of a shorter life out of these components they are on the verge of becoming inadequate for most modern gaming and I'll be in a better position to upgrade a year from now so fingers crossed. The AMD Athlon is known as a stable CPU and I know many have had success OC'ing beyond what I've done here. I believe my system is stable after 3 days for testing and my temps seem okay.


    With that said I am currently getting 35-45 FPS in normal flight conditions and 25-35 FPS when in combat (anywhere from 4-10+ craft). It's not smooth as glass but I don't feel like smashing my rig with a sledgehammer either.


    Here are my AMD card settings.


    3D Application Settings

    AA: 8X with morphological filtering checked (fliter: standard 8X)

    AF: 16X (per pixel samples)

    Tessellation: 64X (with nothing checked)

    Catalyst AI: Quality (medium setting)

    Wait for vertical refresh: Off, unless application specifies

    AA Mode: Adaptive Multi-sample AA

    OpenGL Settings: Triple buffering not checked


    AMD OverDrive

    High-performance GPU clock settings: 850 MHz

    High-performance memory clock settings: 1150 MHz

    Enable manual fan control: 100%


    And my workshop settings (the settings I feel affect performance).


    UI Aspect: 16:9 wide

    In Cloud Fog: off

    Aircraft Skin Res: Hi (No Bullet Decals)

    Terrain Detail Textures: Detail Textures Normal

    Woods/Forests Density: Low

    Resolution: 1920x1080, 32 bit depth, 8 samples AA

    Sliders set to 4,2,2,2,4

    G Effects: off


    Even with those slider settings everything looks pretty decent. This may/may not help others with borderline rigs. Also, this is what I've figured out on my own and in perusing the forums so it's very possible there is some information here that can be improved upon. I would love to squeeze out an extra 10-15 FPS so if anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.

  7. Thanks Von Baur and rjw. I've flown 4-5 campaign missions and so far I'm able to keep up. There are times when I'm full throttle and just keeping pace and I've used Olham's technique of stair-casing. It is dangerous business though as the craft are often so tight together. Just last night two of my mates collided while switching direction and both perished. I'm ok with auto-mixture right now Von Baur though thanks for the technique and your dads story connected with it. And yes, I will try auto pilot to see how I keep formation.

  8. Duke and Olham. From what I can remember, Olham has a better rig than me. With that said WOFF was stuttering like a school boy in front of a large crowd until I made some changes.


    I OC'd my processor and my GB video card and tinkered with the settings until I found an acceptable medium. Right now, I'm getting 35-45 FPS on regular campaign flights and 25-35 FPS in medium combat, near the front and involving 10+ craft. It's not great performance but I can live with it for now. I simply need some upgrades but they can't happen now.


    I feel like I can squeeze some extra performance out which is why I'm going to post back with my specs/settings, and see if the community can help out. And sorry for hijacking your going away thread Olham...but you are going away so you'll probably never know.

  9. I think I may have found the issue Javito. Since I checked 'on' for auto mixture, it seems I'm able to keep up. I will have to test more though to be sure.


    That's odd Olham. I wouldn't think the handling would change that much if at all. But if anyone would know it would be you. After many days of testing, I believe I'm getting closer to optimizing this game on system but it did involve some over clocking.


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