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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. I think it's some kind of skin issue rjw. The labels are correct as far as I can tell. I did fly a few QC's using an RFC-74 SE5a-Viper with a new pilot against Fokker D.VII craft from two different Jastas and each time the skins appeared correctly. I need more time to troubleshoot but that was an interesting test.
  2. Thanks for posting Olham! Is that a captured Einie they're looking at?
  3. Nice screenies Olham. It looks like that one guy is going to crash right into the lake to try and put out that fire.
  4. As always Olham - top notch work and thanks for uploading.
  5. Bloody April

    I hadn't seem them either carrick although my interest in WWI aviation doesn't go back very far. Thanks for posting.
  6. Thanks for clarifying Olham. I'm not sure what's going on here as one time the MFJ I skin/label matched up and were correct (see earlier photos). I'll troubleshoot more and see what I can figure out.
  7. C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\skins The above folder was the only folder I did anything with - never touched C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\Aircraft I will take a look in there and see if anything looks out of order. Thanks men.
  8. Are these the only default skins I am supposed to have in my folder? And if my skins did somehow get messed up can I just go back to the original install files and re-copy that whole folder over? I only have 3-4 custom skins that I made that I could easily reinstall.
  9. Thanks rjw! I really appreciate you taking the time to test. I'll have another look tomorrow to see what I can figure out.
  10. @ Hellshade

    Hellshade, you just hit the jackpot. Just give us your address and we'll show up with pizzas and beers.
  11. Thanks guys for the quick responses. I'll have to sift through some files and see what I can find. I was skinning a Jasta 18 D.VII file and maybe I screwed something up after copying files back to the skins folder? I had a chat with rjw earlier and he's going to test an RFC-74 pilot starting at the date where I started having trouble. And as a quick check to make sure my current campaign pilot didn't become corrupted, I'm going to start a new pilot with RFC-74 at the date I'm on currently and see if I run into the same issue. I'll post back here once I've figured a few things out.
  12. I've been trying to work through this issue but it's still happening. I am facing enemy craft with labels that don't match the skins and Jasta 18 seems to be the common skin that comes up. Here is screenie from one mission that shows a D.VII with a Jasta 5 label and Jasta 18 colors. And from the same mission fighting a D.VII from MFJ I with the correct skin. And yet another mission I flew today against Jasta 5 labels and Jasta 18 skins. Any thoughts as to what is happening here or how I can fix it?
  13. @ Hellshade

    Welcome akulawien! I too started on this magnificent sim just over a year ago after watching Hellshades videos on YouTube and will forever be grateful. You have not only discovered a fantastic flight sim, but also one of the best online communities on the web.
  14. Computer help needed!

    Congrats and good luck on your new system HPW. No one with a passion for gaming should have to be without their rig for too long so enjoy!
  15. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    Really nice skin and that scenery is breathtaking - nice work gentlemen!
  16. Ouch...OUCH!

    Now you have a good excuse for sitting in your most comfortable chair and flying OFF all day.
  17. Windows 7 32-bit and no troubles at all. I just upgraded from Vista a few months back and I had some issues there but they were Vista issues, not anything else. Using the latest ATI dirvers with no issues. Olham posted a fantastic graphics setup guide that walks you through the setup in 'workshops' (within the software) and you can be up and running in a matter of minutes. If you approach things here in a positive manner the support you will receive will be tremendous. Good luck simmelman.
  18. Ha! Well I figured if I stayed up high I wouldn't hit anything.
  19. What's better than a summer flight on a moonlit night?
  20. DVII skin- anyone know who it is?

    Try this link Widow. It should point you in the right direction. http://store.spruebr...-418-p4527.aspx Edit: It took me 20 minutes to find this and I see you've since posted back.
  21. Thanks for all the tips Olham. I've been practicing against them in QC as I figure if I can beat them, I can defeat almost any craft. If you look at the last 2 screenies I was punishing one EV when another one snuck up behind me and set me on fire. I'm able to get behind the EV's but often I lose control when trying to turn with them and that kills my advantage. I always do 5 vs. 5 so the odds were even. Next I will try some D.VII's and see how I do against them using the tips you provided. Thanks again!
  22. I mixed it up with some Fokker.EV's and tried to fly under a bridge which was 'almost' successful.
  23. Thanks Andy, Olham and Widow! I too have wanted to campaign with an American pilot Olham for obvious reasons. The Nieuport 28 seems like a good place to start. She does tend to stall on turns and want to turn over on her back but I'll get the hang of it. On my last QC I did take just one good burst and it ripped my top wing off and set me alight (pictures to come) so at first glance it seems like she's on the weaker side. If I can learn how to make tight turns without rolling over then I'll be ready to campaign. That ambulance driver must have done one of these when he saw me coming in for a landing. I had run out of ammo Widow and was just messing around but I guess I could have gone Flyboys on him and pulled the service revolver.
  24. I've never flown the Nieuport 28 before but she handles well enough. Visibility is poor but I started to get used to it after some time. Anyhow, a bit of QC action against Fokker.EV.
  25. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    One word: FANTASTIC!

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