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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. That looks incredible Pol - great work by yourself and the team. I'm a big fan of being able to see the visible damage on these craft so this really has me excited.
  2. Short 'Period' Film

    That first shot almost looks like they had to build the plane around him.
  3. OT-Verdun Medal

    The ribbon looks like it could be a Certificate or Merit. They were originally red, white and blue and perhaps this one is faded (red looks purplish). I may be off-base here as I just Google-searched some things but it may give you a lead. For Distinguished Service Other Than In Action From February 11, 1892 through July 9, 1918 the Certificate of Merit could be awarded to enlisted members of the Army for "distinguished service whether in action or otherwise, of valuable character to the United States, as, for example, extraordinary exertion in the preservation of human life, or in the preservation of public property, or rescuing public property from destruction by fire or other-wise, or any hazardous service by which the Government is saved loss in men and material." A total of 205 Certificates of Merit were awarded under these criteria.
  4. OT-Verdun Medal

    I found two sources that confirm it's a Verdun medal. Why your grandfather would have one I'm not sure. I wasn't able to find anything on that other ribbon attached. http://nltaylor.net/...ok/archives/123 http://www.flyingtig...ory_Code=04uapg
  5. Triple monitors

    I don't know too much about a 3-monitor setup waco but I may be able to point you in the right direction to get some advice from some pretty knowledgeable people. They helped me purchase my first gaming rig and have advised me on upgrades ever since. http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=8 Good luck!
  6. This title is coming soon and considering my interest in the American Civil War I'll definitely give it a go. From what I can tell it's Total War-like but instead of controlling large units, you control individual men/tanks/blimps/gunboats, etc. http://www.paradoxpl...armored-warfare Update: Will be available March 27 on Steam for $9.99 http://www.paradoxplaza.com/press/2012/3/gettysburg-armored-warfare-coming-to-pcs-on-march-27th
  7. Downloading this (Gettysburg: Armored Warfare) from Steam now. Only $9.99 so if it stinks it's no worse than buying a bad sandwich.
  8. Thanks for making this available Lou. One of these days I'm going to utilize maps to navigate and I'll save it for then. Do you print this out or bring it up on another computer?
  9. So in all cases would that make the label the accurate representation? It's odd as the D.VII does have skins for Jasta 34 and Jasta 6.
  10. RFC-74, July 18, 1918 at Clairmarais. Both encounters were in entirely separate areas of the map.
  11. It's a drag a selection box over each grouping of men (units) and selecting where you want them to go. This video may give you a good idea of how units are controlled on the battlefield Olham. Battle starts 4:30 in.
  12. The closest thing to this Olham is the Total War series American Civil War mod. Total War are RTS games and a group has modded Empire Total War into a Civil War era experience. I usually only fight battles but many like campaigns and I believe that feature is available with this mod as Empire is based on North American maps. They are also working on this mod for the Napoleon Total War engine which is much more stable. But sadly, this is a forgotten era in good PC games. There are others such as Sid Meiers' Gettysburg and he has an Antietam title as well but they are older games and after playing a demo, I didn't feel they stacked up in today's market. Here's a look with some commentary I did some time back.
  13. I found these 3/4 to full-scale kits that can be had, built and flown for pretty reasonable prices. A man can dream can't he? http://www.airdromea....com/index.html
  14. As much as I understand DonL it mixes traditional Civil War units against futuristic soldiers with modern weapons technologies and throws them together on the battlefield. Modern soldiers go back in time to try and change the outcome of the Battle of Gettysburg in the Confederates favor. It has a bit of Darkest of Days in it where traditional weapons meet modern but it looks like loads of fun considering the variety of units available (blimps, tanks, gunboats, machine guns, etc.) You can make your own maps as well which is a nice feature for continued playability. And yes General George A. Custer was part of a spirited fight between the Union and Confederate cavalry as JEB Stuart was attacking the Union rear on day 3. Excerpt from my website: Hours of hand-to-hand fighting and charges ensued and Custer was right in the thick of the fighting. He led the 7th Michigan Cavalry on a heroic charge that broke the back of the Confederate assault and forced them to abandon the fight. The collision of the two cavalry forces was not unlike a clap of thunder as thousands of pound of horses and men met with many going head-over-heels after the initial clash. Gettysburg is indeed a hallowed place and I last visited in October. I stood in the Wheatfield (scene of fierce fighting) and tried to imagine what it would have been like in the heat of the battle but simply couldn't recreate it in my head. You should visit this year if you get the chance.
  15. It's an ominous shot especially since the pilots face is hidden Olham and he's diving aggressively with bad intent. The main thing about Spads that's intimidating is their speed and they just look tough. Otherwise they're not so difficult to deal with.
  16. We Can Fly

    I've never flown in an open cockpit before - must be awesome! I think I'd give this Dr.1 3/4 scale a go if I had to choose. Did you ever finish that kit you were building Lou?
  17. OFF 2 Fighting Fund

    If you guys will allow me to put my two-cents worth.... ...there you are.
  18. My cd arrived today

    Good for you Eric! Almost 1 year ago to the day I installed this wonderful sim and have never regretted it. It was my first flight sim and although I've ordered some other ones, they sit dormant on my machine and probably will for a long time. That is a great experience with your grandfather and I'm sure you will always treasure those memories. This is a great community so stay plugged in and you'll be up and flying like a pro in no time.
  19. That's very kind of you to say CaptSopwith - it's good to be back!
  20. Welcome to the community DBR26. Should you choose to take to the skies you could not have chosen a better WWI sim and a more friendly community.
  21. Feldwebel Gunther Blau of Jasta 76b battles some Sopwith Strutters over enemy territory. Based at Habsheim aerodrome in November 1917, it's easy to get distracted by the rolling hills and untouched land that makes for some fantastic scenery.
  22. That's a good question rjw. I would think as long as a particular craft can manage to get to 18,000 feet the sim will allow it to go to that height.
  23. Have you tried adjusting your max ceiling in workshops to 18,000 ft.?

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