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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. A Newbie's Experience of Phase 3

    Good for you Capt. I just started a serious pilot as well after a year of flying on and off and it's a whole new experience. I only use labels while in combat to identify targets but turn them off when I'm actually engaged. I'm not using the TAC at all other than hitting my lat waypoint just prior to landing so that mission registers as successful. I did try one thing on my last flight. I used the TAC so that I could hit waypoints, but switched it to 'ships' so that I won't be warned of enemy planes. I'm not sure if I'll stick with that or not but I do prefer it without. I've had my head on a swivel at all times and it can get nerve-wracking after a while. My last flight I spotted some Albs over my left shoulder high above then lost sight of them. I frantically scanned the skies and just happened to see them right before they attacked us from the rear. Another few seconds and they would have chewed us up good. Good luck to you Capt. and keep searching those skies.
  2. Wow. I just got back from a long weekend and can't believe what transpired here. Jason has certainly dug himself a hole with an unsubstantiated claim. It certainly speaks to his questionable character and poor professional judgment. I'm just sorry the good folks at OBD got their names dragged through the mud. Thank you OBD for all you do and I admire the way you've handled these accusations with professionalism and respect to all involved.
  3. ETA for phase 4?

    As most OFF flyers are men and are fathers or will be someday may I propose Father's Day? This would be the best gift since the "We Love Daddy" mug my kids gave me last year.
  4. Thanks Olham! I collided with one of my men while pursuing an Alb. I usually have good enough reflexes to avoid a direct hit which leads to a lot of missing wingtips. When I do QC I'll randomly pick an ace skin and this time it was Karl Thom.
  5. Here's a look at my new pilot, Jack 'Cat' Harlowe. He's currently flying the Sopwith Tripe with RNAS-10 in March 1917. He has yet to fly a mission - QC only to this point - as I've never really flown the tripe before. I also made a bit of a custom skin for him - my first effort to date. I wanted to keep it real simple on my first go and I like the clean look. They call him "The Cat" or "El Gato" as he's real good at sneaking up on unsuspecting enemy craft going back to his early days as a flier. One of the guys said after a particular mission that he's stealthy like a cat and the nickname stuck.
  6. I've been tweeking a lot of settings RamblingSid - trial and error - and I'm finally somewhat satisfied with the quality. It had been bothering me for some time so I'm glad I got some things figured out. Without Olham and others I'd be nowhere near this quality. Your shots are looking much better now if you can pause during combat and play around with some cool-looking dynamic angles, your pics will take on a whole new level. To clear your images, go to your profile, click on your profile name (upper right), go to 'my settings', then on the left column 'manage attachments' and try deleting them. Good luck!
  7. Thank Olham! I've always admired your graphics so I'm glad you think my images are looking good. I wasn't really thinking in terms of what my graphics card had to offer vs what yours might offer. I thought everyone had the same settings options in Catalyst so that makes more sense to me now that yours would be different. My drivers are updated to 12.3. I really liked the Tripe in quick combat mode. I shot down 3 Albs, about 5 balloons and attacked some airfelds and like the way she handles - almost like a Dr.1 in certain respects. So I started a pilot with RNAS-10 and we'll see how it goes. I may PM you later about some questions I have regarding flying as a 'serious' pilot.
  8. Here's some of my latest screenies after making some graphic tweeks and using Lou's/Olhams suggestions for Textures/AMD settings. Olham, your settings appear differently then mine in Catalyst. I don't have same options under anti-aliasing. Is this because I am Windows 7 32-bit? I'm upgraded to 12.3 (latest) drivers. Looking much better RamblingSid.
  9. Thanks

    I second that sportsterjim and know a lot of time goes in so for your efforts I say thanks gents! And welcome to the forums my friend.
  10. Birdsong

    I watched this a few weeks back and thought it was very well done.
  11. thanks to combatace

    We sincerely appreciate all you have done for us.
  12. I'm not 100% Hellshade but try going to your profile, click on your profile name (upper right), go to 'my settings', then on the left column 'manage attachments' and try deleting them. Good luck!
  13. Many thanks to Olham

    Good one nbryant! OFF2: In Olham We Trust
  14. Many thanks to Olham

    I second this as over the last year he has been instrumental in getting me transitioned into the OFF experience. That graphic guide alone has helped me multiple times and the every day responses to my posts has been invaluable. Thank you Olham and have a virtual Warsteiner on me!
  15. I put at least 500 rounds into that locomotive and it didn't do a thing as far as I could tell. Next time I see one I'll try to damage the box cars.
  16. I have seen moving trains on a handful of occasions and even attacked them. From what I can tell they can't be damaged.
  17. Come to think of it guys I believe I did take her for a flight some time back. I'm big on visibility and it's one reason I haven't flown the Nieuports much. Same thing with driving vehicles - I like to see everything around me.
  18. Olham! Actually I can't judge. I shoot down my own guys in QC when testing planes after the enemies are all gone. That's a nice-looking craft you have there. How does she perform?
  19. OT Made my day

    I'm sure you made her day as well Widow.
  20. OT: Back in two weeks

    Safe travels and enjoy your time at home Olham.
  21. Welcome Abbay! You have found one of the finest forums on the net so please join right in on the fun! I wouldn't mind sampling your finest local brew.
  22. Wings of prey on steam

    I have Wings of Prey Adger but I haven't really played it much but I know some of the other guys have. Also Skyrim is 33% off. A lot of great deals there over the holidays.
  23. Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!
  24. New Wireless Headphones...

    I guess everyone has a different shaped head, different frames, etc. but I've never had issues with over-the-ear headphones. These are the most comfortable I've had as they're lightweight, flexible and a lot of the tension goes on the strap on top of your head, and relives it off the sides, or so it appears.
  25. OT -- Cats

    Very funny! When my cat Charlie was young he would climb the Christmas tree and inevitably it would come crashing down ornaments and all. I used to tie the tree to the wall with some twine but now that he's almost 7 he's seems to have lost interest.

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