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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I too went through this process some time back and it works great. Once you follow the steps Steam will automatically install downloads to the new location. I would think that when you do the copying over that you could leave a game or two behind and in essence, split up your games onto various drives but I'm not 100%.
  2. Lou already mentioned the way we honor veterans here in the states so I won't add anything there. Personally, if I see someone wearing a hat, insignia or something relating to their service I was always go up to them and shake their hand. I then thank them for their service. Just a month ago while walking through my town I noted a very old man with his wife and he was wearing a hat that signified that he won the Purple Heart. I asked him if he had won the Purple Heart and he told me he had fighting in Normandy in WWII. He hit a rough point where he broke down a bit talking about his friends that lost their lives and I put my arm around his shoulder and thanked him and his lost friends again for what they sacrificed for our country and told him that myself and my family (who were with me at the time) that we appreciate it. I think we should honor our veterans any day of the year. And this small token of appreciation goes a long way - I have experienced it many times over the years with my own eyes.
  3. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Thanks Hellshade and others for all the time you're taking to bring us up-to-date. I think I'm going to put this one of my Christmas wish-list based on what I've seen so far and maybe it will have come down in price. The night scenes are absolutely amazing as are the other landscape shots I've seen.
  4. OT - Burning Down the House

    You should look into building one of these Widow. I seriously looked into this when my wife and I were considering buying some land and you won't find many cheaper options and you can build it yourself. I believe it was the English who perfected these structures and I understand there are some that are 400-500 years old and still standing. You can live in one of these while you're building it.
  5. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I'm with you Hasse. Call me frugal but I usually wait on games (or anything else for that matter) until they come down in price and the kinks are worked out. It may not be new to the world but it will still be new to me.
  6. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    This just in: OFF is better than any other game out there.
  7. OT: Steam Hacked....

    I have no issues with Steam but in this case I need to change my password for my protection and they have not sent me a verification code so I can complete that process.
  8. OT: Steam Hacked....

    I did VP but there is definitely not an email from them in the last few months.
  9. OT: Steam Hacked....

    Thanks for this VP. I'm trying to change my password and Steam is asking me for a verification code that was sent to my email? I looked and couldn't find it so hopefully they will let me change it at some point. I hear Steam is notoriously bad with their customer service.
  10. Last Post...

    We will always remember your sacrifices.
  11. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    This is great Hellshade thanks. Shouldn't you be getting some sleep?
  12. The date says October 20th and the town name is spelled wrong?
  13. I haven't Olham but I've always been intrigued by Gothas and Airships and would like a shot at blowing them up. You mentioned the Gotha missions and I thought I saw something months ago about Lou flying a mission with Airships. Are the missions hard to run/install?
  14. S.E.5a, Fokker DR.1, Fokker D 7, Nieuport 28, Fokker Triplane, Sopwith Strutter, Sopwith Camel and others
  15. WWI Craft in Action

    Glad you guys like it. I'm really intrigued by the closeups and tend to pause and study the craft to see how they relate to what I'm flying in OFF. I would love to fly that Dr.1 and the SE5a as well.
  16. My how time flys

    Great stories gents! I first found out about OFF when searching for some 'war-based' sims and stumbled upon Hellshade's YouTube channel and then I was intriqued. The reasonable price further picqued my interest and then when I tapped into the community April of this year the deal was sealed. I upgraded my rig, purchased TrackIR/JS and I was flying a few weeks later. I rarely if ever play anything but OFF as with my limited time, I want to enjoy my gaming experience and OFF always delivers. It's nice to have played a few hundred hours over the past 7 months and to know I have barely 'scratched the surface'.
  17. My how time flys

    Well I'm just a young pup compared to all of you but I do feel like I've been here for longer than 7 months. Like Creaghorn mentioned, I too upgraded both my CPU and GPU almost immediately as I knew OFF would be worth the investment. OFF has captured my imagination like no other PC game has (SIM or otherwise) and continues to challenge me and hold my interest when nothing else can. What makes it equally special is the wonderful community here and I raise my glass to all of you.
  18. Tragic Death of Red Arrows Pilot

    Very sad indeed - RIP.
  19. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Because I'm married I don't have time for games - why would I want to get married in-game when I do get a few minutes to myself? Just kidding dear.
  20. French Combat Tactics

    I need to work on some of my maneuvers - thanks Pips!
  21. I would stay in touch with binoculars Widow.
  22. Thankfully this 5.6 earthquake caused no human deaths yet it created an interesting side-effect. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2058165/Oklahoma-earthquake-Clean-begins-weary-residents-face-tornado-threat.html?ITO=1490
  23. Monitor Problem

    Plug your monitor directly into the back of your computer (not the graphics card) and if that works I'd say your graphics card is toast. I had the same issue a year or so back. I do have a used ATI Radeon 5770 HD card I could give you a good deal on if you're interested. I upgraded to a 6850 card 4 months back and still have the old one. Good luck!
  24. The Aerodrome Down?

    I tried it a few days ago and again just now and it seems like it's down.
  25. Very nice Olham! I've had some nice high-quality leather-bound notebooks in my time and it feels good to write in them. I currently use a simple recycled paper composition notebook similar to this.

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