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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. Another great flash game

    Never did Widow. The ice level is really tough!
  2. Another great flash game

    Fantastic and very addicting Widow.
  3. I do exactly the same Olham. It is particularly helpful when submitting claims to have all the pertinent information written down. And then I type my reports from that and post them to the "Reports From the Front" thread along with some screenies with even more detail.
  4. Cotton Wool Life

    Some interesting thoughts Widow. Testosterone is like a drug and I can relate to how good and powerful it can make one feel. There were times in my life when playing sports or while engaged in a fight when no man could get the best of me - at least so I thought. I could feel it surge through me and I felt invincible. It can be amazing and destructive at the same time. Those days are past for me as I just hit the 40 mark but sometimes the testosterone gets coursing through my veins - especially when I get really mad - and surprises me each and every time. It's why I think there is and always will be war. It's a chemical component in men's bodies that always lurks beneath the surface ready to come out if something triggers it. Anger and fear are the two things that are most likely to trigger it and when it comes, there is no doubt about it. I've heard stories of people lifting cars off of injured people when getting a rush of this stuff - amazing. And it is in us and our sons, and will be in theirs. Perhaps it is left over from a time when men had to scrap and fight against animals and each other just to survive. Yet times have changed and it's important that our young men are taught by their fathers what to do with it and how to control it. I will teach my son this because I know the power behind it - amazing and destructive. Sports can channel this for young men and women and in essence, sports has replaced war for many. It's a way to fight in being somewhat true to our nature with the exception that everyone makes it out alive.

    I really enjoyed this movie when I first saw it a few months back. Thanks for the heads up Rickity.
  6. OT Your all time Comedy Heroes

    Great thread Widow. As with Lou, my list might be different tomorrow but I won't change my mind on Benny Hill. 1) Benny Hill 2) Rodney Dangerfield (Caddyshack) 3) John Ratzenberger (Cheers) 4) Michael Richards (Seinfeld) 5) John Cleese
  7. This is all great Mike but you should really consider losing the polka dot scarf.
  8. Steve Jobs RIP

    Your creativity and unique vision has changed everything for the better. RIP Steve Jobs.
  9. I WANT ONE!

    I'm pretty sure that thing would make me lose my lunch. If I had that kind of money I'd have a replica SE5a built and fly for real.
  10. I usually prop one of my blow-up dolls in the seat and bungee her hand on my joysti...uhhh....never mind.
  11. I'm not sure what you did Hauksbee but you're the man of the hour and I'll drink to that.
  12. Long Time My Friends

    I don't know you Ras but allow me to give a hearty welcome back and please have a drink on me.
  13. Does P4 get it's own name?

    I suppose this one is too long as well. OFF: Divorce your wife now, for she will surely divorce you later.
  14. Horses Don't Fly

    I'm glad you enjoyed the book as much as I did Lou. I'll be referring to your 'list' soon as I'm running out of books on this subject at my local library and will be looking elsewhere for desirable titles.
  15. Does P4 get it's own name?

    OFF: Above the Trenches OFF: Death Rains Down OFF: Death From Above OFF: Fire in the Sky OFF: Duel in the Sky OFF: Fly or Die
  16. Does P4 get it's own name?

    I do like having a unique name for each version and I think 'OFF: The Dawn of Aces' has a nice ring to it as Pappy originally suggested. Or you could go with something like 'Fly your arse OFF'.
  17. Sorry I can't help Duke as I know nothing of these things but I'm with you on this. I recently tested a Nieup. 28? and although the handling of the plane wasn't bad, but that windscreen limited my visibility to the point where I simply did not want to fly that crate.
  18. OT--Upload failed...

    Thanks Olham and Erik - it worked. I believe I have tried this in the past and it has only provided me with the link as Olham mentioned it sometimes does. It works now so I'm going to go with it. It didn't work however when I went to 'share', 'link to this video' but did work when I copied from the top address line. Thanks guys!
  19. OT--Upload failed...

    It seems like that will probably do the trick so I'm going to temporarily hijack this thread. I have not had any success posting YouTube videos that play inside the thread and for the life of me can't fire out why. Any suggestions on what to try?
  20. OT--Upload failed...

    If that doesn't work Hauksbee you can use a third-party source like imageshack.us to upload images.
  21. Immersion

    This is very informative guys - thanks for taking the time to post. I too have both but I never even got through the tutorials on RoF. I was a little peeved that I had to purchase the craft that I wanted to fly and that definitely turned me off to that sim. I never want to feel like I'm being 'nickled-and-dimed' with anything. I just want to pay for something and enjoy it. Please correct me if I'm wrong but each craft is $7.99 or so. That adds up quickly if you want to add 5-10 craft and many can't afford that. I had issues programming my joystick and after countless hours online and trying different things I simply gave up. I posted on the forums and nobody helped me out. I thought the graphics/effects were absolutely stunning though and taking off/landing was an adventure not for the faint-hearted. I really think I could enjoy it over time but the little things on the front-end turned me off enough where I didn't want to play it - at least not for now when my time to fly is so limited and I just want to fly, not feel aggravated. I already had OFF and I love most things about it so here I am and enjoying every minute of it. Sure I've had my bumps with having to do a few re-installs and such but the enjoyment factor far outweighs any aggravation I've experienced. And when I needed help I emailed the OBD staff, and was promptly answered back with solutions that fixed my issues - what more can you ask for regarding support? I'm very new to flight sims (6 months) so perhaps my views will change but for now I've found my niche and I'm sticking with her. And with P4 coming out (any day now? ) there's so much to look forward to.
  22. Do they have DVR over there? In the states we have DVR which allows one to record the program to our 'box' while watching another program.
  23. Life in the Country

    That's fantastic news Widow! My wife, my two young kids and I just made the move to the country 6 months ago and we don't regret it for a minute. We live in a small town on the river but all around it is working farms (horses, dairy, corn, etc.) and when we go for a drive we pass beautiful meadows, hills, farms, animals and rivers not strip malls, traffic, billboards and filth - sorry got carried away. And yes, I do have high-speed internet. Anyhow, that sounds like a wonderful move and I hope it works out for you.

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