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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. Engine damage questions

    A most-hearty welcome to these forums epower. New guy buys the rounds so a virtual Warsteiner if you please.
  2. We're all certainly glad you are okay Lou and I'm sure every one of use has done something just as dangerous, if not more. This video about Vimy Ridge was posted a few weeks back and if you go to the 21:10 mark, they talk about 'securing the trench' and making it safe before going down inside to investigate - and you can see how they shore up the trench using wood.
  3. An Ode To Flight Sims

    Well done Capt. I had to think way back to remember my first experience with flight sims and it was for Intellivision released in 1982. It was incredibly cheesy by today's standards but back then it was like finding a 'diamond in the rough'. I played this for many hours with my older brother. Then I found OFF back in April and I'm reliving the experience all over again. Thanks for posting your thoughts.
  4. OT..You just cannot get the Staff!

    Nice videos guys. Dogs are truly amazing in their intelligence and devotion to humans and are so much fun to watch.
  5. Ahhh...the wonders of home-ownership Lou! That sounded like an awful experience but sometimes we have to be uncomfortable in this life lest we forget how much we value comfort. That lad can't be scoring many points right now leaving you to your own devices in the middle of a job. I went on a photo shoot at the Gettysburg battlefield 2 weekends ago and it rained on me early in the morning even though the forecast said 0% chance of rain. I didn't have the right shoes on and my feet were a wet, dirty, stinking mess all day and it was miserable not to be able to keep my feet dry but I had a job to do.
  6. If you see debris the size of a bus hurtling from the sky make sure to take cover. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/nasa-satellite-debris-might-hit-us/2011/09/23/gIQA5VmiqK_story.html
  7. OT - Make Sure to Look Up

    Thanks Olham - I needed a good laugh.
  8. A bit like the Royal Wedding

    Thank you Widow for all your contributions here and may you enjoy these forums for many years to come. I have been involved in many forums but none like this. It's a special place where good people come together, and talk about OFF, life and common interests and I know I have been welcomed here like a regular in the few short months I've been a member. Long live the OFF forums and may this place always remain one where good friends gather. And thank you Widow for bringing all this to light and opening the door for others to share their experiences here.
  9. OT - Make Sure to Look Up

    It's been a few tough weeks for sure but that's the way life goes sometimes I suppose.
  10. This looks like it will be incredible in IMAX. Featuring a slew of highly-modified WWII era planes such as P51 Mustang, Bearcat, Corsair and T-6. http://www.airracers-thefilm.com/?gclid=CPSDo5-3s6sCFQmB5QodsUwLiA
  11. OT - Air Racers 3D

    I once saw a documentary in IMAX about a man who lead an expedition to traverse the entire length of the Nile River. Many of the shots were of a small airplane following the Nile through valleys and ravines and can't say enough about an IMAX camera showing a plane's point of view.
  12. OT - Make Sure to Look Up

    Apparently this has hit earth although they don't know where. In the last 2 weeks a water leak fried my laptop, a skunk sprayed my cat in the face and he ran off and is lost, and someone backed into my Jeep while I was at the library so naturally I thought one of these chunks would hit me squarely in the forehead.
  13. OT Braveheart

    Great movie - Frreeeeeeeeeeedommmmmmmmmm!
  14. Aircraft Allocation

    I believe you can go to the step when you enlist a pilot Wayfarer, and when you have the squadron you want hit 'date forward' and with each date, it should give you the corresponding craft.
  15. Congrats Lou and I apologize for salivating on your collection - a clean rag should do.

    These shots are so atmospheric. I feel like I could just stick my hand in there and feel the rain hitting my fingers. The sun and moon shots are incredible and the lighting effects they throw off seem spot on. Great work Pol and team.
  17. Who loves the Fokker D-VIII?

    I'm not a big fan of limited visibility while fighting for dear life. When I fought with the original SE5a I couldn't see behind me which was disconcerting but I found a bit of a cheat. If you're using TrackIR just push your head toward the computer screen and then you can see right through the back of the seat and stare right down the tail.
  18. The Stork Emblem

    It's an amazing experience to see a Heron. I've seen them on golf courses mostly and saw one near a farm not a month ago - amazing birds. That must have been quite an experience for you Flyby. I believe this is the symbol you're talking about.
  19. I do believe that different art genres can be powerful in their own way - painting included. I just feel a lot of modern-day artists are gravitating toward the computer because that's where the money and real opportunities are. It's a tough living today as a fine artist working in traditional mediums and only a select few can find real success with it. One genre that hasn't been mentioned here (unless I missed it) is photography. Ansel Adams has captured photos that evoke the deepest emotions in me including this one of the Yosemite Valley and I hold his work in the highest regard.
  20. Thank you Olham and Lou for posting these - I'll be sure to watch. I'm about 3/4 of the way through The Lost Battalion, a WWI movie about an American battalion that gets surrounded on an Argonne offensive. I'm really enjoying it so far but will reserve my final judgment until I see the end. It is in a bunch of parts on Youtube and when you finish watching a clip it automatically provides an option to watch the next.
  21. I use to be a fine artist (oils) and it seems silly to me to paint now as one can easily outdo my work with some talent and the right software. I do prefer the look of OFF to these paintings in particular I must say. And with all due respect to the artist himself as he is not here to defend his work, I do think these would have a nicer look if the composition was a little less busy - less is more I always say.
  22. Those are really nice. I don't suppose the really tight grouping of planes is accurate?
  23. Der Ostwind

    Fantastic Olham - thanks for posting! I wonder whether there is a hi-res version of this somewhere?
  24. New York on my mind

    My sister called me right after the first plane hit and I watched live on TV as the second plane hit. Then I went down to the shores of Connecticut where I was living and could see the huge black plume of smoke coming from that area and I just about got sick all over the place. When that first tower fell (I was watching it on TV), I sobbed out loud because I knew I had just witnessed thousands of people dying and it just tore me to pieces. Not soldiers - but fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters and none of those people deserved that. That moment changed me, and a lot of Americans as we felt safe, protected in a way and I knew we would never be safe again after that. Happy Birthday Jarhead.
  25. Big Six Million Dollar Man fan when I was a kid. "Gentleman we can rebuild him....we have the technology." Here's the intro and he was an astronaut so maybe this is considered more of a rocket? http://www.youtube.c...h?v=HofoK_QQxGc

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