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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. But wait - that 3 x 5 notecard from Staples clearly states that it's an original and they would never mount the fabric with that much care if it wasn't real - it just has to be! That is the longest sentence ever and they spelled "souvenirs" wrong.
  2. Great stuff Olham! Considering the effort that went into making these, it's too bad they didn't offer up some hi-res versions of the video although I am enjoying them very much.
  3. The SE5a is certainly a great crate to fly and I'm sure I'll be lured back to start another campaign with RFC-56 as I had a blast with Digsbee.
  4. OT: WW2 dioramas

    These are fantastic Von Paulus - thanks for posting! I have been a huge fan of dioramas for many years and this is some of the best work I've seen. It's really great to see people who have a clue about how to present their dioramas well and take professional photographs as there is nothing worse than seeing people set these up in their garage, or on their back porch.
  5. Finally Saw It...

    I'm not sure how many of you may have seen The Dawn Patrol but it's a rather interesting movie about some British pilots and the change in them from happy-go-lucky young fliers, to seasoned pilots with added responsibilities. I can't speak to the accuracy of craft, authenticity, etc. but I did enjoy it very much. There was a 1930 original but I am speaking of the 1938 remake with David Niven, Errol Flynn and Basil Rathbone.
  6. I just installed a 1 TB HD in my gaming rig. It's hooked up to my PSU and to my MB as well. Device manager is seeing it but it's not showing up to the point I can access it and of course it needs to be formatted. I accessed BIOS and its seen there as well. How do I get this HD to the point where I can use it? Thanks guys. - MSI M/B K9A2CF-F AMD 790X - AMD Athlon II X4 640 Quad-Core 3.0 GHz - 4GB RAM - Seagate Barracuda 250GB Sata HD (7200 rpm) - Samsung Spinpoint 1TB Sata HD (7200 RPM) - DVDRW/CDRW drive - Corsair 650TX 650W ATX12V - GIGABYTE Radeon 6850 HD video card - Windows Vista Home Premium (32-bit) - Dell 22" monitor (max res 1680 x 1050)
  7. Lack of Ideas

    I just saw a History Channel show on the Black Sheep squadron and many of the original members were put off by the way they were depicted in the 1970's TV series where they were often branded as misfits and drunks. It was loosely based on the actual squadron, but a new movie that accurately portrays this storied squadron would be most welcome. Link to TV show on Wiki.
  8. I learned a bit of history today.

    Ahhh - I'm right there with you smilingmonkey. Since purchasing OFF back in April I've read 5-6 books, watched 10-15 movies/documentaries and spent countless hours surfing the internet for even more infomation - and of course the OFF forums. It really is an interesting moment in history and OFF has captured it so well.
  9. That was intense

    Way to go ultimat! That sounded intense and as a new flier I know what you mean. I had a moment with one of my pilots last week that affected me deeply and I still think about it even now. It was a quiet moment after an intense fight where I downed two Jasta 2 pilots. Afterwards, I was quite alone with the eerie desolation of the front and the sight of ground gas and bombing - it all really sucked me in and jerked my emotions around to say the least.
  10. I get roughly 60-70% successful claims which I think is pretty average here - please someone correct me if I'm wrong. One thing I always do is write down every name for both my flight, and flight 1 as well as you will often get involved in scraps with them fighting by your side. Then when you file a claim, list every one of those names in the witnesses section separated by commas with no ranks. Make sure you enter the time the craft went down - hit z on your keyboard - to get an accurate time and hit m for map so you can pinpoint where the claim occurred (ie; southwest of Arras OR northwest of Habsheim airfield). And it seems like you know to list the squadron by using labels to confirm and the type of aircraft. Once I shoot someone down, sometimes I pause the game F10 to look around and see who is in the area and to check all other information. Follow these few tips Beastie and take whatever else you've learned and your claims will go up - good luck.
  11. WWI from above

    I don't get BBC where I live but this can be watched on YouTube in 4 parts for anyone who is interested. WWI From Above link
  12. The Millionaires' Unit is a feature-length documentary film about a group of elite Yale students who formed an aero club and were among the very first pilots to serve America in combat over the skies of Europe in World War I. Using all the resources of their privileged backgrounds, they pioneered American aviation while becoming heroes – some making the ultimate sacrifice. I believe it is currently in development as they are doing screenings on edits. It looks to have real potential and I found out about it through an aerodrome that is just a few hours from my house. They did much of the filming there last fall.
  13. The Millionaires' Unit

    I will certainly take some photos Olham and post them back here.
  14. The Millionaires' Unit

    I will be going for a visit there over the next month Olham as they have quite an impressive array of crates to see and every Saturday and Sunday they put on quite an airshow from what I hear. If anyone has a chance, check out Cole Palen's story. It's an interesting one and his dedication to preserving original planes for all to see is quite remarkable.
  15. The OFF Poetry Corner

    Very touching Olham - I will have to read a few more times for the full effect but I do like it very much.
  16. Slightly OT: Battlefield 1918

    Wow - I played the Zulu mod before and had a blast! Just now I re-downloaded Empire and I'm about to install the American Civil War (ACW) mod - fantastic if you're into that era. They are currently working on the same mod to work on the NTW engine which will be even better I believe on the more stable engine. I have a YouTube page dedicated to Total War commentary with about 50 videos on it if you ever get bored.
  17. Slightly OT: Battlefield 1918

    I haven't played in 8 months or more Widow but it's quite destructive and the battles go pretty quick due to the relentless artillery barrages and the higher-rate of fire with infantry. You must have perused the twcenter.net forums?
  18. Engine Manual Start

    I almost never fly without a cup of tea in my left hand while flying with my right hand. If I see e/a the cups goes down though.I only had to manual restart my engine once during combat, paused, then hit F2 to figure out how to do it and I got that crate going again.
  19. Slightly OT: Battlefield 1918

    There's also The Great War mod, a total conversion for Napoleon Total War. I've played plenty of quick battles with this mod and it's fantastic fun.
  20. OT - New HD Setup

    Very helpful Parky thank you! I had just found a workaround to get Steam to install on my new drive but it is much more involved than what you posted here. Many thanks for your help!
  21. Engine Manual Start

    Here it is: Edit: Dang your quick Lou!
  22. Engine Manual Start

    I had to do it in the middle of a mission one time Javito so I hit F2 and searched it. It was rather complicated but it did work and I was able to get my crate going again. I can't remember what search term I used but it is in there.
  23. OT - New HD Setup

    Good to know Parky. I'm going back on Steam and download some of my games I've had to do without over the last year. I'm not familiar with the Windows swap file. Maybe someone else will chime in and enlighten us - thanks Rugbyfan! I'm going to have to upgrade Windows at some point but in the last 3 months I've done CPU, GPU and now added a drive so I'm done for the moment.
  24. OT Got my Job :)

    I don't want to burst your bubble Widow but it was just announced that P4 will be released on your first day of work.
  25. OT - New HD Setup

    Thanks Parky and Von Paulus. I allocated the drive and named it B: drive. It's in the process of formatting now. It seems like a long process so I'll just let her go and report back here if I have any issues. Thanks again guys! Edit: That reminds me - I do have one more question. Right now I have roughly 40GB available on C: and have removed many of my games to save HD space. Can I install all of my games on this new HD? Will this affect performance given the OS is still on C:?

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