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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. OT Got my Job :)

    Congrats Widow and best of luck to you.
  2. MODS_elephant Uploaded

    Thanks elephant!
  3. WWMD?

    Just deleted my original post while editing. Anyhow Hellshade, I think it comes down to personality, experience, and many other factors. I like you enjoy the fight. It is boring to me not to engage at least once on a mission. Unless I'm twisting around the sky fighting man-to-man where only the best - or luckiest - will win, then I feel disconnected. If my plane is damaged and I can't control it well enough to fight I will run, if there are more than 3-1 odds I will often run, if I'm out of ammo I will usually run but other than that I will stand and fight. Others want to see if they can survive the war until armistice so may always fly/fight cautiously, and some fall somewhere in-between. I try and take each situation as it comes as I like to fight, yet feel a deep sense of loss when I lose a pilot. So I guess I try and walk the line between danger and survivability and whatever my fate may be - so be it.
  4. OT Beautiful Comeback

    You have a point there itifonhom but judging by the student's ignorant replies, the blatant disrespect for his teacher, his inability to spell, etc. he doesn't appear to be doing all that well in life.

    Well done gentleman! I feel like it's Christmas as I slowly tear the paper off a gift - not enough to reveal it's full contents - but enough to know I'll like it.
  6. Indisputable Evidence!

    Brilliant Lou!
  7. Indisputable Evidence!

    I believe it. For the same reasons the U.S. lost in Vietnam as documented in "Apocalypse Now".
  8. Last night I flew when I was absolutely exhausted - on the verge of getting sick I think but the same thought crossed my mind Wayfarer. If they could fly exhausted why can't I - isn't that realistic? I wasn't handling my Albatros D.III the way I normally would and had to struggle over the 1+ hours I flew with no less than 3 major engagements. But then I landed safely (with a claim to boot), I felt a great sense of relief that my days hard work was done and now I could retire to my bunk to earn a well-deserved rest. My wife on the other hand was pretty PO'd that I came to the bunk so late but I told her that her world would be safe for another day thanks to me and she should know by now what it's like to be married to a pilot! If that's not Barmy, I don't know what is. Contact - clear!
  9. I try and approach flying like I always did playing sports Javito & Olham. You'll do your best if you're loose and relaxed perhaps with a tinge of nervous energy and you'll be on the top of your game. If it is your time to go, so be it but you cannot perform your best living in fear.
  10. What the heck was this?

    If it's not consistent it makes it tough as one is tailoring the strategy to the opponent and in my case, I expended all my ammunition knowing I could outrun the Albs with my SE5a. But the way it turned out, my guy was in danger he should have never been in considering my speed advantage but in the end the "lack of advantage" let me down. Even if a guy is an ace he shouldn't really be able to fly any faster unless, as you mentioned, some aces are customizing their planes. In my case the guy was not an ace so I'm not sure why that happened. I'll keep an eye on it myself and see what I come up with.
  11. What the heck was this?

    I'm not sure what happened here Olham but if you remember I had something similar happen to me just a few weeks ago. I was flying an SE5a and my ammo was spent so I ran for the lines pursued by an Alb.D.II. Between 5,000 ft. until I landed I couldn't outrun him even though I should have at least a 10-15 MPH advantage (someone check me here). I should have been able to outrun him easily but he stayed right with me the whole way.
  12. Well said smilingmonkey! I found Hellshade's channel on YouTube and that is what introduced me to this sim 3.5 months ago. I had been playing a variety of RTS titles (Total War) and others and nothing was really dong it for me. Then I found the videos on YouTube and haven't picked up another game since.
  13. British Summertime

    It's going to be 100 F today which is pretty damn hot. It's only 9am and I already have the air-conditioning on and won't leave the house unless I absolutely have to. Spring and Fall are where it's at - I would do just fine without Summer and Winter.
  14. This is fantastic Hellshade - thanks for the effort!
  15. Fantastic video Hellshade! I've watched it 3-4 times already as it seems to have a bit of everything and as a new flier, I can learn much from it.
  16. I raise my glass to the late Major Jeffrey "Kooksy" Alberts who fought with tenacity, honour and skill.
  17. British Summertime

    It's funny that you mention Tea Pol as I'm sitting in my air-conditioned kitchen drinking a cup as it's over 90 degrees F outside - a bit too warm for my blood.
  18. Wonderful stories about your amazing dads and I've really enjoyed reading them all. My dad was 15 years old when WWII ended so he was a bit young to join but his older brother Walter trained as a B-29 bomber pilot but never saw service before the war ended. My father did join the USAF in the 1950's and was stationed in Weisbaden Germany for a few years - not a flier because of poor eyesight. About 20 years ago my father told me a story about when he and his buddy met 2 women at a club in West Berlin and they wanted desparatley to go to East Berlin so my dad posed as either a Russian or German officer (he speaks both) and talked his way through a checkpoint to get them all in. It's been 20 years so I hope I got that story right - I'll ask him when I see him.
  19. British Summertime

    I too became a father at 36 and like Lou said, you are more mature and perhaps better prepared I think. And now at 40, I'm a relatively new "stay at home dad" with a 4 and 2 year-old to take care of and at times my days are pure magic. Just today I sat out by the kiddie pool in my back yard eating ice-pops and laying in the grass with my kids talking and I felt like a kid again myself. I honestly think I'm a big kid at heart so to hang out and relate to them is not so hard at all. Here's to parenthood and long summer days for everyone!
  20. British Summertime

    There are things I like about Summer Widow but the extreme heat is not one of them so could you loan me your software?
  21. Gentle reading...

    That is an excellent idea Slarti! I was thinking the same thing yesterday when inspired by your most recent work and it would provide the proper forum for our artistic sides to come out.
  22. I hope you are not disappointed at my recommendation Lou. My family and I are living on the frugal side right now as I embark on my new career so I'm afraid it's to the library and back until I can see some good income again. So my library will have to wait but until then, I hope its okay if I live vicariously through your fine collection.
  23. One thing I practice in my life is "to treat others as I would like to be treated myself". I teach my kids that as well and feel it is one of the most important things anyone can learn. Perhaps uncleal never bothered to think of things in that way but its a shame that someone who offered so much in the way of help could turn on someone just as quick.
  24. Skies of Blue...

    Bravo Slarti - these words say it all.
  25. Farewell Flt Lt Stanley Wigmore RFC

    Very unfortunate ending to a brave and accomplished pilot. When did he enter the war?

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