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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. Nice job there Lou with another "roving reporter" success and I very much look forward to the next headline story!
  2. uncleal welcomed me into these forums just a few months ago by pointing me in the right direction with things when I knew nothing. I owe him much and wish him the best of luck but sadly, I get the feeling he must have been banned as why would he want all his posts deleted?
  3. New James Dietz Masterpiece

    I just set it on my desktop and it looks great - thanks Olham!
  4. I like "Sagittarius Rising" as it sounds good and its astrological meaning fits well. "Those with Sagittarius rising love adventure, change, and exploring new territory. They aren't happy confined to the same familiar, safe little world all the time. They have a strong restlessness and yearning for something greater than anything they've experienced before." Maybe we could have a naming thread and each participant could enter 3 submissions, and a winner would be chosen by the almighty OFF developers. And the prize could be a free copy of P4 and unlimited insider information on P5. Okay maybe not the last part.
  5. I have every confidence that the team is going to make Phase 4 something special and I'll be happy with whatever improvements are made. If I could wish for just one thing though it would be this.
  6. That's a sweet photo TaillyHo. It has a "surreal" feel to it and the depth with the shadows on the snow is incredible. Is that a new pilot you're flying there?
  7. Horses Don't Fly

    It's funny how things work, I just got a call that "Sagittarius Rising" is ready to be picked up - it was 5 weeks since I ordered it! That's what I get for trying to read books for free.
  8. Sad day at Duxford

    That's a good point Widow. I do get that people want to see these planes fly which is great but why do they have to fly them so close together where you risk collisions such as these?
  9. Sad day at Duxford

    You were "Johnny on the spot" with that camera there Mike - nice work!
  10. Horses Don't Fly

    I'll have to check that one out Pips. I ordered "Sagittarius Rising" through my library twice and a month later it's not here yet so I may try my luck with another book. There are so many great books out there, so little time to read them.
  11. OT Strange happenings at the Lake!

    Maybe it was one of the Carp messing with you Widow...trying to throw you off your game. Or it could have been a paranormal experience as I'm certain the history of your town goes back hundreds, if not thousands of years and history has a way of "leaving its mark" as they say.
  12. BOC News is a definite sticky!
  13. So many times I want to continue a mission or get back in the fight and often thought it would be great to find any friendly airfield and get some more ammo. Maybe you could pull up to the tents and remain there for a period of time then you would be restocked and ready to go. I don't know if fliers actually did that in WWI but I thought it would be great for this sim. Just last night my flight got jumped before a balloon busting mission and after my fight I had to turn for home because I was worried about my lack of ammunition and couldn't complete the mission I originally set out for.
  14. That was a Hell of a fight Hellshade! It seems like you had to deal a world of hurt before you shot those e/a's down. Did you actually hit one of them with the rockets around 9:05? Wouldn't it be a nice feature to be able to land at your field, restock on ammo, and go back up into the fight?
  15. New Pilot

    Crap. So I suppose I would have to reinstall OFF to run it without the disk? It's not a huge deal but I'd rather not use my DVD drive whenever possible as they often need replacing if overused. I did follow the instructions that were posted on the main site but maybe I missed something?
  16. Look at me Olham - speaking German. I can also count to 10 and know a few other words as my brother and sister took it as a 2nd language in high school.
  17. Wow Olham - that is a fantastic craft! It's unbelievable they chose wood when most everyone else was wrapping in canvas.That's one thing that really appeals to me about the Albatros.
  18. Those Swedes are smart - they make sure that you see everything! Sometimes just to be different I walk through the store backwards and I get tons of dirty looks. "Look at that guy Henry, he's going against the flow - geez!"
  19. You are as Barmy as they come Lou...well done! I use the term "Uber" all the time Olham as in "Damn she's so Uber-Sensitive!"
  20. New Pilot

    Welcome to the community OneoftheLost as there are some really great people here who will bend over backwards to help. My advice would be to stay plugged in to these forums and you'll learn a lot in a short period of time. Just to chime in quickly I've been flying OFF for 3 months and it's an amazing SIM. I got a joystick and the TrackIR (V4) and I couldn't be happier. I think rudder pedals would be pretty damn cool as well but just the JS and TrackIR should get you into a great experience. You guys play without the CFS3 CD in the drive? Do I need it in there because I installed off the DVD as it definitely ask for it if it's not in the drive.
  21. Ahhh...makes sense TaillyHo. I did meet some along the way but can't say who, when or where - I'll keep an eye out.
  22. Small world Hasse Wind! Mine is actually white and I have 2 of them that are similar. Here's a pic of how I designed my sim pit around it. This thread is going downhill quick no thanks to me.
  23. That's amazing to see Olham. That seat doesn't look as comfortable as my IKEA "flying" chair with pleated cushion.

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