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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. NOVA Who Killed the Red Baron (2003) http://veehd.com/video/1449242_NOVA-Who-Killed-The-Red-Baron-2003
  2. It's my RNAS-3 pilot stationed in St-Pol-Sur-mer. I flew another mission yesterday with my Jasta 32 pilot in Morchingen - April 9, 1916 albeit - and it rained again. I'm sure the sun will shine on me gain eventually.
  3. Thanks for the tip Polovski and I must see I am really enjoying OFF - keep up the good work!
  4. I started a campaign in June (spent 3 weeks in hospital due to crash) and I'm now in July and after 5 missions not one sunny day - just rain and low cloud cover.
  5. I've had rain in roughly my last 10 missions with no sun in sight and right now it has rained for 6 days straight where I live without seeing the sun once. I'm beginning to think I'll never see the sun again - real or virtual.
  6. I can view these on my Mac, but not on my PC. It's funny that the people that can't speak German can view them and those that do can not. Edit: Here is a link to the plug-in I believe you will need to watch. http://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/Get-Started/Install/Default.aspx
  7. I found this site today and it has a nice collection of military videos. Enjoy. http://www.realmilit...m/category/wwi/
  8. They had lost their effectiveness as a cavalry force but were important in so many other ways. It's amazing to me Widow the important role horses played throughout history in conflicts on all continents up to that point. I was just thinking about this the other day as I pass horses each day when I take my daughter to preschool. What loyal creatures they are and what a kinship they have with soldiers going into battle. I wonder how they must feel when going into battle? Are they willing participants or is it their loyalty to men that drives them on?
  9. OT-If you had a time machine

    I might even try to sabotage the Industrial Revolution and try and halt or slow down progress. This may sound funny as I'm typing on a computer and fly flight sims but I think this world lost its "simplicity" over the last 150 years and everything moved into hyper-drive to the detriment of humans overall. Human development was somewhat steady until that point but now its on steroids. This "progress" made the world an awful complicated place to live when way back when its was, kill something for your family to eat, plant some crops, trade with some locals folks, barter goods with your doctor when you need an appointment, walk or ride a horse to where you needed to go, etc. There were hardhips of course but at least it was a simple existence where people knew their place. Now, off to early 20th century America to sabotage Ford's engine.
  10. OT-If you had a time machine

    I might go back and be a fly on the wall at the Battle of Gettysburg. I've written so much about the battle I'd like to see if I know what I'm talking about.
  11. Dear Bullethead

    That's a mighty tough situation there now - good luck to you Bullethead. I have family down there as well in New Orleans and as far as I know they're safe enough for now.
  12. That's a nice skin Olham - I like the simplicity of it.
  13. What makes a Hero?

    If that guy is not a hero then nobody is. I have met many WWII vets in my life as I always sought them out if not only to shake their hand, but to speak of their experiences if they felt up to it. Though they were usually good men, they often couldn't get themselves to speak in favorable terms of the men they fought against. It takes a really unique person to forgive a common enemy who may have killed many of your friends, and was constantly trying to kill you. A relative on my wife's side fought in the Pacific against the Japanese and he turns 86 this year. He is an amazing man and I have the utmost respect for his morals and values that were gained from his life experiences. He is the most fair, understanding man and really understands human nature, yet he has a general dislike for his former foe. I never question that he is a good man as I can never put myself in his shoes and understand how he feels and I'm quite sure he saw things that would make any man change his views permanently.
  14. Absolutely stunning - nice work!
  15. Time Zone Converter

    1515 hours in cloudy Massachusetts. I usually fly at 2300 or so when all the days work is done.
  16. British Campaign

    I just picked this up today and it's a great read, very insightful. The Pup is most certainly a fine crate. I'm new to this and have survived 16 missions with tons of action in the Pup with RFC-54.
  17. OT a little victory

    Way to go Widow. I currently have (4) computers (2 desktops and 2 laptops) and it seems like I'm always fixing one of them. The other day I lost the D: drive (DVD drive) on my gaming computer and realized it when I sat down for a campaign mission in OFF - I was PO'd to say the least. I Google-searched for a solution and found something where I had to go into "regedit" and delete a filter file on my DVD drive, I rebooted and it actually worked. It's little mini victories that help you win the battle.
  18. For $9. you can't go wrong - downloading right now when I should probably be hanging out with my wife for Mother's Day - thanks Hellshade!
  19. WW1 writing thoughts

    Very nice idea Javito. I write about history myself (American Civil War on my website) strictly in an informational format and in layman's terms to provide people the basics so I understand your position. My suggestion would be to evaluate the type of writer you would like to be, then make a decision from there. If you are not a research guy then I would suggest writing fictional accounts. You will still have to research the time period but at least you won't have to research actual people. If you do like doing research then I would recommend the route of historical perspective. Personally I would want to read about actual pilots in historical situations - that's just me. Good luck!
  20. Welcome JohnnyG...make mine a Warsteiner if you please. I've been playing for only a month or so myself and let me tell you this is great fun. The guys here are really helpful (if you buy them drinks) and much can be learned by perusing these forums so good luck and happy hunting!
  21. I'm not sure how that sim plays but it sure looks sweet.
  22. Thinking about the TAC screen...

    Good to know...thank you Taillyho!
  23. British Campaign

    Is this the only bird you can change drums on? How do you do that?
  24. Thinking about the TAC screen...

    I am a new player so I'm still settling in to all this, but the one aid I find most necessary is the TAC. On my last few missions I've been trying to turn off labels, and F5 (compass/speed/altitude) whenever possible. The one thing about the TAC that appeals to me more than the enemy on radar blips is that blue line that keeps me on course. I find myself circling around as it is at times because I didn't hit the waypoint just right. If one wants the blue line for direction without the benefit of the seeing the enemy blips, I find that hitting "T" and selecting "ships" for instance will maintain the blue line, but show you nothing else that will be valuable and you're relying on just your eyesight at that point. Someone brought up a good point about screen resolution and at 1650x1080 (my settings on my 22") I'm afraid those buggers will be a bit tough to see even under the best of circumstances. I do agree that perhaps adjusting the distance can be a good compromise. Is that available in workshop settings?

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