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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. I was at the cutting edge of video games when my dad and I saw the future with PONG. My dad being the adventurous type picked her up and I was playing video games before most people - must have been 1976 or so. It was such a simple game but at that time it was the best (or only) game out there and I had a lot of fun with it.
  2. Thanks. Well I already installed the full version and having received my OFF DVD this morning, I'm currently installing that now...received my joystick as well. I suppose it won't hurt to leave the full version on there. I want to spend some time with the wife and kids today but tonight the skies are mine. I will look at that settings guide you put together when first launching OFF.
  3. No vanilla for me. The graphics leave a lot to be desired and it doesn't have the "charm" of a WWI sim. I would never play any of these games without a joystick. Hopefully the bulk of my remaining components come tomorrow. I tracked my joystick and it was in a town 40 miles from me this morning so that has to get to me tomorrow.
  4. It does have the zone.com on it so it must be 3.1. I hovered over the .exe. and it clearly says 3.1. I did install the patch but I don't think it mattered as if it was already 3.1, it likely didn't modify anything. I did play a few missions and was able to get across the English channel and attack some targets/engage some bogeys and each time hit the ground...never was shot down though. It's really hard just using the keyboard to steer/fly/bank...I'm looking forward to that joystick. Thanks for the help guys.
  5. That's funny! I could never pull that off as I wear glasses and unless she were a ditz, would never believe me.
  6. I looked at the files that were downloaded from the CFS3 disc and most had a 2003 date on them including the application. I don't believe the version I have is Ubisoft and I'm pretty sure I'll have to install the disc when playing. What initially threw me is this is a WW2 sim, and OFF overhauls it to WWI. I had to double-check and make sure I ordered the right disk.
  7. New to TrackIR 5

    I thought about it but I just moved and have spent so much time putting things together, installing, fixing that I'm just sick of it and decided to just lay down the cash.
  8. You should have just told her you're a fighter pilot and this song is what you listen to when you go into battle - a slight stretching of the truth and her eyes might have even twinkled.
  9. I did upgrade to 3.1 from Microsoft's website - I need to play a mission?
  10. New to TrackIR 5

    Nice review Ruggbutt. I already ordered the 4 as I'm on a budget and already $300. in with CPU upgrade, software, joystick, etc. which is about the limit of what I can spend right now. Damn...you have a sweet setup.
  11. The OFF Poetry Corner

    Thank you gents - let's hope I fight was well as I write.
  12. Great...I have a year of dying to look forward to. I just want to get up there flying and get a feel for it...ahhh patience.
  13. The OFF Poetry Corner

    Here's my go at it: Don't you know? Shiloh roams the midnight sky, with a sorry glint in his eye Knowing he must kill Until the darkened skies are still. His wingmen by his side He leaves at home a solemn bride Hand upon his guns of death Work in tandem with his breath. His enemy appears above Like a giant white dove He brings not love But grits his teeth and descends With no time to defend. I dive and shift from left to right Desperate toward the moonlight I feel his rage, like an animal in a cage I am not new to this stage. And with two short bursts He unloads a world of hurt Ripping canvas into shreds I do not know how I'm not dead. As I approach the grove of trees He pursues as if to tease I will not give in not yet I have a trick or two I bet. I draw him further down His smile widens like a twisted clown He moves in for the kill But I must wait until - I pull the stick with all my might Altering the path of flight He does the same but cannot match My skill he's too late to catch. I clip the trees with the slightest He drives his plane with the mightiest BOOM! Into the ground Earth enveloped into a mound. I climb to match another foe As he goes from life to woe I am sorry it must be so But this is war don't you know?
  14. Well I received CFS3 today and installed. I ordered the HitR expansion and dowloaded and now I'm just waiting for "Between Heaven & Hell" DVD, joystick and the TrackIR 4 I ordered late last night. My CPU is enroute as well and I decided to nix the additional 5770HD card which I don't believe will help me in this game and used the extra money for the TrackIR. I'm dying to play but patience is key here and I'll have all my components soon enough. Was there some settings I needed to adjust on CFS3 right off the bat? I thought I saw that mentioned here and if I find that section here on the forums, I'll work on that today. On a bright note, I just found out that my wife is taking the kids to see Grandma in another state on Saturday and may stay over until Sunday so I pray heartily that I have everything I need by then so I can fly unencumbered for 24 hours or until I fall asleep at the stick and crash my crate into the French countryside.
  15. Welcome to the War Yanks!

    If we all got along, then there would be no wars and that would make history really boring. I'm born in the U.S., my father is 100% Russian and my mom 100% Italian and my uncle trained with the Canadian airforce flying B-29's during WW2 (he never saw action) so I'm a bit spread out with my loyalties. But I will say the U.S. getting involved in both wars was certainly timely and helped sway the tide for the allies in each case.
  16. New to TrackIR 5

    My initial thoughts are that for some WW2 sim games the 5 provides an advantage because it supposedly tracks quicker and with better clarity and I can see how quick those games can move. From what I've seen (I haven't played this sim yet) OFF moves a lot slower then WW2 sims so that the 4 would suffice given the nature of battles. Please someone correct me if I am wrong but I'm leaning toward the 4 for this reason - maybe the 5 is overkill unless money is no object?
  17. New to TrackIR 5

    I don't mean to hijack this thread but is TrackIR 5 that much better than 4? I'm considering both and there's roughly a $30. difference between the two.

    Good stuff buddy...I can't wait!
  19. I've personally never OC'd but I understand this CPU reacts very well to it. The reviews on this CPU have been exceptional and I don't think you can beat a quad-core 3.0 for under $100. U.S. Thanks for the tip on OFF as I'll have to keep an eye on the heat. I'm not sure I need to OC it but it's good to know I can if needed.
  20. After some careful consideration and since I haven't upgraded my rig since this time last year I've decided to give her some spit-and-polish. I just ordered a new CPU and an additional 5770HD card to Crossfire. My rig has been holding back my enjoyment a bit on games (namely Total War) and I figure this upgrade will hold me off until next year when I will probably upgrade my MB. I can OC this CPU from 3.0 to 3.4-3.5 as people have had success in that range and hopefully this setup will get me some beautiful graphics/solid performance on OFF. Here's a link to my new beauts' which should be arriving in about 3 days. 1) AMD Athlon II X4 640 Propus 3.0GHz Socket AM3 95W Quad-Core 2) SAPPHIRE Vapor-X 100283VX-2L Radeon HD 5770 (Juniper XT) 1GB 128-bit

    Good news Adger! I'm a bit jelous I'm afraid as I haven't received mine yet but I will certainly be adding HitR before too long. I'd love to hear a report back and see how you like it.

    I've never done modeling before but I think you have to look at a lot of reference photos to get a good idea of how to place them. I've had to create a lot of natural-looking background environments in Photoshop mostly for print work (magazines, newspapers, etc.) and would never begin without some good reference points. And yes I agree, talent goes a long way.
  23. I can see how I'm going to have to get this hooked up and mess around with it before I understand. I may try and get 6 of the key commands that you use a lot and get them on the left side of the JS so I can get to them quick with my left hand while steering with my right - at least the combat critical ones. It would be great if they made a special flight sim keyboard with really big buttons that could be programmed with lets say the dozen or so most important command keys - almost like being in a cockpit. The Total War series had a pretty intuitive key command setup as well - seems similar.

    The depth of these images is stunning - nice work!

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