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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. The man who saved the world... 50 years ago, at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, second-in-command Vasilli Arkhipov of the Soviet submarine B-59 refused to agree with his Captain's order to launch nuclear torpedoes against US warships and setting off what might well have been a terminal superpower nuclear war. The US had been dropping depth charges near the submarine in an attempt to force it to surface, unaware it was carrying nuclear arms. The Soviet officers, who had lost radio contact with Moscow, concluded that World War 3 had begun, and 2 of the officers agreed to 'blast the warships out of the water'. Arkhipov refused to agree - unanimous consent of 3 officers was required - and thanks to him, the world was saved from yet another horrid war. His story was finally told - the BBC aired a documentary last fall and PBS did a segment on "Secrets of the Dead" (see video on third link). Raise a glass to Vasilli Arkhipov. http://en.wikipedia....Vasili_Arkhipov http://historicity-w...saved-the-world http://philnews.ph/2...world-from-ww3/
  2. Up And Going!

    Welcome Old Simmer! It seems like just yesterday I was in your position of new pilot. It has been a few years and I've learned some things about myself, what I prefer, and why. I fight/fly aggressively so I eventually gravitated to the SE5, SE5a Wolseley Viper, and the Fokker D.VII. These work for my style and I've found the most comfort with them. I do not care for the Nieuports or Spads but I do like the Albatros D.II, D.III, the Sopwith Pup and the Fokker Dr.1. If you like a 2-seater the Strutter performs quite predictably. With that said it is all a matter of personal preference. I would suggest you fly some quick combat missions and see what you like, and what you're comfortable with. You can also do some historical research and see what craft you might have been flying against and challenge them to a fight of 6 on 6. There is nothing like practice and with that your skill and confidence will grow. I would also suggest practicing tough landings in QC such as limited space landings, uneven ground, etc. as being able to effectively crash-land will save you many times over. Also try and force yourself into a spin and learn how to pull yourself out. Good luck!
  3. As I wait for the next installment of our favorite flight sim, I've revisited Silent Hunter III with The Grey Wolves mod. It's a nice combination of a great base WW2 Uboat sim with a fantastic mod to enhance it's luster. I'm sure many of you have played it and know exactly what I'm talking about but for those of you who have not played it, I highly recommend it. Just a few days ago I started a new career in 1939 with 2nd Flotilla and I'm in the middle of my third patrol. On the first patrol I had no objectives so I snuck past patrols into a Dutch harbor and over a submarine net to bag 2 large merchant freighters and a warship. I was operating in only 20 meters of water so it was exciting when the search lights went on as I crept just below the surface right past the gunboats and to safety. On the second patrol I was heavily damaged by depth charges but was able to limp back to port. Currently, I'm off the coast of Scotland and fired two torpedoes into a large British freighter as two warships closed in on me in very stormy weather. I did an emergency dive to 145 meters and they've been dropping depth charges on me for close to an hour. It's almost nighttime so I'm hoping to surface after dark and high-tail it out of there. I just found out that freighter I torpedoed just sunk in heavy seas so that brings my total to 4 ships sunk and 23,000+ tons. It's nothing short of nerve-wracking when you're having depth charges dropped on your head and it really immerses one into the sim. Equally exciting is lining up that next ship and knowing an accurate shot will bring it down. It is my spring-break week from school so I've been staying up late and I'm really enjoying this sim. After having watched Das Boot again recently, it's really good timing for me. Afterall, It will only be two more weeks... http://en.wikipedia....lent_Hunter_III http://www.thegreywolves.com/ Shiloh
  4. This is a few months off but something to keep an eye on. From the website: In June 1944, a secret U.S. Army unit went into action in Normandy. The weapons they deployed were decidedly unusual: hundreds of inflatable tanks and a one-of-a-kind collection of sound effects records. Their mission was to use bluff, deception, and trickery to save lives. Many were artists, some of who would become famous, including a budding fashion designer named Bill Blass. They painted and sketched their way across Europe, creating a unique visual record of their journey. The story of what these men accomplished was hushed up by the Pentagon for more than forty years. After seven years of effort, and interviews with more than 20 veterans, the documentary that tells their story is coming to PBS on May 21 at 8 PM. http://www.ghostarmy.com/
  5. The Ghost Army

    Olham, This movie just happened to be on today and I really enjoyed it. As I was watching, I started remembering little things about it. Then at the end, I knew for sure I had seen it before, probably sometime in the 1980's as a teenager. Thanks again for the recommendation! Also, The Ghost Army has been selling out here in New England with advanced showings and the buzz has been good. Shiloh
  6. The Ghost Army

    Thank you Olham...I do like Donald Sutherland in a role of that nature. I'll have to check it out. Yes Hauksbee...I do agree that at that moment in time, using Patton as a diversion was nothing less than brilliant. The German high-command feared no one more than he so he garnered their full attention.
  7. The Ghost Army

    I haven't seen that Olham but it sounds really interesting. I'm amazed by all the little side stories that helped sway the outcome of the war. In WW2, new stuff we didn't know much about seems to come to the surface all the time.
  8. Anti-Camel-Trick

    I guess the best thing would be to try it in Quick Combat and see what happens.
  9. Found a new Boelcke photo...

    It appears as though he just landed as a plane is visible in the background so you're probably right. By the look on his face he got one!
  10. Awesome Pol! I love the way the British craft broke apart at the 1:45 mark (and I'm sure Olham did too). It looked very realistic!
  11. That is excellent advice von Baur and thank you for sharing! It's so easy to take our loved ones for granted. You were blessed to have had 20 years with a wonderful woman who you were deeply in love with and I'm sure she felt the same about you. February 9th holds a special place for me as well...it is my wife's birthday. We have been together for almost 12 years. I'm so sorry for your recent loss Rugby. There is no easy way to say goodbye to the people you love. And I concur Olham, it's the quality of relationships that count.
  12. Death of the Red Baron

    I had seen this some time back. If you check out his channel he also did a piece on Mannock and Voss which are well done.
  13. What a fantastic little game! Well worth the $10. already and I'm only on level 4.
  14. Sometimes the TrackIR works perfect for me and sometimes it doesn't - very temperamental. I really like the Brisfit. I can't really see out the back so hopefully my observer is alert. Have you flown it on campaign?
  15. My Son is a lucky lad!

    Maybe they need chaperones?
  16. New aircraft at hendon

    What a sweet looking craft - nice paint scheme too! Thanks for sharing Tonyo.
  17. RFC-48's Sgt. Henry Dawes takes to the skies in his Bristol F2.b and battles Alb.D.III's Over Flanders Fields.
  18. Nice screenies Olham and good to see Mahlow is still keeping up the fight. Here are some shots of my new RFC-48 Bristol F2b pilot - Sgt. Henry Dawes. I've seen 3 combat missions and her engine was damaged after facing some Alb.D.III's on one flight and on the next two she was forced down early due to overwhelming numbers. I had 7 Alb.D.III's chasing me to the deck on this last fight in the rain and was able to land safely at St. Eloi. I love the way she flies, sturdy and steady but you can feel the weight. The date is early April, 1917 so hopefully things get better as the war drags on. I wish my observer would fire more rounds and I've been tempted to jump in the back seat and take on the shooting duties myself.
  19. OT Poor Cody

    Relax Cody - just 2 more weeks.
  20. Thanks Adger, HPW and Olham! I do enjoy making skins - it connects me to my pilot in a way that nothing else can. I wish I could upload these. I've tried rar, zip and uncompressed dds files and each time I get an error message saying upload failed and please contact administrator. Mark from OBD got back to me but says I need to contact the CombatAce moderators for guidance.
  21. Here's some shots of my Jasta 13 pilot, Leutnant Gunther Blau taking on some SE5a's. This is a newly-designed skin that has been tweaked a few times to this final version.
  22. Thanks for the feedback guys! I will upload this either today or tomorrow.
  23. Thank you Andy! I would be happy to upload this skin but would first like to confirm with one of our German-speaking members - Olham perhaps? - that the text on the plane reads properly. I understand 'Sehr Mutig?' to translate to 'Feeling Brave?'. It was meant as a challenge for foes to attack if they so choose, but to think twice about it.
  24. Nice job with that comic strip of Mahlow's day Olham - very creative! I can see how you would get distracted by the beauty of the day. To answer your earlier question terrain and scenery are both at '3'. And very nice commentary video Hellshade! I liked the addition of the commentary so I can see your thought process throughout the fight. Here is a new skin I designed for my Jasta 4 Dr.1 pilot, Leutnant Dieter Mannheim.
  25. Hauntingly beautiful shot there Olham. These realistic skies play such a large part in making OFF so believable. I too have struggled at times with downing a wounded craft but realize they could have myself or one of my flight in their sights next time and I can't allow that to happen. Thanks Hellshade. I do feel like I'm getting better - just more efficient overall. It feels realistic to have to improve for the sake of survival especially flying the D.VII in 1918. Towards the summer/early fall we're going to be outnumbered on almost every fight so I feel the need to hone those skills now - to be ready for it.

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