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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. I've tried Rosie O'Donnell and Justin Bieber but I just keep crashing them nose-first into the ground on purpose.
  2. New Sounds for you...

    Downloading now - thanks buddy!
  3. New Sounds for you...

    Thanks to everyone involved in this mod and to OlPaint for putting it together. That second link isn't working and the first one requires that I set up an account which I'd rather not do. Any suggestions?
  4. I adjusted this skin for Gunther Blau from the first go-around - what do you guys think? I've been working very hard on economizing my use of ammo and shooting more accurately and I think I took a good step on this last fight.
  5. Thanks for posting that Olham! I really like to see this kind of stuff. Urban sprawl here in America has often wipes-out the look of things but there are still some pockets of authentic historical looking towns, particularly in more rural areas. I currently live in a small New England town that was settled in the 1700's and saw it's peak in the 19th century. Most of the original homes/businesses near downtown still exist and many in their old forms. I've seen postcards that show dirt roads and horses but mostly it retains it's old look - that's what I like the most about it. The town has reinvented itself around tourism, a strong local artisan push and other forms of business yet retains the flavor it's enjoyed for centuries.
  6. What a great fight Hellshade. You put a good 'ol-fashioned ass-whoopin' on those guys. I loved that steep dive near the beginning where you were spinning and pursuing right down to the deck. The gun sounds are great. I saw it's been released so I'll have to install tomorrow.
  7. That's a really nice screenie Olham - you captured the moment perfectly. I too have been struggling with this lately as I don't want to turn on labels and I don't want to pause either as it's killing the continuity of my fights. Sometimes I warp due to time constraints so a manual watch wouldn't due to record time and I don't want to hit 'z' to see the accurate time. Some craft have clocks but not all of them do. Just recently I experimented with putting claims on 'easy' and then thought I would go back and manually adjust my files to reflect a 'rough percentage' of kills to be confirmed with the rest failing. Typically when I've flown with labels my success rate on claims was close to 90% or at least high-80's. Perhaps without listing the ESC/RFC/Jasta etc. my percentage would go down to lets say 75%. Then there would be the ones we do recognize so the rate might go back up again into the low 80's. I'm not sure what's best but I too would like my percentages to be a bit more accurate to what they might have been historically but that doesn't mean I don't want to shoot down a ton of planes. Are there any documents or anything that exists that might show the percentage rates of claims going through for WWI aces. For example, MvR had 80 confirmed victories but how many total claims did he have?
  8. Baron von Meister Brau
  9. Thanks Hellshade! I've been working on my shooting and I think it's paying off. There have been a least a few instances over my last fights when I decided to look back "one more time" only to find e/a ready to deal some damage. Look forward to seeing some more of your videos here.
  10. I just started a new D.VII pilot with Jasta 13 and designed a quick skin for him prior to this QC scramble fight over our airfield against Vipers. It was mostly a test-flight to check out the new paint-job but quickly turned into a spirited fight with some good low-level fighting.
  11. German pilot: Marth A. Fokker
  12. It only took one look at that trailer for me to spend the $7.49 U.S. on Steam. Brings me back to my childhood with my green and tan soldiers and the battles I used to wage. Thanks for posting VP.
  13. Nice documentary on the epic tale of the sinking of the battleship Bismarck tied in with the modern-day search for her wreckage miles below the surface. Very well done piece. http://www.snagfilms...leship_bismarck
  14. I'm with you Flyby. On a ship you may be unfortunate enough to face the grim realization that your afloat in the middle of a large body of water and even if rescuers are looking for you, unless they have an exact location of where you went down, you aren't likely to be found. You can be brave and keep swimming/treading water for however long, but eventually men will start dropping off and you know your time is coming soon. It must be an utterly helpless feeling and who wants to have their life end like that? The USS Indianapolis in WW2 is a perfect example of this hopelessness but in this case many survived the harrowing experience. Regarding the Bismarck, there is speculation that the commander of the British ship chose to leave the majority of German sailors behind as retaliation for the HMS Hood being sunk. At least that is the viewpoint of many of the Bismarck survivors.
  15. New Sounds for you...

    Thank you Andy for all your hard work. I downloaded yesterday and immediately noticed the difference on the SE5a Viper engine sound which sounded more robust IMO. I haven't had a chance to check out more but I just wanted to drop a quick "thank you" and applaud you for your efforts.
  16. I couldn't get my sights properly aligned hence the sloppy shooting but I still managed to down a few.
  17. I always welcome your advice Olham. You've guided me more than anyone and I appreciate that. Agreed Hellshade. The great thing about this forum is everybody contributes in their own way and there's something to be learned at every turn as long as one is open to it. I would love to see some videos of other pilots as there is much to be learned by all styles. Not a fantastic fight but some great scenery in my new Jasta 10 D.VII.
  18. We can all learn from Hellshade - he shoots like a machine. Seriously though Olham, this is what's great about these videos. We can watch how others fight and critique them, be critiqued, critique ourselves - it's all good. I realize I need to work on my accuracy a bit and watching others fight gives me a reference point and a mark to shoot for.
  19. Sorry to those who can't view this - damn limitations. This is also a great documentary I viewed last night on the Hindenburg and a new theory as to what might have contributed to the disaster. http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/hindenburgs_fiery_secrets
  20. Really solid pics there Olham - especially that one viewed from inside the shed. Spads can turn a fight as quick as most fighters and I never underestimate their ability to fight until the last one is downed.
  21. I found these high-quality videos that show the details of the planes on the ground, and also in flight. All eras of flying craft can be found here. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL504AC363CDF7766A&feature=plcp
  22. I had watched this before some time back but gladly watched it again. Good stuff and thanks for posting Javito.
  23. Pure Luck

    Pure gold I say. I wished they asked him more in-depth questions about the Camel, Pup, Strutter etc. and how he felt they influenced the outcome of the war and questioning along those lines. I too am amazed at how some men seem destined for playing a big-role in history but as Olham mentioned, it's not easy to be a pioneer in these modern times.
  24. I am just seeing this post now Olham - thanks for all the great thoughts. I do feel like I'm evolving with every flight due to experience. But it's a slow process with me as I like to be in the middle of the action. Yet with every post or book I read, every documentary I watch, it brings me a bit closer. I only gave up visual aids just a month or so ago and even though it was hard at the time, I don't think I will ever fly that way again. I have felt pure fear when flying along with my head on a swivel before realizing that just above and behind we were being dived upon and shot to pieces. What a thrill when the fight escalates, and what loss is felt when one of my men doesn't survive. Some flights I feel every emotion - what other flight sim can do that? I am also grateful to all the great influences here who set good examples - knowingly or not - and teach us young pups what it's all about. I can't believe it has been just a year since I first held the stick and took to the air and what a great flight it has been.

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