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Everything posted by Shiloh

  1. Nice vids Hellshade! Those Camels were very aggressive and their maneuverability was impressive. It almost seemed like they were buzzing you in order to intimidate. I don't blame you for ditching - it was a fight you couldn't win. It's what I love about 1918 - plenty of action. The other day I got involved in a fight with some Camels while in my damaged Dr.1 - loss of power on engine - and I quickly realized I was in over my head. It's tough enough to fight them while 100% but if your compromised, it's probably better to disengage.
  2. SE5a-Vipers vs Albatros D.Va 200 in QC. Update: Video was fixed so it can be viewed in HD.
  3. I'll start with some QC to get a feel for the different craft and get used to the new AI. Then probably an SE5a-Viper campaign and perhaps a D.VII or Dr.1 campaign. For the past few months I've been committed to no TAC, labels, etc. so will continue on with that as the immersion has been fantastic. I'd like to use an actual watch to keep time so I don't have to use a visual aid to see the time of day after a victory - (for claims purposes). Of course that would mean no warping. I want to also print out the skins so I can identify enemies by paint job rather than turning on labels quickly. I may just use the map in-flight until I can get organized with some actual maps like Olham and Lou use. Well, it's only 2 weeks from today so I better start preparing.
  4. Thanks Hellshade! It was a fun fight and I enjoyed the paces those Spads were taking me through. They're wicked fast so that's always a challenge. I just try and fly 'cleaner' so I can close the gap, do some damage from distance, then move in for the kill once they're disabled. I landed a little rough as my control was compromised and I came in too fast but I didn't think I would roll like that. I have 2 victories with this pilot with 5 pending. Once I get to 5 I have an emblem I'll put on the side that should inspire some fear in the enemy. That was a nice vid with some excellent action and I can just sense how on edge you were being outnumbered so heavily. Your head was on a swivel for sure but you kept track of the enemy and picked them off one-by-one - nice work! You will enjoy the D.VII I think. She's well-balanced and one of the few craft on the German side I would want to be flying against superior numbers. I'm really enjoying your videos so keep them up if you can. I'll do my best as well. Good flying.
  5. Campaign mission. Leutnant August Loewe, Jasta 18, Fokker D.VII. We tangled with ESC 37 Spad XIII's in a spirited fight.
  6. Holy cow Hellshade. You are a one-man wrecking crew! That was an exciting video to say the least. Did you fight 1 vs 6? I'll be posting my own D.VII video tomorrow morning.
  7. Well at least you didn't have to shoot it down twice.
  8. That was really helpful seeing that video Olham. I wasn't quite able to picture in my head how you might fight tactically with that particular bird. Thanks again and I hope to see some more videos if time permits. I will certainly be doing more as I'm learning a lot about myself as a pilot by re-watching my fights to get even better. That's what it's all about isn't it?
  9. I don't think I'm quite there yet in my evolution as a pilot. I speak honestly as I think one matures 'fully' into that over time. I have only been flying for a year though so I think I get closer to that all the time and have no doubt I will feel precisely as you describe here Olham. It's probably why pilots - among other reasons - were not given command until they showed their leaders "more" in the way of caring for their men. But please don't get me wrong. I care deeply for the safe return of my squad - particularly the ones I am leading - but I also understand that losses are inevitable. However, nothing makes my blood boil like when I see one of my buddies in trouble and I'll do anything to help them even if it's against tremendous odds. There's nothing like knocking an enemy fighter off my wingmans six - it just feels right. And I do agree that Olham would make an incredible flight leader.
  10. Night Flying WW1

    Thanks rjw! At times I could only see the slightest movement that provided a hint an enemy craft was there. I was completely on edge though with heightened-senses just knowing they could sneak up behind me in the darkness at any moment.
  11. That was a nice landing to minimize the damage Hellshade. You could have easily rolled over and been badly injured or worse. What Jasta was that? I really like their paint-jobs. Those Dr.1's can be nasty in packs. I've met them many times in the Viper and every time they seem to put up a good fight. If you had altitude you could have dove hard and lost them with superior speed but down low like that...
  12. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    Somewhere Widow is dreaming of flying that Snipe - zzzzzzzzzzz.
  13. Very nice Olham - I liked the somber tone of the music too! Good flying/fighting and even though I've known you for a year, that's the first time I've seen you fly. I noticed you would dip your nose prior to attack to gain momentum or am I mistaken? Excellent vid Hellshade! I find the 2-seaters to be more dangerous than fighters yet you kept going in there for more. It's great diving that Viper with good speed isn't it? I find her so predictable too which I like.
  14. I do realize Olham that I'm more of a natural turn-fighter pilot which is why I feel so comfortable in craft such as the D.VII, Dr.1 and SE5a. I love the look of the Albatros but don't think it's flight characteristics suit me. With that said, I would love to see a video of you flying an Albatros in a fight. For me at this point it's more curiosity and being able to learn about how you energy-fight.
  15. Olham Very well done once again and nice screenies. Your graphics are always so crisp I feel like I can reach out and touch your Albatros. I'd love to see you do a video as I have no idea how to energy-fight in an Alb and would like to learn. I have been flying tac/label free for over a month now and can say I will never go back to those aids. Hellshade Exciting scramble video. You/your men did a great job of thwarting the attack and then some. You fly and shoot so clean - 'efficient' is the word that comes to mind. Watching your videos helps me improve as a pilot so please keep them coming when you have the time. I think I'm going to stick with them as I don't like pausing during a fight for screenies - kills the continuity - and I'm learning much by critiquing my own flying.
  16. Night Flying WW1

    My curiosity got the best of me on this subject and I had to see what fighting might be like at night Over Flanders Fields. It was very difficult at times to pick out the enemy craft and a few times I latched onto one of my own flight before identifying them. It was terrifying at times as you really do lose sight of the enemy but with the partial moon, I was able to see enough to stay active in the fight. Anyhow the action picks up around the 2:00 mark in case you want to give it a look. Enjoy!
  17. Oh I'll get to them. Is it safe to assume they'll have fighter support?
  18. Very cool Olham. I really want to attack some Gothas - will we get that opportunity in OFF 2?
  19. Night Flying WW1

    Just a theory but I'd guess our night vision today is noticeably worse due to the fact that there are so few areas where there isn't almost constant artificial light. During WWI, people likely had much better night vision due to the lack of man-made lights. If any of you have ever camped in the woods for a few days at a time it's amazing how well your eyes will adjust to darkness and become better able to distinguish shapes, objects, etc. Here is an example of how OFF interprets night-flying which is very believable due to the half-moon and the light it casts. I did brighten this up in Photoshop a bit so it actually appeared a little darker.
  20. Bloody April

    Right now I am watching the German uboat movie Das Boot with English subtitles. A bit off topic but very well done if you haven't seen it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1j3ug4Nflfs
  21. New Sounds for you...

    Excellent work Andy! I have not yet used any sound mods but this will be my first.
  22. Here's a video I put together of a few QC's. I'm always interested in how others fly & fight as there's always much to learn. It's also a great way to document a fight without having to hit pause all the time to capture screenies.
  23. Here's a similar angle of the Eindecker - you can see the similarities.
  24. Come to think of it the Einie has it's wings lower but that's a similar wire configuration on the top.
  25. While flying my SE5a Viper with RFC-74 over the last two missions, I've encountered what appeared to be Fok.D.VII craft from Jasta 18. At least that's what skin they had. However on one mission they were labeled as Jasta 34 and on my last mission M J I. Have any of you ever run into this?

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