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Posts posted by Shiloh

  1. An update on my computer woes.


    My MB may not be dead after all. I was messing around with it today, and instead of no beeps, I heard the five beeps again--but only once. Then, it was back to powering up, but no beeps. Could a dead CMOS battery be the cause of my boot problems?


    Unfortunately, while removing and reinstalling my CPU and heatsink a dozen times or so, I think I bent the pins on my CPU! Damn! :angry2: :censored: So, it looks like I am now faced with an involuntary upgrade. Oh well, I was needing to upgrade anyway in anticipation of P4.


    If you're talking about the battery on your mobo that could be the problem. I had an issue a year or so back and just replacing that battery fixed my issue. I think you have to keep it out for 15 minutes then reinsert. That stinks about your CPU. :this:

  2. He was born in Algeria - maybe his Serpent is a symbol from the Arabian mythology?


    I wish you good success with the Dr.1, Shiloh - a hell of a turn-devil with a good climb.

    As Hellshade says - pick the fights you could win, and you should be fine.


    Thank you Olham. It is fun to research these pilots and the reasons behind their motivations isn't it?



    Just a shot I took testing out my new graphic settings - many thanks for sharing, Shiloh. grin.gif Editing done in Gimp as usual.





    That's a nice looking shot there ulti - I like the mood with the rich colors. I believe you want to thank Olham for those graphic settings.

  3. Thanks for the tips Hellshade. My first Dr.I campaign pilot was off to a good start before he was downed and captured over enemy lines. We were in a nice scrap with some SE5a's from RFC-56 and quickly the fight scattered. I found myself very low on ammo, and facing multiple e/a on my own. Because my ammo was low and I was close to the ground I tried to run and wove my way to my lines. I was finally downed just short of the lines and captured.


    With this experience my strategies have changed. I will try to keep the fights on my side of the lines and maintain altitude so if I need to dive for some speed I can do so. I've even practiced steep dives into quick landings in case I've taken damage and need to put her down quick. I've been practicing tree-hopping and flying in tight low spaces (between buildings and such) in case I'm low and being pursued and perhaps this will slow them down or force them into a mistake. I do love the Dr.I though - if she only had a bit more speed.

  4. Nice work downing that French ace Olham. Maurice Jean Paul Boyau had 35 victories and had a specialty of downing balloons. He downed 21 balloons over the course of the war with 14 aerial victories. That's a sweet looking dragon. I thought there might be a connection with that serpentine emblem and his rugby days playing for Team France but I couldn't find any.


    I will get Max Jung on a campaign soon enough. :salute: I'm practicing against all enemy craft I'm likely to face in QC mode, then he'll start with Jasta 6 in early January 1918 as they unveil the Dr.I's.

  5. The Dr.1 is not a plane for running away - Voss would never have been able to escape 5 S.E.5a - he had to take them on.



    Yes, sometimes the skins lie on the model in a funny way. The Alb D.II also has such a "break" - but only on the port side.

    Here it comes handy, when you can work with "Layers" - you can cut and adjust the wave line, 'till it fits.


    It makes me really reluctant to take the Dr.I over the lines at all yet historically the Germans fought more defensively so I guess that works. What wouldn't we all give to see that famous fight?


    I did try tweaking that by splitting the graphic but it messed it up even worse. I guess trial and error and a lot of patience wins the day.

  6. ulti

    I tried the Pfalz out a few times in QC and couldn't really get the hang of her handling characteristics. I too kept rolling over and losing control in turns but as Olham mentioned she's not really a turn fighter. I am definitely more of a turn-fighter pilot so that's why I tend toward the SE5a, Dr.I, Fok.D.VII, etc. I don't know if you would classify them this way but I have success with them fighting in that manner. The Dr.I is a pleasure to fly and I find she can hang with almost any craft. Her one Achilles Heel in my opinion is her lack of speed so that when you get in danger, have no altitude and need to run it's a difficult situation. But other than that I shredded 3 Camels in a matter of 10 minutes in QC yesterday so overall she's a champ.



    I've been trying my hand at skinning lately and quite enjoy it. I may still modify this one a bit but it's good to get my hands dirty and test to see what results can be had. I originally had the chevron pattern going all the way across but the left side had a weird break that I couldn't figure out how to fix (see attached).


    A Dr.I campaign with Jasta 6 is just around the corner. :salute:




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