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Posts posted by Shiloh

  1. Wow. I just got back from a long weekend and can't believe what transpired here. Jason has certainly dug himself a hole with an unsubstantiated claim. It certainly speaks to his questionable character and poor professional judgment. I'm just sorry the good folks at OBD got their names dragged through the mud.


    Thank you OBD for all you do and I admire the way you've handled these accusations with professionalism and respect to all involved. :salute:

    • Like 1

  2. Here's a look at my new pilot, Jack 'Cat' Harlowe. He's currently flying the Sopwith Tripe with RNAS-10 in March 1917. He has yet to fly a mission - QC only to this point - as I've never really flown the tripe before. I also made a bit of a custom skin for him - my first effort to date. I wanted to keep it real simple on my first go and I like the clean look. They call him "The Cat" or "El Gato" as he's real good at sneaking up on unsuspecting enemy craft going back to his early days as a flier. One of the guys said after a particular mission that he's stealthy like a cat and the nickname stuck.



























  3. Thanks Shiloh,


    getting there thanks to lots of help from the OFF community.

    One day I may be able to post action screenies as good as yours.


    Guys, just a general query - I'm over the 3MB limit, how do I fix this

    so I can post more pics ?


    Have searched but can't find anything.




    I've been tweeking a lot of settings RamblingSid - trial and error - and I'm finally somewhat satisfied with the quality. It had been bothering me for some time so I'm glad I got some things figured out. Without Olham and others I'd be nowhere near this quality. Your shots are looking much better now if you can pause during combat and play around with some cool-looking dynamic angles, your pics will take on a whole new level.


    To clear your images, go to your profile, click on your profile name (upper right), go to 'my settings', then on the left column 'manage attachments' and try deleting them. Good luck! :salute:

  4. Great pics, Shiloh!

    Have you updated your Catalyst drivers to the latest? (12.1 or 12.2 I think).


    But I guess it depends on the features of the graphic card.

    If your card cannot do "Morphological Filtering", then it may not appear?


    But - to me your stuff looks as good as mine - so why bother?


    Thank Olham! I've always admired your graphics so I'm glad you think my images are looking good. I wasn't really thinking in terms of what my graphics card had to offer vs what yours might offer. I thought everyone had the same settings options in Catalyst so that makes more sense to me now that yours would be different. My drivers are updated to 12.3.


    I really liked the Tripe in quick combat mode. I shot down 3 Albs, about 5 balloons and attacked some airfelds and like the way she handles - almost like a Dr.1 in certain respects. So I started a pilot with RNAS-10 and we'll see how it goes. I may PM you later about some questions I have regarding flying as a 'serious' pilot.

  5. Here's some of my latest screenies after making some graphic tweeks and using Lou's/Olhams suggestions for Textures/AMD settings. Olham, your settings appear differently then mine in Catalyst. I don't have same options under anti-aliasing. Is this because I am Windows 7 32-bit? I'm upgraded to 12.3 (latest) drivers.


    Looking much better RamblingSid. :good:













  6. I second this as over the last year he has been instrumental in getting me transitioned into the OFF experience. That graphic guide alone has helped me multiple times and the every day responses to my posts has been invaluable.

    Thank you Olham and have a virtual Warsteiner on me! :drinks:

  7. Thanks both. The following of roads and railway lines certainly makes sense, rather than just circling one area. It would be more interesting to fly as well.

    I don't ever recall seeing a moving train, but then I probably haven't paid so much attention before. I'll keep a closer eye next time and see if I spot anything.


    I have seen moving trains on a handful of occasions and even attacked them. From what I can tell they can't be damaged.





  8. I took her once for a spin, but the wing was so blocking my view, that I never did it again...

    Very nice detailed cockpit, though!




    Shiloh, if you have never flown the Fokker E.V / D.III, you should give her some time.

    She climbs and turns quite well. A backdrop is the very thick wing, which blocks the view very much.

    I wonder, if the real craft had the view blocked so much.



    Come to think of it guys I believe I did take her for a flight some time back. I'm big on visibility and it's one reason I haven't flown the Nieuports much. Same thing with driving vehicles - I like to see everything around me.

  9. whyIdrink.jpg


    Very funny! When my cat Charlie was young he would climb the Christmas tree and inevitably it would come crashing down ornaments and all. I used to tie the tree to the wall with some twine but now that he's almost 7 he's seems to have lost interest. :heat:

  10. You can tell that's a dangerous predator. On her back there, she's in a cat's total war fighting stance with all 5 weapons ready to go instead of having to stand on some of them. Watching you closely through slitted eyes, looking all cute and cuddly to lure you in, but armed and ready to take your arm off at the shoulder :cool:.


    Now that's what we call a "wampus cat" around here. Big and mean. He carries his weight well. Had you not said otherwise, I'd have figured him for about 10-12 pounds based on his narrowness.


    You do know that cats invented punctuation marks, right? The scribe who 1st started using ! and ? obviously got the idea from reading the body language of his cat's tail.


    That picture was from a few years ago and he was probably 13 lbs or so. This is a more recent picture but it's still tough to see him fully. Sometimes I hold him up in the air and stretch his body out and he is incredibly long with barely any fat on him. Sometimes he gets real frisky when we're playing and he comes after me and I'm genuinely scared as he can do some real damage.


    I did read that although cats look very approachable when lying on their side, it's when they are at their most dangerous. Like you mentioned, they can use all 4 claws and their mouths to fight. When Charlie stands off against another cat I often see him take that stance.




    I lost my cat Jack, about 3 months ago...he was 21 yrs old!...a great little dude too!....never hissed or spat...he was just so laid back!..he was a champ!


    I understand how people feel, about losing an animal...and I feel what you feel about not wanting to go through the pain of losing them...but I beg you to reconsider!


    There are so many Dogs and Cats in shelters...just praying and hoping for a loving home!...I know it hurts...but the fact you have lost an animal you loved dearly, has made you who you are!...it is selfish to consider ones own feelings, when you may be in a position, to rehome a cat or dog who needs you!...would you not marry the person you love, or have children, merely because you may lose them someday?




    Sorry for your loss Widow. I've had to put a number of pets down to old age and it's never easy but it doesn't deter me from adopting again. I figure I can give one animal at a time a 'good life' and I get much in return through loyalty and companionship.



    I try to explain about the mice problem, but Fafhrd remains convinced that computers only freeze up because there's no one to keep the keyboard warm.


    My cat sometimes walks on my keyboard at the most inopportune times but what's one to do? He wants to be close to me so I can't get mad at that. He's a cute kitty that Fafhrd.


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