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Posts posted by Shiloh

  1. Some fine looking cats their gents. :good:


    This is my little buddy Charlie. I adopted him from the vet as a surprise for my wife just shortly after her 19-year-old cat died. He was found in a litter of cats outside in the back of an old pickup truck so I don't really know his heritage. He's 6.5 years old and weighs in at a solid 19 lbs. The kids give him a wide berth as he's been known to swipe with claws extended but overall he has a nice spirit with a good touch of wild in him. He's a good hunter although he doesn't do it that much anymore and I once saw him back a bulldog into a corner and stand guard over him until I wrangled him up.


    Because he has an ornery side I've had to learn about his body-language and feel I understand him even better as a result. It's amazing how much they communicate with their bodies. He wanders a few times a year and is gone for a week or more but he always comes back.



  2. ATI improves Skyrim PC support

    7:24 AM - APY- 0 Comments If you've been playing Skyrim on PC with an ATI graphics card, you should give the new 12.1 drivers a try. There's a couple general improvements, but they also added some Skyrim tweaks:

    Improves performance (10-15%) in Elder Scrolls: Skyrim when Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing is enabled on the AMD Radeon™ HD 6900 Series for single GPU and AMD CrossfireX configurations



    Thanks Hellshade. I've been having graphic issues lately across OFF, LA Noire and Skyrim. My screen splits in two sometimes clean but often with serious noise across my screen. Sometimes it's grey with lines through it and I always have to reboot. Maybe it's an issue with the latest drivers as it started happening around 11.11 release? I tried rolling back to earlier drivers but I'm still have the same issues. I'm giving this one a try on my 6850 card and we'll see what happens.

  3. Talk to all the NPCs you meet. Many of them give very simple MISC quests like delivering something to somebody else in town, which usually get you 100 or more. Then go crawl dungeons, kill stuff, take the loot, and sell it. That's where the big money is.


    If you're after the Whiterun house, I recommend not buying until you've got about 6600 in your pocket. This is because the place is a rat-infested ruin until you buy various upgrades. Only 1 chest, although it holds a lot and you CAN just dump the other stuff on the floor. However, it's way better to have more containers to sort stuff by type, so upgrades are worth it. All the upgrades cost about 1500, but you don't have to spend 500 on the alchemy lab unless you're too lazy to walk up the hill to the alchemy shop or the wizard's room in Dragonsreach.


    I've just been getting rid of loot as I don't know what to do with it. Who can I sell it to?


    Can you simply commit a robbery?


    You can kill someone and take their Gold but they rarely have more than 2-10 pieces or so.

  4. Wow guys - WOW! :drinks:


    That was simply fantastic! The musical score is fantastic and fits just right. The AI seemed to perfom really well, especially when down low to the ground. The Gothas look amazing and the details of the terrain are great! The OFF manger looks superb and it really takes you back in time.


    I've been following the updates all along but this really gave us a nice look of what to expect and I must say it exceeds my expectations which are very high to begin with. Nice work men! :salute:

  5. Alright, I'm finally getting into the Skyrim groove. I fought and killed my first dragon and it was thrilling to say the least. :yikes: He was badly injured and on the ground after I put a bunch of arrows in him and he still came at me as I back-tracked and fired more. Then he flamed me when he had only a sliver of life left and that was how I got killed on my first attempt. I got him on the second try.


    My nord character Saxe is starting to find an identity for himself; as an up close-and-personal brawler yet he's stealthy and has a nice touch with the bow. I'm currently a level 4. Here are some screenies:


    Is it worth having the 'cat-people' teach me additional stealth for 250 gold?







  6. I would say Thief Deadly Shadows ia the one for me.The game has a wonderful atmosphere about it and i would often get so immersed in it that i forgot all about time.Ive lost count how many times i have replayed it.The graphics are probably a little dated now by todays standards but still not bad.

    I dont really buy game anymore but have got into the Assassins Creed series and really enjoy them.




    I have to agree with this Hector. A fine title that flew beneath the radar a bit.

  7. Also look at this:



    I've seen reports of big improvement with this workaround.


    Edit: The guy's dropbox seems to be overflowed with traffic. :cool:

    Here another link: http://www.gamefront.../files/21041862


    This is really sign that the game was ported. Black bars and cap at 30fps because of the lousy consoles.


    This worked VP. :good:


    I utilized the ArtMoney app off the second link and it did a great job of smoothing out the hiccups. I changed the cap to 60 FPS and it seemed to do the trick. I still CTD twice over an hour period - usually with fast driving - but overall I'm happy with the difference. I just finished an incredible car chase through the aqueducts of L.A. and was quite surprised with how exciting it was. Here are my settings which are mostly maxed out but I set AA one notch down from the best settings and also shadows as well. Thanks buddy for helping me out and now I can enjoy this wonderful game.





    Thanks VP....I honestly havent had any issues myself... Just one of those 'throws of the Dice' I guess


    That's good Widow. There's nothing worse than wanting to enjoy a game and running into performance issues. :this: Thanks for your help!

  8. Well, not for everyone, but worked for me on Nvidia and Dual-Core


    I get the impression it's a CPU core problem, rather than Graphics Card...but give it a try m8




    I tried this - maybe it helped a little? :dntknw: I'll keep testing it and many thanks Widow!


    Shiloh, try this.



    Don't use the other workaround that them mentioned in this thread. It's not for 6xxx series.


    I'll give this a look. Thanks VP!


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