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Posts posted by Shiloh

  1. What graphic card you have, Shiloh?



    Here's all my specs VP:


    - MSI M/B K9A2CF-F AMD 790X

    - AMD Athlon II X4 640 Quad-Core 3.0 GHz

    - 4GB RAM

    - Seagate Barracuda 250GB Sata HD (7200 rpm)

    - Samsung Spinpoint TB HD (7200 RPM)

    - DVDRW/CDRW drive

    - Corsair 650TX 650W ATX12V

    - GIGABYTE Radeon 6850 HD video card

    - Windows Vista Home Premium (32-bit)

    - Dell 22" monitor (max res 1680 x 1050)

  2. This is a fine game Widow. I just downloaded, have played a few hours and already I'm more into it than Skyrim. Strange. :dntknw: Beating people up is a lot of fun and the facial animations and voiceover are amazing. I like to try and tell when people are lying.


    I am getting the stuttering issues however and will have to troubleshoot a bit. I haven't measured FPS but it gets pretty low at times. It doesn't really affect my enjoyment of the game all that much as it's pretty minor but for a brand new game, I shouldn't have to deal with it. Did you say you modified something to fix your issues?

  3. It's snowed twice here in New England with the first storm causing widespread damage and power-outages. My sister lost power for more than a week and my brother and father stayed with me for 4 days. The weight of the snow/ice coupled with the fact that there were still leaves on the trees made for a disastrous combination. Then maybe 2" of snow the day before Thanksgiving. It's going to be high 50's today though with sunshine which is balmy for this time of year. :good:

  4. Welcome board the Skyrim train Shiloh. It's helping to pass the days and weeks (months?) until P4 ships!


    I traded in Lydia for a Thief type companion who dual wields weapons quite nicely. She isn't as sturdy as Lydia, obviously, but she's a bit like blender with a weapon in each hand, carving up the bad guys in no time at all. She also seems to set off a lot fewer traps than Lydia tended to, which is a big plus.




    Thanks Hellshade for introducing me to the game - loads of fun so far. How do I get a companion? I'm near the end of level 1 right now.

  5. Thank you Widow, Lou, Von Paulus and all for Happy Thanksgiving wishes. At my dinner table, each person is given a card and asked to write what they are most thankful for and then elaborate on it. For me it's easy. It's my wife and children and all my family being healthy. And as Hellshade so eloquently noted, I am thankful for this wonderful forum and for all of you - my good friends.


    Best wishes everyone for a Happy Thanksgiving! :drinks:

  6. I see wings torn off all the time. You just need to run into other planes more often. :grin:


    I run into them often enough Jarhead. :grin: Here is my D.VII which was very flyable even after this damage. The long piece on the tip was actually flapping back and forth as I flew.



  7. I did some research and it looks like something I'd like to try. I haven't seen anything about performance issues on the PC but one would hope if there were issues on release, it would be patched by now. Can be had on Amazon for $33. so it's worth looking into.

  8. Thanks for posting Olham! This is very valuable and as a relatively new flier, I need to remind myself of these things.


    As far as OFF is concerned, I don't necessarily agree with 3) Fire only at close range. A good deal of my kills are made possible by firing at distance and weakening the enemy craft to the point that they lose maneuverability, and then move in for the kill when they can only fly more-or-less straight-and-level. Recently I fought with my D.VII against Spad XIII craft and I couldn't keep up with their speed to save my life. Only by firing at distance at first could I then weaken, and then set them up for the kill.

  9. I was doing some research on Mannock as I fly with him in RFC-74 and I came across his rules of engagement. Most of it is common knowledge now but they serve as helpful reminders when we take to the skies Over Flanders Fields.


    1. Pilots must dive to attack with zest, and must hold their fire until they get within one hundred yards of their target.
    2. Achieve surprise by approaching from the East. (From the German side of the front.)
    3. Utilise the sun's glare and clouds to achieve surprise.
    4. Pilots must keep physically fit by exercise and the moderate use of stimulants.
    5. Pilots must sight their guns and practise as much as possible as targets are normally fleeting.
    6. Pilots must practise spotting machines in the air and recognising them at long range, and every aeroplane is to be treated as an enemy until it is certain it is not.
    7. Pilots must learn where the enemy's blind spots are.
    8. Scouts must be attacked from above and two-seaters from beneath their tails.
    9. Pilots must practise quick turns, as this manoeuvre is more used than any other in a fight.
    10. Pilots must practise judging distances in the air as these are very deceptive.
    11. Decoys must be guarded against — a single enemy is often a decoy — therefore the air above should be searched before attacking.
    12. If the day is sunny, machines should be turned with as little bank as possible, otherwise the sun glistening on the wings will give away their presence at a long range.
    13. Pilots must keep turning in a dog fightand never fly straight except when firing.
    14. Pilots must never, under any circumstances, dive away from an enemy, as he gives his opponent a non-deflection-shot— bullets are faster than aeroplanes.
    15. Pilots must keep their eye on their watches during patrols, and on the direction and strength of the wind.

  10. As far as I know the accounts have been already approved so there should be no problems viewing posts or even posting. The good thing with this forum is, you don't have to be a Photoshop expert to post there, any screenshot you feel looks special will work. But the best part is, if you like to become better, edit, compose, learn new tricks etc, it's just the right place to start! It's pretty much a place of friends sharing common interests, just like the forum here.


    I just checked back and now I can view photos fine. There must be a few minute period where they have to get our account up-and-running before we can view. Fantastic! :good: Currently there are not that many members so let's go take that forum over men! :salute:

  11. I guess we have to wait until we are granted permission Olham as I got this message after registering.


    Thank you Shiloh. Your registration has been successful. The administrator wishes to preview all new registered accounts before posting permissions are granted. The administrator has been notified of your registration.

  12. Very nice Hellshade. That Lydia is a keeper! She goes in there and engages and then you can do damage from distance. It reminds me of when my wife and I play Halo. She runs into combat like a banshee and I hang back and we're the perfect team. That scene on the snowy mountain around 4:40 was epic including the sound effects of walking in the snow. You guys are slowly making me realize this game is a must have. I'm not sure when but at some point I'll definitely take the plunge. Right now I'm playing some Batman: Arkham Asylum to fill the void as I never really got started with it way back when.

  13. That's amazing and lucky for these towns. I live in a small village of perhaps 2,500 people and men have been lost in every major engagement going back to the American Civil War in the 1860's. The village was around during the Revolutionary war (1770's) but I can't say for sure whether any were lost.

  14. There's a way to move all Steam games.


    But to move individually, I don't know.



    Indeed ... I have moved all my games to a different HDD in the past..but, I believe..it's all games only


    PS...Anyone know where the savegames for skyrim are stored? (Windows 7)


    I too went through this process some time back and it works great. Once you follow the steps Steam will automatically install downloads to the new location. I would think that when you do the copying over that you could leave a game or two behind and in essence, split up your games onto various drives but I'm not 100%.


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