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Posts posted by Shiloh

  1. I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to these things and I would like to see these battlefields as they appeared during the battle. I understand the need for monuments to pay tribute to certain regiments/individuals etc. but I thought they could have been done in a more subtle way. Perhaps if they did plaques so that when you come up on it, it can be viewed but when you scan the battlefield, they could not be seen.


    They could also do signage in an old look of the period, and make the roads gravel rather than paved so at least they are functional, and look closer to the way they appeared at the time. The number one thing that ruins my experience at historic sites, national parks, etc. is cars/trucks/buses - can't stand to see the blatantly modern mixed in with an earlier period.


    In essence, I want to see the battlefield in it's purest form with no hint of modern day but do understand that's nearly impossible.

  2. Thanks John for your kind words and feedback.


    There is always something special in visiting places such as these and I have a trip planned to Gettysburg the second week of September. I am going alone as I want to "feel" the place and not be distracted from long moments of reflection. I would like to visit Wilson's Creek at some point as I do appreciate places that have been preserved. One goal I have is to visit all of the major Civil War battlefields and photograph each one to preserve their current states - you never know when Walmart might move in and these places are always in danger of being lost.


    They are doing a lot of work at Gettysburg right now to gain back land and restore the battlefield to the condition it was in at the time of the battle - no easy task - but invaluable in teaching people about the role geography played in these battles.


    I do hope to continue my work in teaching the next generation about a period of time that was so important in shaping our country so I'll keep up the site, and continue on with some videos that hopefully reach the younger crowd. And yes, my screen name is a tribute to the battle bearing that name. In Hebrew I believe it means "place of peace" which is a sad irony to this battle.


    Thanks again. :salute:

  3. I used to edit video semi-professionally (on a Mac with Final Cut Pro) and did much research into a software that I could edit with on my PC that was relatively powerful, simple to use and affordable. Power Director is all of those things and I believe it only cost $90. when I purchased last year. Good luck my friend and let me know if you have any more questions.

  4. No bother at all Widow. I'm using replays to capture all the video using Fraps. To get rid of the the junk, go to "user interface" in settings, and set everything to "never" dropdown. It leaves 2 things that I don't know how to get rid of; map and play/rewind,slo-mo, etc. I get rid of those in edit by using the crop video tool in Power Director, the software I use to edit my PC videos. Now I suspect there must be a way to remove these items in the preferences file perhaps? I did look but was not able to figure out how to remove those but maybe you could give it a look and see something that I'm not.

  5. Stunning Shiloh!...was this the Blue and the Grey Mod for Empire?



    Is that a 'blood' mod too?...or does it come included?...and how did you get those camera views?


    Thank you Widow! Yes it's that mod found on twcenter.net. They are currently working on the same mod for NTW and that will be fantastic given the more stable engine and the fact that we'll get some random faces in there - hate the same face on all soldiers. The blood mod comes included and if you go into the preferences file, you can "debug" the camera view that will provided the flexibility for any angle. Here are instructions on how to do it.


    To debug camera in Shogun 2 or other TW games:

    1) You will need to access preferences.script file

    2) The file can be found at C:\Documents and Settings\(Administrator)\Appli­cation Data\The Creative Assembly\shogun2\scripts - (Administrator) is your specific computer name

    3) Just replace shogun2 with Napoleon or Empire in step 2) depending on the game you're playing

    4) Open preferences.script with notepad, and then look for a line entitled default_camera_type

    5) The line should read: default_camera_type 2; # default_battle_camera <card32>, default

    battle camera: 0-totalwar 1-rts 2-debug #

    6) Make sure the default_camera_type is set to 2

    7) Once changed go to "save as" and save over the original preferences file

    8) Launch game to play with debugged camera




    That is really quite amazing Shiloh. Very, very well done Sir. And I can't get over the sim graphics in that...wowzers.




    Thank you kindly Lou - your feedback is always greatly appreciated. As mentioned above the new mod the team will be coming out with will be even more fantastic (better graphics, effects, etc.) and I will surely build some new Civil War videos once that is complete.

  6. I know exactly what you mean Lou. Sometimes I just get lost in my thoughts up there and I feel truly free from life's daily worries. As a full-time dad the kids really wear on me sometimes but when I sit down to fly, they know that it's "daddy's time" and typically give me wide berth. They know it's my time to relax and I always seem to feel much better when my flight is over - it's freeing in a way.


    Happy flights men. :salute:

  7. Thank you all, guys - keep your crates aloft and in one piece, 'till I return!


    Hasse Wind, if one of us would win the lottery, he could invite the other for an America journey.

    I guess we might get on well together, cause I'd also like to see historical places there, and old

    towns like Charlotte; the Smithsonian Institute alone would take at least three days.

    So much to see there. I'd like to travel on an old highway from east to west.

    So, let's fill in a lottery ticket! Dream-tax.



    Make sure you guys look me up when you get here as I would like to see those places too.

  8. I have just completed a video on the Battle of Gettysburg for my educational website. For now it is only posted on YouTube but will be posted to the site shortly. I can't figure out how to post a YouTube video here so you'll have to go to this link to check it out. Its intent is to draw a younger viewer in and perhaps they will read on and learn from about the American Civil War.


    Enjoy gentlemen. :good:


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